Episode 144

October 15, 2024


Unsigned518 - Episode 144 - Zeffler

Hosted by

Andy Scullin
Unsigned518 - Episode 144 - Zeffler
Unsigned518 - Episode 144 - Zeffler

Oct 15 2024 | 00:31:27


Show Notes

Get to know Zeffler on episode 144 of Unsigned518.
Zeffler on Spotify - https://open.spotify.com/artist/3d7CLql2bWSqfLeHnSoxIh?si=WXy14ZCTTleqDlJcxg0j_w
Unsigned518 theme song written and performed by simplemachine. Outro music written and performed by ShortWave RadioBand

simplemachine on Spotify - https://open.spotify.com/artist/0kVkCHf07WREgGhMM77SUp?si=G8vzbVTSSVGJMYPp6Waa_g

ShortWave RadioBand on Spotify - https://open.spotify.com/artist/1jtXdnzo5F7tFTor6P8GP0?si=ZO5hpTlOQUyndGH1YqIbTw

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:01] Speaker A: He was born on a Saturday in 73 he loves park rock music. Fighting the 13th, jamming in the dazzle rocky now on the bench guitar with a short whip radio back his motherfucking Andy scolding look at motherfucker cuz here he comes Andy scrolling, wearing his orange. [00:00:26] Speaker B: Hat welcome to unsigned five and eight. I am here with Zephler. How's it going? [00:00:32] Speaker C: It's going good. Thanks for having us. [00:00:35] Speaker B: You're welcome. And I guess what we'll do is just start to my right and just introduce yourself, say your name and what you do in the band. [00:00:43] Speaker C: Absolutely. My name is Zach Leffler. I play guitar and sing in the band and write most of the songs. [00:00:50] Speaker D: John Campana, bass guitar, occasionally scream in the mic once in a while. [00:00:55] Speaker E: Yeah, my name's Matt. They picked me up on the way here. I was going through Wilton there, hitchhiking. [00:01:02] Speaker B: Yeah, they said that they had picked up a strange, strange man. [00:01:07] Speaker C: He had the look and the vibe, and we were like some dude. Get him. [00:01:13] Speaker B: So, anyway, what we'll do, I guess, is just, you know, we talked a little bit before we recorded, and I want you to be able to tell the story of the bandaid, how you want to. So I'm literally just going to kind of throw it over to you and Zach if you want to take the lead. [00:01:29] Speaker C: Yes. I've been playing music at least since high school and in and out and in and out of bands. Played a lot of COVID bands and stuff originally and stuff like that. And then eventually just. I always enjoyed songwriting and wanted to get into it myself and started writing some songs. And then as time went on, started jamming them with some of my friends from other bands inside and out. Eventually got this lineup together with a crew of guys that dug the music as well. [00:01:59] Speaker B: And so how far back, like, when are we talking, like, year wise? I guess when the band formed. [00:02:06] Speaker C: So I started working on the songs that are in this project around 2014, 2015, and then these guys, this line up here, probably about 2018, we got together and did a. Did like a run of shows for about a year, year and a half. And then obviously everything kind of slowed down for a few years there. And about a year and a half ago, actually, a benefit came up and we got asked to play, and then we kind of just kind of rekindled it. We got back together and played that, and then I'd been sitting on a bunch of songs that I'd written in the meantime, and we decided just to make a thing of it again. [00:02:44] Speaker B: So it was post Covid or you started pre Covid, then took, like, a hiatus, you know, it was funny. Cause there's that, like, divide when Covid hit. Like, there's some people where it, like, really shook up, like, the musical foundation, and then there's some people that it, like, made them, like, focus on nothing but music. You know what I mean? Whereas, like, there's also some bands that literally, like, came and just out of nowhere, out of COVID So, like, I like the fact that it was rocky. Not. I mean, I don't like that it was rocky, but you know what I mean? I like the fact that you bounced back. [00:03:22] Speaker C: It was like a dichotomy of sorts. Like, we're still working all of it in the background, but then it, like, then it was kind of spontaneously came back together. [00:03:29] Speaker B: Yeah. Which is amazing, you know, because a lot of. A lot of times, you know, it's. Or at least for me personally, you get into a rhythm of something and it's hard to break that rhythm. So, like, if you're in the rhythm of not playing and then you get. You know. But it's commendable, I guess, especially because. [00:03:45] Speaker C: We were still more or less in our infancy at that time, really. We've done, like, I'd done one record pretty much, and then we didn't. Just