September 09, 2024


Unsigned518 presents: A Special Episode on Gussapolooza with Russ Robson

Hosted by

Andy Scullin
Unsigned518 presents: A Special Episode on Gussapolooza with Russ Robson
Unsigned518 presents: A Special Episode on Gussapolooza with Russ Robson

Sep 09 2024 | 00:41:00


Show Notes

On this episode, I speak with Russ Robson, co-founder of Gussapolooza, ahead of my trip up to Canada to participate in this festivities. After this conversation, I was very interested in the festival, and I hope you will be, as well. After all, the festival is all about supporting unsigned musicians and bands. I will give a full report when I am back from Ontario, and will even have a post-Gussapolooza episode, I'm sure, but without further ado, check out my special episode on Gussapolooza with co-founder Russ Robson.
This episode features music from Fortunate Losers and Cigar Club.
Fortunate Losers on Spotify -
Cigar Club on Spotify -
Unsigned518 theme song written and performed by simplemachine. Outro music written and performed by ShortWave RadioBand

simplemachine on Spotify -

ShortWave RadioBand on Spotify -

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:01] Speaker A: He was born on a Saturday in. [00:00:03] Speaker B: 73 he loves park rock music. [00:00:05] Speaker A: Beside him right now on the beast. [00:00:10] Speaker B: Guitar with a short whip radio back his motherfucking Andy scolding look at motherfucker cuz here he comes Andy scrolling, wearing. [00:00:25] Speaker C: His own welcome to unsigned 518. I am here virtually with Russ Robson, founder and, I guess, pinnacle of Gusapalooza. How's it going, man? [00:00:40] Speaker A: Good, brother. Thanks for having me, man. [00:00:43] Speaker C: Well, you know, thanks for introducing me to, you know, we'll get into what Gusapalooza is. I've obviously become very familiar with it over, like, the last couple months. I've talked about it. You know, a lot of my listeners in circle know what it is, but. But we'll get into that. But I wanted to just start before we introduce everybody to you and what the festival is. You'd literally just sent me a message and was like, hey, I do this festival of unsigned musicians, and I want to invite you up to Ontario, Canada to come to this festival. And I think I said yes within, like, a day. I think it was like a day or so. I basically just, like, showed it to my wife. Wife. And I was like, what do you think? She was like, what do you think? And I'm like, I want to fucking go. She was like, go. So that's like, how I found out about it. Like, you literally were just like, come. So thank you for, you know, for bringing not only my attention to it, but literally bringing me to it. And I'm gonna do a bunch of live podcasts or not live podcasts, but, you know, gonna record a bunch of podcasts there on site, and I'm gonna try to, like, coordinate it, catching bands, you know, either before they play or after they play, kind of like, when they're organically on the grounds. And I'm just. I'm so excited. Like, my. My buddy that I grew up with, we've been in radio together since the nineties. He's coming with me to be, like, my. My assistant and to hold down the booth while I'm doing recordings. Like, gonna be. It's gonna be sick. But I guess, enough about me. Let's get into, you know, how Gusapalooza came about, and I guess go back, like, as far as you want to and tell the story however you want, kind of leading up to where we are today. [00:02:49] Speaker A: Absolutely. And, yeah, I was so happy to find. So I was actually in Mexico. My wife and I were in Mexico touring around when I found your content, and I saw what you were doing for unsigned artists. In your area, and you're exactly what we're looking to connect with. Exactly. People exactly like you who know something needs to be done for emerging artists and who are donating their time and their efforts into creating a platform for artists to get discovered, you know, thank you for, for doing that and putting it out there for us to find and, yeah, as soon as we, I felt like it was stepbrothers. As soon as we started talking, we're like, oh, man, we just best friends. [00:03:37] Speaker C: Yeah. And it was over email. Like, we hadn't even, like, seen what each other like, it was literally just over emailed. I was like, dude, I'm so stoked we're gonna be rocking this shit. And I'm like, I could be talking like a 90 year old for all I know. [00:03:48] Speaker A: But, like, yeah, man. And you know what? It's, it's such a cool thing because I find that the people that we've connected with, like you, it's just we're all in it for the same reasons. We're in it to see a beautiful scene and to make opportunities, and those kind of people are just, they're just diamonds. So it's like, it's just gonna, you know, we're so excited for this, for this festival and to, you know, connect and keep on keeping on with our newfound