Episode 127

June 11, 2024


Unsigned518 - Episode 127 - Sons of Eden

Hosted by

Andy Scullin
Unsigned518 - Episode 127 - Sons of Eden
Unsigned518 - Episode 127 - Sons of Eden

Jun 11 2024 | 00:34:33


Show Notes

Sons of Eden are a relatively new band that formed at Sienna college, but they have the sound, the determination and the songwriting chops to take the band far beyond their former campus halls. Influenced by the grunge sound of the early 90s, Sons of Eden's songs certainly flex that influence while adding their own flair to the mix. While they don't have anything released as of this episode, their first single is recorded and in the mixing phase, so it should be along shortly. They also went directly to a video shoot after leaving the Dazzle Den, so an accompanying video won't be far behind. Sons of Eden played 2 songs live in the Dazzle Den and if you would like to see a video performance of their song "Candlelight", you can check out my new youtube page at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJ0dRv9CWox-KM8wfKUSGvQ
Unsigned518 theme song written and performed by simplemachine. Outro music written and performed by ShortWave RadioBand

simplemachine on Spotify - https://open.spotify.com/artist/0kVkCHf07WREgGhMM77SUp?si=G8vzbVTSSVGJMYPp6Waa_g

ShortWave RadioBand on Spotify - https://open.spotify.com/artist/1jtXdnzo5F7tFTor6P8GP0?si=ZO5hpTlOQUyndGH1YqIbTw

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:01] Speaker A: He was born on a Saturday in 73 he loves park rock music. Fighting the 13th cabin in the dazzle roll now on the beats guitar with a short quick radio back his motherfucking Andy scolding look at motherfucker. Cause here he comes Andy scrolling, wearing. [00:00:25] Speaker B: His own welcome to unsigned father 518. I am here with sons of Eden. Now, it's not the sons of Eden, it's just sons of Eden, right? [00:00:35] Speaker C: Correct. [00:00:35] Speaker D: I actually never thought about that. [00:00:38] Speaker B: I saw the fucking blanks that you're like, shit, no, I don't know. Well, you know, we'll go with sons of Eden for now. But we were, you know, I was saying before we got rolling, basically the joy of the show is that, like, I don't know you guys. I haven't met you guys. I don't do my research. Like, this is just like, some people in a room that share a common interest, which is music. And we're just gonna get to know each other and the audience is gonna kinda listen along. So I guess we'll start. You know, it's not a visual podcast, but we'll start here to my left and just introduce yourself and what you do in the band, and then we'll just go right down the road. [00:01:16] Speaker C: My name's Gabriel Hoagland. I play bass and do backing vocals. [00:01:21] Speaker E: My name is William Murphy. I play lead guitar. [00:01:25] Speaker D: My name is Eric Miller. I am vocals and rhythm guitar. [00:01:28] Speaker F: I'm Jason Lazarus. I do rhythm guitar. [00:01:31] Speaker G: My name is Sam Wahl. I do drums. I don't know why we're doing full. [00:01:34] Speaker F: Names, but it's very formal. [00:01:37] Speaker B: Yeah, can we do it again with middle names? [00:01:40] Speaker D: Eric Thomas Miller Junior. [00:01:49] Speaker F: We just all want to know that we're government identified. [00:01:52] Speaker B: Yeah, yeah, this is. We're not that formal, but, you know, whatever that works. Yeah. We are drinking fancy non alcoholic sparkling tea. [00:02:01] Speaker C: Cheers, guys. [00:02:02] Speaker B: So I guess what we want to do, and, you know, and not to, like, age myself, but clearly I'm an. I'm an old fucking. I'm an old man. But you guys are what age range? You're 2020. [00:02:18] Speaker C: Yeah, we're all early twenties. [00:02:19] Speaker B: Sweet. So you have so much time, like, I just want to, like, before I guess we get started, I want to say, you guys have so much time to do what you want to do with the music. I'm, like, super envious of your position because you're, like, right in that time of music where you can write your own ticket and do your own shit and, like, you know, 30 years ago, when I was your age, I know, that's crazy to say, but literally, 30 years ago, it was impossible to do this. Like, it was fucking impossible. Like, to even get the equipment that you needed to record a shitty demo was out of most people's hands. You know what I mean? Because you needed, like, this huge Tascam. You know, it'd be like $800 in, like, 1991. And we're like, you know, I'm like, so you guys have such a, like. And again, not to sound like old man