literally a handful of shows. [00:03:54] Speaker D: It was hard to stay in playing shape, I guess you could say, because we were missing it. [00:04:00] Speaker B: Yeah. And, like, same, like, during, like, the beginning of COVID like, I. I didn't really play, like, at all. You know what I mean? Like, it was like, oh, fuck. We're all gonna die. [00:04:13] Speaker E: I tried doing, like, the live stream show thing, and I'm like, this sucks. [00:04:18] Speaker B: I did that, like, once or twice where I'm like, I'll pick a cover song and, like, post it. And I was like, this just makes me fucking sad. Get me out of here. But, you know, and then post Covid, it was. That itch needed to be scratched, which, again, is with a lot of people. They're like, I thought I was never going to be able to do this again. Brutal. It was brutal. So you said you had albums and you'd started songs from, like, 2014. How much do you actually have out there currently? [00:04:52] Speaker C: So we did. There was one full length album called Homeward Bound that was released in 2017, and we played on the songs a lot about that. We didn't have, like, the live lineup wasn't fully live, I guess probably more of a solo thing at that time when it was recorded. So we've definitely, like, develop those songs more since it came out, but kind of use that as the basis of it and then just a few other demos out besides that in the meantime. But other than that, those are the only real official release. [00:05:18] Speaker B: And is there something that you're, like when you came back? Obviously a live show is probably a priority. I would think, like, with a local band, you can't. You have to build an audience back up. But, like, when did you start? Do you have stuff in the works for, like, new releases? [00:05:37] Speaker C: Yeah, we're working. We essentially have a full album written, and we're just. We've started tracking about half of it. The songs and the other ones, we're still just kind of flushing out, getting them exactly how we want it. Cause, like, as we try stuff live and then, you know, playing it in the room with each other, you still make little fine tweaks here and there. And we don't really have a deadline for it, but we're definitely working on a full length release that eventually, potentially next year. [00:06:03] Speaker B: And you are missing a member today. Right. You do have a drummer. [00:06:09] Speaker C: Well, I mean, unfortunately, our drummer was feeling a little under the weather. [00:06:14] Speaker B: Yeah, it happens. [00:06:15] Speaker C: Yeah. Bobby Light is also a member of feeler local groups like Adequate Phil and the other ones. Seasoned guy. [00:06:23] Speaker B: Yeah. And Matt, you're in a band or two or a project or two, certainly. [00:06:31] Speaker E: I got a couple projects. Yeah, I'm in the sugar hold. I play bass in that, and I play guitar in another band called big maybe, which is Andrew, the drummer of our band here, Zephyr, and myself and our friend Tom from work. Yeah, we share. We share. I like drum drummers, so. [00:06:57] Speaker B: And you did do stuff with adequate fill, right? [00:07:00] Speaker E: I did, yeah. I was the adequate fill in for the summer. Yeah, Phil moved to Indiana, so I. Yeah, I came in, jammed out with them. I'm still, like, on retainer for them if they need me. [00:07:18] Speaker B: Yeah, I just talked to Rooney on the show last week on calling. That's how I. That's how I knew that you were no longer the adequate fill in. [00:07:27] Speaker E: Yes. [00:07:28] Speaker B: Damn, there's fucking microphones, Dan. I keep leaning on it, dropping down. The one time that I decide to film my fucking interviews when I'm, like, over here like a jackass. Can't figure out my shit. [00:07:41] Speaker E: Hey, let the people know what you do, man. [00:07:43] Speaker B: Yeah. You're like, oh, yeah, Andy's a jackass. But we had a false start too, because I forgot to. I took all the time to set the camera up and everything and forgot to hit record. [00:07:52] Speaker C: There's only one way to figure it all out. [00:07:53] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:07:54] Speaker E: Yeah, exactly. [00:07:55] Speaker B: Trial and error. So you're back after Covid. You're working on new stuff. Like, how's the. How's the gigging going? You know, like, you find in decent. [00:08:09] Speaker C: I mean, we. We don't want to overdo it either, but we balance it out. I mean, we've played. I mean, I'd say maybe once, like, every two months or so, we're getting out and doing something we've been to. [00:08:18] Speaker B: And I guess if we should address the. The sad reality of, like, shit. Fucking shit's