friends and try to inspire more and more people to get on board with what we're all kind of doing. But I'll tell you a little bit more about the festival. So I'm a traveling musician. I was, you know, I'm a singer songwriter, and I've been touring around for a long time. I lived in a motor home and toured up and through North America, lived all over the states, lived all over Canada, met a lot of interesting folks on the road, and I met a lot of artists. So as a traveling musician, if you're, you know, new to a new city or a new town, the first thing you do is you go to an open mic or you try to book a show, and you end up meeting a lot of people involved in a scene, and they become your new best friends because you kind of roll in by yourself, and all of a sudden, at the end of the open mic, you're going to a house party and you meet, you know, you meet the singer songwriters and the, and the members of that community. So I always got to meet so many amazing musicians with such amazing stories from city to city, and it always stayed with me. And I noticed, you know, when I went to the bigger cities, I ran into so many artists who had left small town USA, small town Canada, in search of more opportunities. And it was. I was living in Los Angeles, and I remember I went to. I was going to open mics in West Hollywood and a few. The open mics were different in California and West Hollywood anyways, because there was a lot of comedians, you know, more. So. More comedians than musicians. For the first time I'd ever noticed, you know, so I'd always sit there and. And just. I was so entertaining watching these guys get up and just, you know, try to make the crowd laugh, and then you get up with your sad songs, you know, in the middle of this. It's such a strange dynamic, but so much fun, you know? And what I. What I found was a lot of. A lot of the comedians were heading up to just for laughs comedy fest in Montreal from Los Angeles, and a lot of us were headed down there. So it was almost like comedians were passing musicians on the highway in search of opportunity. And I always thought it was so cool that a, you know, a festival could offer just as much opportunity as an entire city could. So that always kind of stayed with me. And anyways, I ended up moving back to the Toronto area where I grew up in around 2017, and came back to be with some family, been on the road for many years, and. And, you know, just wanted to. Life was going by, and so we had signed up. I got invited to go out and play a music festival with Willie Nelson and Toby Keith called Rock and River Music Festival. And I got out there and met the people running that music festival, and it was just so cool. It was a family, you know, family running it, and I think they got bought up by Live Nation recently, but I was just in love with the idea that these guys put this thing all together. So, anyways, we ended up, me and some BC bands from the west coast ended up touring back to the Toronto area. And when we got back in the end of September, we decided to throw a celebration in the backyard. It was supposed to be for one day. It was going to be a one day gig, and we were just going to have a party. We're going to get some sound equipment and play some music. So we put an open call out on Facebook, and we had so many bands reach out to us, you know, we were like, hey, if you got a band in the area, come out and play. We're gonna have this party. And we had, like, 50 bands get back to us and say, hey, we want to play, you know? And so the one day event turned into a three day event. And then we had a taco truck show up. And boof. We had showed up. Yeah, we had. A friend of mine that I had met on the west coast had saw the post on, on Facebook, and he's like, hey, dude. He's like, I got this taco truck going. He's like, I want to come. And, and actually, that taco truck's been with us ever since Paco's tacos. So we, we had, after that, it was just kind of a backyard bash, you know, and I had a lot of musicians reaching out to me saying, hey, there's not, there's nothing like this for us indie artists here. You know, there's all these big festivals with these big names, but there's no, there's nothing here for us. So we kept on going. We did it again after a quest and about 2019, we decided to get serious with it. And we'd outgrown our acreage. We had it on five acres and we'd outgrown it. So we found a new place, which was 48 acres. They had a full rv park, and they had enough property for us to grow and keep going there right when the pandemic happened. So we, we survived the pandemic, and in 2022, we invited 75 bands out. We had 75 bands playing three days. And that was our, that was kind of our first big real year because that's when we had sponsors, we had mobile stages, and, and we could really, actually offer some really cool stuff. And then fast forward to 2024. We got 2000 submissions