sculling, but, like, I'm envious, and I'm psyched for you because you can grab that shit and write it. So now we'll get started. So I guess I just want to start with how the band came together, musical influences, kind of like, you know, how the five of you came together. So whoever wants to take the lead. [00:03:36] Speaker C: Yeah. So we're all students, or were one students at Siena college, and that's kind of where the band started. So I went in knowing I wanted to start a band, and I met sam and accepted students day. I just saw this zeppelin t shirt. Yep. Saw this kid wearing a Led zeppelin t shirt, walked up to him and said, hey, man, you play at all? And he said, yeah, I played drums. He gave me his instagram, and I checked him out, and I was like, holy cow, this kid is legit. I really want to work with him. So we hooked up at school, and not like that. It's not making it any easier for me. So we were fully clothed in my dorm room at school, and we decided we were going to do some auditions. So we made up a flyer and just put it everywhere that we could around the school. We spread the word on social media, and we got our first email from this guy, will and sam, and, I mean, we watched. [00:04:45] Speaker B: You mean william. [00:04:46] Speaker C: William. William Murphy. Samuel Gabriel, and william were. He sent in this video of him playing these crazy licks. And sam and I watched that, and we were like, this guy's in. I mean, he is unbelievable. And then, yeah, we started getting some more inquiries. We did try a couple people out, and then we found Jason as the best fit for our rhythm guitar player. And we actually ended up with a different vocalist at first. So this great guy named Matt, he was our original vocalist, and we had a bit of a different sound to start, more of just a rock, classic rock sound. We had a different name. We were under the dive at that time, but we got started just basically setting up our own shows in the music hall at school. [00:05:37] Speaker G: And people responded way better than I expected them to. [00:05:41] Speaker C: Absolutely. We had at least 150 kids come out to our first show. Yeah. At foy hall. Sienna. [00:05:49] Speaker G: Oh, man, too bad. [00:05:51] Speaker D: I was jealous. [00:05:52] Speaker C: I wasn't jealous. [00:05:56] Speaker F: The vibe of the band was so different. Like, I remember the tryouts. It was like, I don't know, good times, bad times. We even did some, like, allman Brothers, Hendrix. But now it's just like. Yeah, but now it's like we're completely hard rock, blues rock, grunge. [00:06:10] Speaker C: Yeah. And we started with this kind of classic rock sound, and it was definitely popular with. With college students. So we had a couple of good shows that we did just for fun, for free at school. And then we actually did get a few gigs. We were the last show at Pauly's hotel. [00:06:29] Speaker G: Oh, no. [00:06:30] Speaker B: We got a great fucking rip, man. [00:06:32] Speaker C: Great, great crowd there. And this guy was in the crowd. [00:06:36] Speaker D: The biggest fan in that crowd was me. [00:06:39] Speaker G: It was also. [00:06:39] Speaker D: Cause I was living vicariously on the stage. I was playing air guitar the whole time. Yeah, that was so much fun. I brought a bunch of my friends, and I was screaming every single. [00:06:51] Speaker C: That was an amazing night for us. And we went, you know, we're all at school, and we have our breaks and stuff, and we all kind of live a little further away from each other. So over break, we had kind of talked about changing our sound a bit. We had written some originals, and our singer at the time, he just felt like it was a direction we were going in that he didn't feel as passionate about. And I appreciated his honesty because we were starting to get a lot more gigs, and he just didn't feel like he could give a full commitment to that. So, you know, we were definitely honored to have his honesty. And right away, I was like, you know, I called the guys and said, hey, I've been. I jammed with this kid Eric a couple of times. You guys know him, right? And I had met him in a class that we had together, and I was like, man, this guy has a phenomenal voice. And I called him up and said, hey, we'd love for you to be our singer. [00:07:46] Speaker D: And, I mean, I remember exactly where I was. I was. I was taking a shit. [00:07:52] Speaker G: Yeah. [00:07:53] Speaker D: And I got the. I got the phone call, and I was on the pot. [00:07:58] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:07:59] Speaker