closing, man. Like, quickly. Yeah, like, so quick. It's like. And, like, if it wasn't hard enough for bands to begin with and, like, venues, but, like, I don't understand how no one wants to go to shows anymore, you know? [00:08:44] Speaker C: Like, definitely changed. For sure. [00:08:46] Speaker B: It's definitely changed. And it's like. And it happened quick, like, it seems, and it's super sad. So we need to, like, I don't know, get all. [00:08:54] Speaker C: We're gonna keep grinding. [00:08:56] Speaker B: Yeah. Hit the fucking streets and get all gorilla on it. I'm gonna, you know, start a campaign that says, like, to literally handcuff your friend and bring them to a show. [00:09:05] Speaker C: That's why it's important. Like, the things like this, like, you do, there's all the stuff of guys like you do. I mean, it's. [00:09:10] Speaker B: Yeah, I mean, I'm trying. I'm trying. Sure. And, like, I do. It's great because I can do it all from here for the most part. And, like, especially, like, now with, like, Metroland. Like, you know, when it started up, like, I was basically like, I'm not a. I'm not a journalist and I'm not a photographer. You know? Like, I don't have, like, those skills. And I was like, but I can podcast like a motherfucker. Like, I can, like, amass a. I want. You know, my vision is to get more people doing it because, you know, it's really easy to do. And, like, it does bolster the scene, because if you have a network of people talking about this scene, people want to be a part of it. [00:09:55] Speaker C: You know, like a common ground, like, a common place where everybody's coming through or talking about it just forges those connections, kind of. [00:10:02] Speaker B: Yeah. And, like, especially here, we have such a multi genre scene, you know? Like, it's not like the metal scene and the punk scene and the hip hop scene and the jazz scene. Like, it does kind of all meld a little more than it does in a lot of other places, which is cool. [00:10:20] Speaker E: Yeah, yeah, I mean, we just maybe just gotta get creative with the guys, you know? [00:10:25] Speaker C: Yeah, it's like part of it. Like, almost everybody, like, he kind of becomes a jack of all trades, like, you know, working with sound and the video and the writing and. Yeah, all aspects of it. [00:10:36] Speaker B: Like, I hate, like, right now, I hate the fact that there's a camera. I'm, like, trying not to said this was a podcast. Oh, my God. Both of my chins are gonna be on full fucking display. [00:10:52] Speaker E: Thank God there's no video on Spotify. [00:10:54] Speaker D: Right, if it's me or not. But it just seems harder. As with originals, this is the only band of originals that I've played, right. So it just seems harder to yet to even get people to come out and see it. You know, a lot of folks would rather maybe hear classic rock bands all the time or, you know, so when you're putting out originals, it's very hard to get it out there for sure. [00:11:19] Speaker B: And push it around and, like, that's even, like, another conversation about, like, cover songs. Like, I'm someone that believes, like, cover songs have their place as, like, a way to get, like, a crowd in game, but, like, it's so. I wish it was like, we have to, like, you know, my band sneaks, like, six or seven covers in a set. [00:11:43] Speaker E: You know, we do like three or four sometimes. [00:11:45] Speaker C: Yeah. It's like a delicate balance on act. [00:11:47] Speaker E: Yeah. [00:11:48] Speaker B: And. And, like, I don't have an issue with it because I actually really enjoy being like, let's do a cover of this, you know, and if everybody agrees to it, you know, and I like doing cover and we do them well, but we kind of do them our style. [00:12:03] Speaker D: We don't. We don't sound anything like the COVID should. [00:12:06] Speaker B: Right. [00:12:07] Speaker D: We do it. I call it we do it. We do it the Zephyr way. [00:12:09] Speaker C: It's. If it fits like a fit, find the right song, that's, like, fun for you guys to follow the band to play, be familiar, and. Yeah. Differently tuned. [00:12:19] Speaker D: It really sounds cool like that. [00:12:20] Speaker B: Yeah. And it gets people. It gets people engaged, but unfortunately, like, doing just full, original sets, like, it's. It's hard until you get to that level and, like, you know, I wish it wasn't that way, but, like, you do have to cater to, you know, not the lowest common denominator, certainly. Cause you don't want to, like, sacrifice your art for whatever, but, like, you do kind of have to be like, all right, you know, I look at. [00:12:48] Speaker C: It like, broader sometimes too, like, in the sense