from across North America this year from bands from LA, Austin, Texas, New York City, across Canada, from Newfoundland to Victoria, all the way up in the Yukon of bands who want to jump in a van and head out to where our stages are so they can play their original music. And so we're always trying to be the most purposeful and opportunistic festival around. What we want to do is try to create real opportunities for emerging bands to come out, play their original music, and get them in front of the right people. And that's what we're working hard to do. So this year we've invited record labels, podcasts, radio stations, Internet radio stations, anybody with skin in the game. We actually have a convention for them to come out. You know, we've got exciting. They're called Jamstack. They're going to be joining us this year. They make an amplifier that musicians can plug right into their cell phone, and it burns the audio right into their music videos. They're going to be coming out, giving their products away, looking to show their products to emerging music. So it's just, it's this. It's like bringing the whole scene together because, you know, you can't have a launch pad without a scene behind you. So we. We want to get anybody with a publication, any kind of music journalists, anybody who's got any kind of skin in the game. We're trying to get them out and join us, you know, and they could be from across North America, because it's all these little pockets of all these amazing people I've met throughout my life, and we're all connected. We all need to travel. We all need to grow. So it's kind of like this big celebration of people who are looking to pursue magic in their lives. And that's really what we're trying to do. [00:11:12] Speaker C: And you probably don't realize this, but I created a new show basically based off Gusapalooza. And, you know, now I have a show where I'm basically. It's the same thing that I do locally in the 518, but it's over the phone. It's remotely. It's, you know, and now I have bands like my. I'm on, like, episode four. It's called the Unsigned Unwind. But I've had a band from Detroit, from, like, Lansing, Michigan, Portland, Oregon, Nashville, like, just, you know, all over the. I haven't gotten into Canada yet, but it's funny because I do. The tagline is local music across us and Canada. So canadian bands definitely hit us up. But. And you had a huge part in that because I was like, huh? I could just reach out to all these other pockets of local bands that are everywhere and kind of bring them together because, like you said, you got to travel, you know, and if you're, like, going to this city and I know three bands there, you know, like, if you can create real life connections, it makes it makes it, like, all worth it, though. [00:12:28] Speaker A: And that's exactly what it's, you know, it's so cool to see because since we've been doing the festival, we have had bands from the west coast, bands from the east coast, and they tour together. You know, when they're going to town, they've got couches to stay on, you know, and it's. It's like, it's really connecting these amazing people from all over. And it's so cool, dude. And it's so cool to hear that we could inspire something like that as well. And that's really, you know, what we're looking to do is just like, what happens when we bring all these amazing people together, people who are dreamers, really, because, um, you know, you really gotta be brave and follow your heart to consider a career in music and entertainment. It's no easy feat. And it's like, how can we? And it all happens with community. It's like somebody, we all need each other. And that's one of the intents with Gusapalooza, too, is like, not everybody's a musician, but some people are talented videographers, some people are talented, you know, and, like, I got friends in film, and they sometimes they'll make a documentary and be like, hey, russ, can I use one of your songs? Songs? I'm like, absolutely. You know, I'd love. And they can promote you through their work. And then all of a sudden, hey, I might need a music video someday. So I call them up. I'm like, hey, would you mind hitting me back? And they're like, absolutely, you know, or this visual artist who can create you an amazing album cover, you know? And it's like when you look at some of the best work out there, some of your favorite albums, you're like, how did that happen? And it's all through these networks, you know, of people who find each other, and then all of a sudden this magic happens. So when I was young, starting out as a songwriter, you know, I played every little hole in the wall from here to, you know, pretty much chula vista, dude, you know, from Newfoundland to Chula Vista, man. And I always kind of, I never knew that. I never knew music business, so I had this great art, but I didn't know how to make it into a product and how to