D: Yeah. [00:07:59] Speaker B: Wow. That's brave. [00:08:00] Speaker D: And I was once, because you got to think about it. You got to think about it this way. I am. I'm a guy that's kind of never really had a lot of people to jam with. You know, I've always just played guitar in my room. Alone, you know, after. After a class or something, I'm back in my dorm just playing by myself. So the fact that, you know, I had an opportunity to play with a bunch of like minded, you know, musically music loving people, you know, that was. That was so freaking exciting. Like, that was like, I remember, like, after I hung up, you were like, you asked, like, hey, we think you're a good fit. Would you like to be in the band? And I was like, yes. Can we please do that? Yeah, that was. Ah, yeah, that's great. That's great. Ever. That was fun. [00:08:45] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:08:46] Speaker B: So how long have you been. Cause, I mean, if it's only since Polly's closing, like, you. Are you a relatively new addition? Like, when are we talking about? [00:08:54] Speaker D: It was right before last summer. [00:08:56] Speaker C: It was January. Okay, January, yeah, January joined, and since then, things just started, like, you know, we were moving it. We were progressing. We had a good rate with our old singer, but once he joined, like, the writing that we started to do and the quality of the shows that we were playing, and then just our overall sound just skyrocketed, and we kind of came together more on our influences because we had a little bit of musical differences, creative differences with our old singer. And Eric comes in, and he's got this really raspy, deep voice, but can also get some high notes, too. And we just fell in love with the music of Alice in Chains and stone temple pilots. We love Pearl jam, Nirvana, all the Soundgarden, all those classic grunge bands. And then we all have our own interests, too. And I, like, I know me personally, and Jason's, like, the same way. I mean, we love. I love everything from the Grateful Dead to Pantera. Like, all of that is. Is part of our influence, and Eric's a huge Dave Matthews fan. [00:10:03] Speaker D: Yeah, that's my. That's my biggest influence. [00:10:05] Speaker C: And it's so cool that, you know, all this music is now available on streaming. You know, it's. There were downsides of music being available on streaming and being cheaper to acquire, but the benefit of that is we have. We all have such a wide variety of influences, and it makes for a really unique sound when we actually start writing. [00:10:24] Speaker B: Right. And so when did you start, like, when you joined Eric, were songs, like, kind of already in place, or. [00:10:32] Speaker D: Yeah, there was about, like, there was, like, four or five originals that was already written even before I came to the band, but, yeah, it was. I remember getting the call, and I was in the band, right. And we had a bunch of gigs to do. Not even, like, a month from that point. So it was like, I immediately had, like, 25 something songs to kind of learn. [00:10:58] Speaker B: And had you been in a band before? Like, never. [00:11:01] Speaker D: I made a band when I was 13 years old, it was called. But it was like, it lasted two rehearsals. [00:11:07] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:11:07] Speaker B: That's a wild feeling to go from, like, you know, playing in your bedroom and, like, learning all these songs to. [00:11:13] Speaker D: Be, like, to actually having to be. [00:11:14] Speaker B: In one month, I'm going up on stage in front of a bunch of fucking strangers, and I'm gonna play these songs. [00:11:20] Speaker F: I don't think anybody can do it. Eric, though, dude. Like, I love the old singer, but, man, I've seen eric, like, sing before, just, like, just outside acoustically at, like, our school's, like, talent show, and he's just. Dude, his voice just fits the band so well. It's like a fucking powerhouse. [00:11:39] Speaker D: Thank you, brother. [00:11:40] Speaker B: Well, speaking of singing, we're gonna do, like, kind of a first on this show. And I was saying again, before we got rolling, I had uploaded, like, all my episodes to YouTube just because, like, I could. And I was like, yeah, you know, who's really gonna go to YouTube to listen to a podcast? And I was like, I'm gonna do some video stuff. So you guys brought setup. You know, you're gonna play a couple songs in here, and I'm gonna catch them on video and then probably put them on YouTube