that, like, establishing that audience, right. Like, even like, larger established bands still. There's still, like, a lot of people that might not necessarily like that sound. So it's like finding the people that want to hear your sound, right. Like, you know, even an album that sells, that goes platinum, sells a million copies in a country of 300 something. Million people, like, still maybe only one in that. Of 300 people, like, want out to get that pinnacle, you know? [00:13:16] Speaker B: That's a good point. I hadn't even thought of it that way. [00:13:18] Speaker D: And then you can be in a cover band. I mean, I'm in another cover band also. And our catalog is huge. And you could play all of it and somebody's gonna come up. [00:13:26] Speaker B: We used to, before we, like, you know, became a five piece. We used to be a duo and then a trio that played covers. And I actually got rid of them. But up on top of that shelf, we had a stack that was probably, you know, five or six inches tall of COVID songs that we'd played. [00:13:45] Speaker C: Wow. [00:13:46] Speaker B: And, like, we would, you know, put them in a. In a binder when we go out and play and open up the binder. But I mean, we were like, at some point we were like, we have, like, 300. [00:13:54] Speaker D: That's what I mean. [00:13:55] Speaker B: Song that we can put, that we've played and can play again. [00:14:00] Speaker C: Wow. [00:14:00] Speaker B: Like, so we had a lot of. [00:14:04] Speaker C: It builds the chops though, you know? [00:14:05] Speaker B: Yeah, yeah. And that's the other thing, too, is like, people denigrate it, but, like, it. [00:14:09] Speaker D: Really helps playing for any. Change your tone for certain things, et cetera. And it's just. It's good for your playing, for sure. [00:14:17] Speaker B: Yeah. Technique, you know, like nobody, nobody learned music in a vacuum. [00:14:23] Speaker C: It's true. [00:14:23] Speaker B: Like, you learn this technique and that technique and the way you put it together is what makes it your own. [00:14:29] Speaker C: That osmosis. [00:14:30] Speaker B: Yeah, but you have to listen to other shit before you can get that. But speaking of some stuff, I know you brought your guitars and we're gonna listen to a studio track. Which one do you want to do? [00:14:45] Speaker C: Let's play the song called Blue Sky Morning off of our homeward bound album. [00:14:50] Speaker B: Yeah. Okay. [00:14:50] Speaker E: Nice. [00:14:51] Speaker B: Anything you wanna say about the student before we roll it? [00:14:56] Speaker E: I think it's in. It's in the title. It's a fucking a about morning with a blue skydehe. [00:15:05] Speaker B: Sweet. Well, let's listen to morning Zephyr and then we'll be right back. [00:15:22] Speaker A: Underneath the blue sky will I find a reason something will I find somewhere to go will I feel, feeling will I fight it all? Open up your eyes to bright I could find you tonight everything you might overnoo your mouth falling through this life let yourself decrease with me. [00:16:16] Speaker C: Underneath the. [00:16:17] Speaker A: Blue sky my honey seemingly no editor desert sand and nights it breezes comfort seems far enough much like a raging fire there's warm within it open up open up your eyes to world so bright I could find you tonight everything you might open up your mind falling to this light let yourself be come and dream with me. [00:18:08] Speaker B: That was blue sky morning, right? I got that right. [00:18:11] Speaker C: Blue sky. Absolutely. We have a lot of fun playing that one live. [00:18:16] Speaker B: So, I guess what, you know, we talked a little bit about the formation of the band, you know, going into the songwriting and hiatus. I guess, going forward. What do you have in store for us? [00:18:30] Speaker C: I guess. Well, we are working on. Working on what? We want to be a full length record. I mean, I have. I'm probably going to settle on ten songs. We have a few more than that. I said it's about double record that or maybe save some for a third one down the road. But, yeah, I mean, we want to continually writing and recording like that. And then, you know, from the. From the show aspect, I mean, just try to, I guess, find whatever really just, you know, open it up for people would be cool, too. Just to get in front of new audiences and whatever's out there. Just to play for, share it with new people and what we do live and so forth and. [00:19:06] Speaker E: Yeah, maybe a show at the town tavern here and there, too. [00:19:09] Speaker C: Yeah. Sometimes we have to throw together a hometown bar show. [00:19:13] Speaker D: And, I mean, in my opinion, the way Zach writes stuff, I just