market it. And I was much older by the time I started smartening up and realizing, hey, I got to get my act together here. And so I always wanted to provide that opportunity to emerging artists who don't know really where to go or how to build a team. It's like, how cool could it be if you could just show up to an event and find your manager or find all these amazing people who can hook you up with a gig, find other event organizers who are looking for talented, you know, and you can build a team, and then you can, you can get all this knowledge from people in the business who are like, hey, kid, you got to do this. You know, you guys, I like what you're doing. You got a great product, but you got to get it to market. And that's one of the things is a big side of the festival is education. So that's. We do seminars as well, and we're trying to arm these, these emerging bands with. With the right tools, you know, hey, what can AI do for you? We're doing an AI seminar, you know, and. And what are you not thinking of yet? Because it's cool that you've got this amazing band, but how do we get you from where you are to where you need to be? And how can we do that for cheap, like the price of a festival ticket cheap. [00:15:39] Speaker C: Right. You know, and, like, do you, you know? Cause a lot of things that I've found, you know, working with so many local bands over the last couple of years around here and, you know, myself, too, I'm also in a local band, but there's, like, different levels of what people want to achieve. Not everybody wants to, quote unquote, make it and, you know, get out of this town and become, you know, the biggest band and play arenas. Like, you know, some people literally just want to something as simple as just replace the day job, you know, like, I was talking to someone the other day or going through old interviews, and someone basically was like, just want to, like, I don't want to get rich. I would just like to take the money that I make in my day job, keep that same money, but just make art instead. So, like, do you have. I mean, are there, like, different levels, basically, of guidance, you know, guidance towards whatever goal? [00:16:39] Speaker A: Yeah, I mean, it's totally pick your own adventure, and that's what life is, man. You know, you pick your own adventure. You go at whatever rate you want to go at, you know? But I. If you. If you have the, you know, if you have the drive or if you want to succeed or go farther, you know, it should be an option there for you. But, hey, if you. If you're happy, absolutely. But, I mean, I think all of us as artists, you can't ever lose that passion. And that's the most beautiful thing you could hear say, I just want to play music. You know, that's. That's exactly what we're all doing. We just want to be able to play music and put the time into it, you know? So it's definitely, it's any, like, I often tell people this, and it was told to me a long time ago, it's like, it doesn't matter if you're. You're creating a new shoe or a piece of art, it's still a product. You're creating a product, you know, and it's up to you what you want to do with that product, you could have the best, best shoe or best product in the world. But if nobody knows about it, it's not going to go too far. You're not going to help that many people with it, you know? So it all depends. If you're looking to get your art in front of a lot of people, you need to. You need to really consider the business side of things. And if you want to be self sustainable, I think most of us have worked a nine to five job. I've worked all over the place. I was in the oil sands. I've worked in auto manufacturing. You know that scene in eight mile where m and m is on that punch press? You know, that was me, man. I was on one of those things. And it was, it's brutal, you know, watching the time go by in your life being doing something you don't want to do. And I think it was Jim Carrey who said, you know, you can fail at what you don't want to do, so why not try something you want to do? You know, I'd rather fail at something I want to do than fail at something I don't want to do. And I think a lot of us at this age have learned that already with the zero eight crash. And, you know, even in recent times, you know, you don't know what the world's gonna hold for you. But let's not waste time, you know, let's. Let's do what we can when we got the time to do it. And I think, yeah, I just. Making art and creativity is such a great way to spend life. So I try to try to make a canvas where everybody can come out and paint something on it. [00:18:59] Speaker C: Yeah, I. For 01:00 a.m. so excited, like, so excited to come. And I got an Airbnb like, like a mile and a half down the road or something like that. It was like a very, very close, right on that same road. And I do want to talk more about, like, the festival and kind of who's playing