so people can see the first performance with a full band in the dazzle. Then we've had a couple of, like, solo, acoustic, maybe a duo here and there. But this is the first full band. So what song are we gonna do first? [00:12:23] Speaker D: We're gonna do candlelight. [00:12:26] Speaker B: And this is an original. [00:12:27] Speaker D: Yes. [00:12:28] Speaker B: Is this one that was before you. [00:12:29] Speaker D: Joined, so it was. [00:12:32] Speaker B: Right. [00:12:32] Speaker D: We started writing that right when I. Yeah, we had. [00:12:35] Speaker C: We had the riff, the main riff for it, and basically the entire instrumental arrangement we had fleshed out. Will had worked on it for a while, and it was, you know, it was something he was really proud of. We called it the Zeppeliny riff. But, yeah. Will, do you want to talk about how we kind of got into that? [00:12:52] Speaker E: Yeah, sure. Yeah. I basically wrote that song in the summer. I was, like, down at the shore, and I just, you know, was really relaxed. One morning I woke up, you know. Right. Like, a nice chordal progression that's very relaxing. And I brought it over to the guys, and they liked it. You know, it's a very. It's very nice, sensual and slow song, you know? [00:13:14] Speaker D: Yeah, yeah, light up the candle. [00:13:16] Speaker E: But, yeah, it's you know, it's one. Definitely one of our more chill songs. It's. Yeah, it's definitely different than our other stuff, but it's good compared to all. [00:13:26] Speaker F: Our other singles, though. I love the part where, like, it drops and especially when we play, like, electric, it gets really distorted when. [00:13:33] Speaker D: Yeah, the chorus. Yeah. [00:13:36] Speaker F: Such a cool sound to it. [00:13:38] Speaker D: Yeah, I just like it because it's. It's got. There's a mellow part to it at the beginning and then, you know, it goes up there. [00:13:49] Speaker E: Yeah, we play it on electric. We have. We like, kick on the distortion, break into a really heavy chorus. So it's nice, but. Yeah. [00:13:57] Speaker B: Well, we'll do a stripped, stripped down version of it, so to speak. All right, cool. So let's listen to candlelight sons of Eden live here in the dazzle den, and then we'll be right back. [00:14:36] Speaker A: There was a time sparks would fly between our eyes rain wets the leaves and the flames slowly dies oh, it dies I'm looking for the endless shade everything I held there it's rolling downhill now seems like yesterday is a mountain ahead of me somehow there was a time our hearts were incense wide the weight of our lives fulls of threats untied our size I feel the cross in sea skies everything I have there is rolling down out now seems like such a photo isn't to you now and the heart that controls me so empty and unholy I cannot deny there's nothing left inside embrace my footside and you turn your back on God be out of sight beaten by the candle and now I know the wickedness inside can't seek you out though you've never tried to hide and the heart that controls me so empty and unholy I cannot deny there's nothing left inside y'all embrace my footstep and you turn your back on God. [00:18:03] Speaker B: Alright, so that was candlelight sons of Eden live here in the dazzle den. And, you know, we were talking earlier, like, you know, a couple weeks ago when before we arranged this and I was going to play one of your songs on weekend spotlight and you were talking that you were recording some stuff. I know you were mentioning a single that you were going to do. So is that something that's still being worked on or is it? [00:18:26] Speaker C: Yeah. So that's actually finished. We're in the final steps of just getting all that curated. And then in about a month's time, we're going to be releasing that. We're working on a music video this afternoon. It is going to be kick ass. And we're so excited to just share this song. It's a hard rocker and great lyrics. People are really gonna love it. [00:18:52] Speaker B: And so that the single will probably be out then, you know, sometime this summer. And then video. I would assume videos take a little longer to. [00:19:01] Speaker C: We'll see what happens. This is our kind of first rodeo with it, so, you know, we'll see what happens. But we're definitely aiming to have content out mid July. [00:19:13] Speaker B: And are you guys doing the video yourselves? [00:19:15] Speaker C: We have a photographer who has had a lot of experience. He actually shoots extreme sports, and he's got some really interesting