think that, you know, something's gonna click sometime that's gonna break. [00:19:21] Speaker B: Right. [00:19:22] Speaker D: I mean, some of it is so cool. So that's why I ended up, you know, hooking up with these guys, because there's no age barrier and everything's just a blast. [00:19:32] Speaker C: These guys help bring a lot of it to life. I mean, I think a lot of stuff I write more that's hard to put. I mean, I call it almost like heartland rock or, like Cal punk or alt country, however you want to frame it, but, you know, still, like, guitar based, you know, rock and roll, basically. But these guys are pretty creative, too. I mean, he'll add in a lot of bass lines and stuff that'll color it in. And then Matt, you know, he's a creative, you know, guy that's bringing things in all different directions and add a lot of color that makes. It makes stuff more interesting and some harmonies and so forth. [00:20:02] Speaker E: So, yeah, I like making harmonies. [00:20:09] Speaker B: And I thought, I don't know if you even told them how, you know, this came up, but you had actually reached out to be on unsigned unwind, which is the Nat, you know, the show where it's just like, anybody, any band's from us and Canada, and it's all over the phone, and it's a short little, like, you know, probably ten minute, twelve minute episode. And I usually don't do, like, I don't look at who's coming up at all. Angela does all of that and just, like, sets up a Google calendar. So, like, when it's time to record, I'll be like, all right. You know, I have this band talking to this person and this phone number, and I just. I saw the name Zephler, and I was like, that just like. And then I, like, went to my instagram and I looked at it, and I was like, ah. And then I said to Zach, I'm like, do you want to just, like, do a full fucking episode of Untimed 518? Like, and come over? So, like, we could give it, like, the full treatment instead of just, like, a quick little. A quick little one. But it was just funny, because I wouldn't have noticed otherwise. Just the name. I was like, wait, I know. [00:21:19] Speaker C: That'd be awesome. We're, like, way more into it. I was like, yeah, we'll get over there and maybe let us play a song or two and everything else. Feel it out. [00:21:26] Speaker B: Yeah, it was. It was pretty awesome how that came out. Yeah. And, okay, I don't know if you, Matt, I don't know if you've listened to any of the unsigned unwind episodes, but there's some really cool bands and really cool local scenes out there. [00:21:41] Speaker D: Yeah. [00:21:41] Speaker B: And maybe we'll talk somewhere down the road. But I'm gonna active. You know, we're talking about actively doing something, but I want to actively get networks between areas. You know, like, I would love to have, you know, a bunch of fucking Plattsburgh bands and a bunch of Rochester bands and a bunch of, like, Massachusetts bands and, like, have everybody, like, know each other. Yeah. And, like, you know, you play shows here, I'll play shows there, start growing, and it'll, like, take all these little pockets and just weave them together a. [00:22:16] Speaker C: Little bit to make that network outside of the established network and whatnot. Yeah, absolutely. [00:22:22] Speaker E: Yeah. I mean, you can make it fun, too, you know, like, I know JB Moses. He does, like, this rap battle thing with the Buffalo. [00:22:36] Speaker B: Yeah, Cap City. We did a whole special episode on that of unsigned 518. Like, had them, you know, we had. Jody and JB were up here on the couch, and then we piped in some of the guys from Buffalo through the phone. [00:22:50] Speaker E: Yep. [00:22:51] Speaker B: And Jody, actually, he conducted an interview on the phone because I'm like, you want to just do the interview with him? He's like, yeah, sure. And we did a whole episode on that. That's the type of shit. Yeah. [00:23:02] Speaker E: And I went to that event at the whiskey pickle rip, and it was. It was fantastic. Like, it was a really, like, creating that network, you know, 4 hours away. [00:23:13] Speaker B: Right. [00:23:13] Speaker E: And doing it over there and. Yeah. Getting other people involved too. [00:23:18] Speaker B: And I don't know. Like, I went to and I talked about it a lot, but, like, gusapalooza, that thing up in Ontario, and, like, that's what that was. And I made so many connections of people that are 8 hours away. [00:23:30] Speaker C: Wow. [00:23:30] Speaker B: That, like, I'm now doing weekly thing. There's a podcast called it's Bad Club. Media is the overarching name, but they do bad music club is the name of the show. And it's basically this. They, you know, put