and hit some highlights. But right now, I think we should play a song from an artist that will be at gusapalooza 2024. So what do we get? [00:19:28] Speaker A: Absolutely. So I would highly suggest the fortunate losers. They're one of our award winners. So every year we hand out some big awards to some bands who we're very excited for and who we have a team that looks at their credentials, what they've done before the festival, when they come out, and when they, when they bring it, we give them, we give them some awards. And this year we're bringing back this band. They're called the fortunate Losers, and this song is called taste. And they're out of a place called Sudbury, Ontario, Canada. And have a listen to this. [00:20:01] Speaker C: All right, so let's check out taste from the fortunate losers, and then we'll be right back to talk some more with Russe. [00:20:09] Speaker B: I've sacrificed, however since you have been with both fingertips only cause you check your pulse to pass the time to all the rest I do come back down you living on the rubber bed stretch around the side. [00:21:10] Speaker C: Live for what. [00:21:12] Speaker B: You know if you dare? Cause all I need is a reminding of a melody from how we used to say living under upper Bede stretch around the town anytime you understand why I'm dare to tell you? I'm there to tell you why I'm there to tell you? Living undertime you understand why I take. [00:23:30] Speaker C: All right, that was taste the fortunate losers and their. I be at Gustav Luza 2024, and I'm actually going to be there as well. So I guess where. For anybody who does not know, where exactly is the grounds? The festival? Because I know. Because I like on Google Earth and shit. Like, I feel like I know that fucking town now because I was like, there's the festival grounds. There's where the Airbnb is. There's the dispensary. No, so where is the. The actual grounds? [00:24:04] Speaker A: Like, so the grounds is in a little town called Cookstown, Ontario. And we chose that location because it's. There's two major highways that come out of Toronto. One is the 404, one's the 400, and they both run north. And Cookstown is just right off of the 400 highway. So it's like, not even an hour drive from downtown Toronto. It's like 45 minutes straight up the highway, and it's central to Ontario. So we got, you know, bands from Ottawa or Sarnia or New York. It's all the same distance, you know, to get there. If you're. If you're in that vicinity, it's pretty easy to get there. And it's around the same. Around the same distance for everybody. So it was great. The town really kind of opened up their arms to us. It's just this. It is really just a small town. It's nothing. There are not very many people there. And then there was this. There was this event grounds just outside of it, and you can basically see the event grounds from downtown, and it's called the Georgian Bay Steam show grounds. And they've held a steam show tractor event there. For the last 60 years. So they've got these old steam tractors kicking around. They invited me out to their show one time and I was like, oh, this is so cool. This is something out of like, burning man. Because they got these old tractors and it takes like five guys to run one of these things. One guy's shoveling coal in them, you know, and I'm like, can we please have one of those driving around at the event? Like they're just, they're out of a movie, you know, just like straight, like a steampunk, you know, so there's a perfect fit for us. They had on site buildings, so we, they've got a 30 foot by 80 foot kind of barn. And in there we put our stage for our seminars. We do acoustic sets, we get bands playing there, and then we do our comedy show as well. And a comedy is a big part of the event, so, yeah, it's such a great place for us. They got an rv park, they've got on site showers, and it's, they got a little creek in the back, too. So if anybody wants to take a dip, if it's, if it's, if it's not, if it's not too hot, hopefully, you know. But yeah, man, you know, you were. [00:26:16] Speaker C: Saying it's kind of central. I mean, I, you know, when I first was like, oh, you know, Ontario thinking that's. But I mean, it's only like, I mean, it's an eight hour drive, which is not amazing, but it looks like such an easy drive, you know what I mean? It's just like, go over up there and we're going to get there, I think, because it's what, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, right? Yeah. So we're going to get there like midday Friday because we're going to leave, you know, crack a dawn by like 04:00 a.m. friday. And then I get there midday Friday and set up. And then, like I said, I'm just gonna try to do some podcast. You know, I have a mobile pot. It'd be the same shit that I'm using right now, but. And I was thinking I'll use my. I'll have my car. You know where the booth is. I'll