cameras. Yeah. Yeah. [00:19:25] Speaker B: So you didn't hear that you have to jump off a building. [00:19:30] Speaker D: I thought I had a stunt double. [00:19:33] Speaker C: And we have some actors coming, too. Oh, shit. Yeah, this is. This is gonna be a bit of a production, but we're putting it all on ourselves. [00:19:38] Speaker B: And you're literally doing that today? [00:19:40] Speaker C: Yes, sir. [00:19:41] Speaker B: So you're leaving here and then going to shoot the video. Cool. So when. When the video comes out, like, I'll make sure, you know, even if it's on, like, a weekend spotlight episode or something, I'll have you pop on over the phone or something and we'll talk about the video and link to that. That'd be super cool. So other than the single, you know, obviously you've been writing songs, you've been doing gigs. Do you have plans to, like, record past the single? [00:20:06] Speaker C: Yeah, absolutely. We have probably six other originals that are finished up right now that we're, you know, ready to record. Got a really good connection to record in his studio. And, yeah, we're gonna put out some singles and, you know, we'll see how many. How many we end up getting out. But we're definitely gonna end up releasing an album, and this first single is gonna be a part of it. [00:20:33] Speaker B: Yeah. And it's funny because. And I don't know, you know, I'll ask you your opinion on this as well, because, like, I was always, like, an album guy. You know what I mean? Like, that's just what you do. You have an album. A band plays out an album, and, like, kind of, like, these days it's singles. And that's. I mean, that's what our band. My band does, is we just put out singles because, like, you know, it's a lot to put a fucking album together. And we're actually doing that now. So, like, in the fall or whatever, we'll have, like, a five song ep. But, like, do you think doing sync, like, doing singles, like, release a couple singles and then package them as an album with a little, couple new, fresh songs is like, a good approach. [00:21:12] Speaker C: Like, that's. That's exactly what we're planning on doing. [00:21:14] Speaker B: Yeah, that's. [00:21:14] Speaker C: I mean, that's best of both worlds. [00:21:17] Speaker B: Best. Absolutely. Because I'm like, you know, I can have all these singles, but if they're not on an album, I'm gonna feel a little fucking hollow. You know what I mean? I'm like, I need an album. [00:21:26] Speaker C: You can release a lot of singles, too, and really build a lot of hype around the release. [00:21:30] Speaker B: Yeah, yeah, absolutely. [00:21:32] Speaker F: Well, music has changed a lot, especially with streaming platforms. And a lot of bands like, to make it big, they have to have a good instagram, they have to have a good social media presence. I feel like that's a good way to approach it, is by releasing singles, promoting singles, and then eventually, when everybody likes those singles and you put in an album, it's like, it's all right there for them. [00:21:51] Speaker B: Right. And it does. You're right, because it does, like, extend the promotion cycle, because whether, you know, like, an album is considered one piece of media, but a single is considered one piece of media. So if you have twelve songs on an album and then twelve singles, you can get a fucking year of promotion out of twelve singles, whereas you could probably get, like, a, you know, month or two out of a. [00:22:15] Speaker G: Well, and it's also. It's easier this way. People will actually listen to everything we put out, because if you put out an album at this point, I mean, people our age, they're not gonna sit down for 45 minutes and listen the whole thing. So if we. If we. [00:22:28] Speaker D: Yeah. [00:22:29] Speaker G: Like, one at a time. Hey, just take, you know, four minutes out of your day, listen to this. We're gonna be able to get them to actually hear everything that we've worked on. [00:22:36] Speaker B: And I think that way, too, it gets them psyched for the next thing. [00:22:39] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:22:40] Speaker B: Cause if they have this one four minute piece of music that they've listened to the shit out of for the last, like, six weeks, and they know this one song, like, when they hear that there's another song coming, you know, that they're gonna give that the same attention, you know? [00:22:53] Speaker F: No. Yeah. Like, there's either, like. I feel like there's either, like, two types of bands. The bands that release singles or the bands that release albums. And I feel like if you do an album all at once, some songs can just be forgotten. Then you go back and you're like, oh, okay, that was a good song, but, like, singles just like, they keep you hooking in. Yeah, yeah. [00:23:10] Speaker B: I mean, it's just like deep cuts. You know, people talk about albums and deep cuts and, you know, a deep cut is basically a song that's a fucking banger that, like, nobody knows about, you know what I mean? And it sucks. Like. Or that was a symptom back in the day was like, you know, you'd have all these songs, you're like, man, nobody knows about it because they know the radio single and that's it, you know? [00:23:29] Speaker D: Yeah, yeah. People just don't have the time of day to listen to a whole album anymore. Especially, I feel like we. I mean, we don't have anything out, which is the other thing we just need, like that. I like your point, like, of just getting people excited for the next thing and then we have our singles or whatever, and then we take those and add some other, like. [00:23:47] Speaker G: Right. [00:23:47] Speaker D: Isn't that what we're gonna do? [00:23:49] Speaker B: Yeah. When you have that single, you can lead up to. To it, too. You know, once it's done, you can promote the shit out of it for, like, you get. And, like, I'm in marketing for a day job. So, like, my whole thing is, I'm like, oh, promotion cycle. Promotion cycle. You know, like, stretch it out. So I'm psyched for you guys to have. To have a single out. [00:24:10] Speaker D: Yeah. And there's also some services. I think that, like, if you send it to a certain service, they'll contact other people that own, like, they have big playlists on, like, Spotify or. [00:24:20] Speaker B: Yeah, I mean, we'll. We'll talk at. When we wrap up here, I'll lead you in a good direction for how to distribute it. [00:24:27] Speaker D: Thank you. [00:24:28] Speaker B: Some really good shit out there, but right now, I think we should play another song. [00:24:32] Speaker D: Yeah. [00:24:33] Speaker B: So what are we going to do? [00:24:34] Speaker D: So this next song is one of my favorite songs that we do. It's called she hates me. And it's got, like a kind of like a classic rocky, you know, kind of punkish vibe. Like, you know, we kind of made a recent tweak to the song that I believe has elevated it, especially the chorus that's elevated a lot higher. Me and Gabe, we have a really good harmony going on the chorus, and it's just a super fun song to play. So I'm wicked excited for you guys to hear it. [00:25:08] Speaker B: Cool. All right, so let's hear she hates me, sons of Eden. And then we'll be right back to wrap it up. [00:25:38] Speaker A: Long red nails come at my back there's this thing she could kill my choice to live the day I will the way she pushes me I swear it's true I swear it to you she hates me won't look in my eyes and won't look up she remove my eyes she hates me and it's so clear why but I am I won't apologize if you're down with the rock God, there's like a God don't take your time it's yours, not mine forbidden, but fine it seems out of love always it pushes me down, down just to go vivin around yeah, I swear it's true yeah, swear it to you come on. She hates me won't look in my eyes with one look up she move my disguise she hates me and it's so clear why but I am who I am I won't polish with her I got no fucking religion but I got herself she tallies on my sin she can wash her hands on the blood of my own getting to the point I'm insane if not long the way she pushes me down, down, down tilt it vibing around I swear it's true y'all swear it to you she hates me won't look in my eyes just won't look up she remove my disguise she hates me and it's so clear but I am who I am I won't apologize and get down. [00:29:17] Speaker D: Hell, yeah we're sons of Eden check us out. [00:29:20] Speaker B: All right, so that was she hates me sons of Eden live here in the dazzle den. And I want to thank you guys so much for taking time out of your day and especially on such a busy day, going to shoot a fucking video and everything, to come and talk with me. I really appreciate it. And before we go, I want to give everybody a chance to say what I refer to as your gratitude. So, gabe, we'll start with you. [00:29:39] Speaker C: Well, first, got to extend a huge thank you to you, Andy. [00:29:42] Speaker B: Thank you, sir. [00:29:43] Speaker C: Congratulations on the new show as well. Wishing you a lot of luck with that. And just big thanks to everything you do for music in the 