have my car. And it, it's a soundproof booth. I could bring just like a couple of, couple of acoustic tiles, put them on the windshield. Boom, mobile podcast. [00:27:14] Speaker A: There you go, man. Absolutely. You know what? That's, that's so cool. And that's what we're looking to do, you know? Absolutely. You're we're always trying to, you know, create that space. We want people to know about your podcast, what you're doing. You know, we want all the bands to know and submit so you can, you can check them out. And like I said, you know, we're excited to have you out and excited to, for other people to network, you know, who knows what's going to happen? Maybe you'll have a tech company or some sort of corporation want to sponsor the show. So it's really a really cool space to find that. And everybody's looking to network, and I think it's really up to us to create our own scene here, and we're happy to help. [00:28:03] Speaker C: And I love how you were saying, because it is a music scene, but there are so many moving parts. Everything that you were saying I see directly in my 30 miles zone, like with the local scene here around like Saratoga, Albany, you know, all the photographers, you know, the journalists, you know, you know, the videographers, you know, the venue owners, the promoters, like, you know, it's not just the musicians. You need a community, and a music community is more than just musicians. [00:28:37] Speaker A: Yeah, well, absolutely. It's, it's all these amazing people who like, are great writers, great people. Like, there's a difference between a guy running around with a camera and, and, and somebody with that eye to capture that, you know, who can see that? Who captures that, you know, we wouldn't have all the great videos and all the great stories or rolling Stone without these folks. You know, they, they've gotten so big, but there's so much room at the bottom for the next, you know, these next, these next magazines, these next great people. And it's just, you know, it's the forest floor, you know, and there's just going to be so much that sprouts up and what an amazing thing where you can go to another town and just know that there's a connection there, you know? You know, some managers, you can talk to a couple bands, you know, a couple venue owners who are like, hey, you know, we saw what you guys are doing and come on over, we'll set you up with a couple shows when you're in town. And it just creates this network of moving art because that's what needs to happen. It needs to be moving around and flowing, you know, like a, like a just beautiful artistic river of creativity, you know, so, and that's, that's exactly what, that's what life's all about, is just about connections and, and about sharing art and about seeing the world, too. Seeing. Getting out, seeing. Canada's beautiful. America's beautiful. [00:30:10] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:30:10] Speaker A: Mexico is beautiful. Yeah. [00:30:12] Speaker C: And I've never been like. I've never been. I've been like, you know, underneath, like, the great lakes, like, driving somewhere, whatever, but I've never gone, you know, north. I've never been up in that. In that area. I've never been anywhere near that area of Canada. I've always, you know, I've been to Montreal and that's basically because I grew up in Vermont and, you know, the drinking age is 18, so, you know, Montreal was only a three hour drive. [00:30:41] Speaker A: For us, so, yeah, that's. Montreal is a great city, too, you know, and it's, it's. It's. We got a lot of, you know, so many. We've had some great bands from Montreal come grace our stages. You know, they've got such a cool scene and, yeah, I mean, it's like North America. We're so lucky. And I can tell you, after living in Mexico this past, you know, seven months, we were down there when I discovered your content. It's amazing what North America and Canada and America and the UK and have given the world in terms of art, rush, the Stones, you know, just this amazing. The blues, rock and roll, you know, these are things that should be. Should be continued. And I think the next best thing has yet to come. And I think it just comes from everybody looking for that next thing, you know, looking to be creative and be free and free to create. And I think this is an amazing place in the world to do that. [00:31:51] Speaker C: So before we go, is there another Gussip loser artist that you want to showcase on the. On the episode? [00:31:58] Speaker A: Absolutely. There's a. There's a good band called Cigar Club and they are. They won our second. Our second highest award at Gusapalooza. But all the. All the bands are. They're really good and we're always excited to get more out. So we always want everybody to know, you know, for submissions. Guys, get your submissions in. Go to our website and sign up to the newsletter and get those submissions