518. And then we got to thank Doctor Stein, who is basically our producer. He records us. He gives us so much advice, and he's also a professor at Siena, and he's just a great connection that we have. So, yeah, we're really grateful to him. We're grateful to Matt, our old singer, for helping us get started. And we're super grateful to our Sienna community, who has given us this support, this base to get started on. [00:30:21] Speaker E: Yeah. Want to thank you for this opportunity. It's. This is, like, our first, you know, podcast or interview type thing, technically, so it's really cool to be here. Yeah, I definitely want to thank all of our, like, I mean, mostly the Sienna fans and just our fans in general, like, you know, for being, you know, for coming to our shows and stuff like that. [00:30:41] Speaker D: Love you. [00:30:42] Speaker E: Yeah, love you guys. So, yeah. [00:30:45] Speaker D: Yeah. People I want to thank is all of you guys in the band for inviting me to play with you guys. I mean, you know, I, you know, I was always just jamming in my room. I was always just playing alone, you know, I remember, you know, just when I first got a guitar, you know, and wanting to play the fade to black intro solo, I had no backing track. It was just me. It was playing kind sucks when you don't have any rhythm guitar playing bass or drums. And so, you know, just to be able to do it, I fucking love and, you know, kind of feel fulfilled with myself, and I'm actually, you know, I'm doing something, you know, that fulfills my heart, you know, so, yeah. And thank you very much, Andy. I love you, Andy. [00:31:37] Speaker F: Yeah, definitely. I want to thank you, Andy. Thank Calvin, too. Your dog, a good dog. I like him. Very cute dog. Yeah, just thanks, Sienna. Thank all these guys for making a dream come true. Yeah, this is my first band as well, so it's really nice to just have like minded individuals that all share a love for music and rock and roll, for sure. And just also, yeah, Eric. Because, I mean, I loved our old singer, but Eric joined the band. We have a whole different vibe, and I really love the direction it's going, and he brings a whole new energy that I think was duly needed. And. And I just want to wish Sam luck with his. With his future because he's moving to Nashville, and I really wish that he has good opportunity out there, and I know he'll do great because he's one of the best drummers I know. [00:32:28] Speaker G: Well, thank you, Jason. That's very sweet. Thank you, guys for, you know, being cool with that. And, yeah, thank you, Andy, for having us on. And, yeah, there's too many people to thank. Thanks, everybody who's listened to us and came out to a show, obviously, anybody in the industry who's helped us out and given us the time of day because we have had to help in higher places. We've had people who have been willing to actually chat and give us advice on what to do, what not to do, and that's really cool with them because they don't have to. So you know who you are if you're listening. Thank you, and, yeah, appreciate it. [00:33:02] Speaker C: Yeah, real quickly, Jason did kind of bring it up, but Sam is moving to Nashville in August this summer. So if you're a young drummer who loves grunge and rock and heavy metal, and you're listening to this and you want to make some original music with a band, get in a studio, play. [00:33:22] Speaker G: A lot of gigs, and have fun. [00:33:24] Speaker C: And have a ton of fun, because that is what we are all about. Then follow us on Instagram, send us a DM. [00:33:31] Speaker D: And also, the other most important thing is we gotta be friends. You know what I mean? Like, I mean, here's the thing. What makes, what inspires good music, I believe, is being friends with bandmates. Let's also be a pretty cool dude, you know? [00:33:46] Speaker G: Don't be a dick. [00:33:49] Speaker B: All right, cool. Well, they are sons of Eden. I am Andy Scullen. This is unsigned 518. See you on the road. Fun sign 518 is produced and hosted by me, Andy Scullen. New episodes are available every week wherever you stream podcasts. If you'd like to help support the show, please like and subscribe wherever you are listening. Or you could buy me a [email protected]. unsigned 518 if you would like to advertise on the show, send me an email at unsigned 508 mail.com. and to be a guest on. On the show, reach out to me through Instagram at Unsigned five one eight. Take care of one another, and I'll see you next week.

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