into us because we want to hear everybody from all over the place and. Yeah, but cigar Club is another one there. They're out of Toronto and these. These guys are rocking it. [00:32:35] Speaker C: And what's the name of the song we're gonna hear? [00:32:38] Speaker A: This one could be aliens. It's a good tune. They got a few, so, yeah, I think aliens. [00:32:47] Speaker C: Alright, sweet. Let's listen to aliens. Cigar club. And they'll be right back to wrap it up. [00:33:15] Speaker B: You always sleep on your toes, your butt drips? Rub your nose, your waste in line and then you shoot it back. You hate it. The same thing happens all the time when we show up, no other round, we bring you back? Wait, it's not happening? Wait, it's not happening? In the heat of the night, they take, they take me? The night, they take, they say fear nothing when the time is rattled in the little water keep the world at faith wait, it's not happening? Wait, it's not happening? In the heat of the night, they take, they take in the heat of the night, they take, they take, they take a Sadeena. [00:36:33] Speaker C: That was alien cigar club. And Russ, I want to thank you again so much. Not only for taking your time to talk to me today, for introducing me to Gusapalooza, for inviting me to Gusapalooza and just opening up a whole new, like, pandora's box of people that I can introduce to each other. Cause I had never even. It had never even crossed my mind to do a national show. Cause I was like, I always do my shit in person. And then I was like, well, I could just. So that. That one email or one DM in Instagram changed a lot of shit. So thank you for a whole bunch of stuff. But anyway, before we go, I just, like, I give. All my guests want to give you a chance to say what I refer to as your gratitude. So. Microphone is all yours? [00:37:27] Speaker A: Yeah, man. Well, like, thank you for. For having me on the show. Thank you for doing what you do in the area and. And shining a light on emerging artists. That's huge. The scene thanks you. And I'm sure there's a lot of bands kicking around there that have nothing but great things to say. So, you know, it's people like yourself that. That keep these scenes alive and well. And it takes. It takes a team. But my team is very bare bones. Me and my wife, Valerie, we organize the entire event, so we're working around the clock putting this thing on, and I couldn't do it without her. I. She's just an amazing woman. And, you know, the bands around here just love her to bits because she's usually answering your emails and all that stuff. She's the one that really sews it together. So a big thanks to Valerie Robson and a big thanks to all the bands who are willing to come from so far away, the people who are willing to travel to gather for this event. It's. It's so heartwarming. It's. It's amazing. And thank you for the. For the people who believe in music and following their hearts. It's not an easy, it's not an easy thing, especially at times like this. You know, food is not, is not cheap and neither is rent. And it takes a, it takes an amazingly brave person to follow their heart. And we just hope to be able to provide opportunities to such people and really just strengthen the scene, connect people across borders, connect artists across genres, and connect this entire scene of ours and see what happens. So I'm very thankful and grateful to be of service. And we have high hopes for Gusipalooza, and we're always looking to connect with great bands, great artists. So if you guys are out there, you've got, you know, if you're a visual artist, if you're a content creator, if you've got, you know, the next big station that's going to play and discover the next big artist, come on out. We want to, we want to have you out. We want to, we want to see what we can do to you and have a, get you in front of a new audience that can listen to you and check out your products and connect you with the people who need your services. So once again, thank you. And we'll see in September in Cookstown, Ontario, 13th, 14 and 15th for Gusapalooza music Festival. [00:39:59] Speaker C: Well, I'm super stoked to meet you and your wife in person. And I will, like I said, be there midday on day one of Gusllpalooza. And I'm excited to connect. I am Andy Scullen. This is unsigned 518. We'll see you on the road. Unsigned 518 is produced and hosted by me, Andy Scullen. New episodes are available every week wherever you stream podcast. If you'd like to help support the show, please like and subscribe wherever you are listening. Or you could buy me a [email protected]. unsigned 518 if you would like to advertise on the show, send me an email at unsigned 508 and to be a guest on the show, reach out to me through Instagram 518. Take care of one another and I'll see you next week. [00:40:52] Speaker B: And sculling.

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