a spotlight on unsigned bands and try to give them, you know, listeners and hype them up. And now they're doing a weekly segment on my weekend spotlight show. And I'm doing a weekly segment on their show where we're doing a band swap. You know, they're gonna play, you know, introduce my listeners to one of their bandst I'm sending. And actually, the sugar hold is this week's band. [00:24:08] Speaker D: These guys are supposed to be pretty good, aren't they? [00:24:10] Speaker B: I've heard. I've heard of them, those guys. [00:24:13] Speaker E: You sure about. [00:24:14] Speaker B: Yeah. All right, well, now that I've had you here, maybe not, but yeah, so, like, that's a, you know, and again, that's an eight hour drive. And, like, they're not close, but they are close. Because if you're talking about a band that goes from local band to regional bandaid. [00:24:30] Speaker D: Right. [00:24:31] Speaker B: Toronto. [00:24:32] Speaker C: That's that window. [00:24:32] Speaker B: Fucking regional to us. You know what I mean? Like, so if you have those networks, like, it's just gonna make it. Make it tighter, but, you know, doing real life shit. [00:24:43] Speaker C: Yeah, doing the thing. [00:24:45] Speaker B: Doing the thing. So before we go, you did bring your instruments, and it was kind of fun that it was a spontaneous. You're just like, what? You know, we brought guitars. It was like, well, I mean, I have microphones. You know, let's fuck there I go, that mic stand. And I was just like, you know, let's do this. So what song are you gonna play? [00:25:09] Speaker C: So I'm gonna play a song called back in the ring. It's one of the new ones we're working on and essentially probably gonna call the album back in the ring. [00:25:15] Speaker B: Nice. [00:25:16] Speaker E: I might fudge it up. [00:25:17] Speaker C: It's all good. It'd be very loose. [00:25:20] Speaker B: Very loose. Yeah. And it's cool. It's two. Gonna do two acoustic guitars and an acoustic bass, which I love. I need to get an acoustic bass. [00:25:28] Speaker D: Good to have. [00:25:29] Speaker B: Yeah, very good to have. All right, well, cool. What was the song again? [00:25:32] Speaker C: Oh, it's called back in the ring. [00:25:34] Speaker B: Back in the ring. I knew that. Well, let's listen to back in the ring. Live here in the dazzle, then by Zephyr. And then we'll be right back to wrap it up. [00:25:57] Speaker A: No telling I the future my brain opened up my eyes ready for anything long ago and far away I knew news I'd have to be back in the ring and we're taking the swings and it's all going down. [00:26:26] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:26:26] Speaker A: For one more round. Still standing tall and in spite of it all holding under the ground and we won't fall down no better time for the stars to align I know full well that it's no choice but mine. Long ago and far away I knew the news I'd have to be. [00:27:14] Speaker B: Back. [00:27:15] Speaker A: In the ring and we're taking the swings and it's all going down. Careful. One more round, you standing tall and in spite of it all pulling under the crowd and we won't fall down long ago and far away I knew the dues I'd have to face. Back in the ring and we're taking the swings and it's all going down. Careful. Warm all round. Still standing tall and in spite of it all holding onto the crowd and we won't fall down in the ring and we're taking the swing and it's all going down. Get for warm all round. You're standing tall and in spite of it all holding onto the crowd and we're walks all down. [00:29:23] Speaker B: Back in the ring. Live here in the dazzled Dennis from Zephyr. And, guys, I want to thank you so much for taking time out of your day to come up here and do this. I really appreciate it. And before we go, just want to give you each individually a chance to say what I refer to as your gratitude. So, Matt, we'll start with you. [00:29:41] Speaker E: So grateful for my health and everybody's health here and, yeah, being able to play music with friends, nothing better than that, really. Shout out to my dog, sug, my family, friends, and, yeah, over to you, John. [00:30:00] Speaker D: Thank you, everybody in the 518. I hope you guys come on out and see us. It'll be definitely a good time. I really appreciate Zach and matt. I met Zach at going into an anthrax show about ten years, was it? Yeah, it was ten years ago, and it's just been a great friendship, and we have a good time together. [00:30:18] Speaker C: And. [00:30:19] Speaker D: And hello to my wife, Debbie, and my cat, Vivian. Rock on. [00:30:25] Speaker C: I'd just like to thank my family and friends and parents, everybody that's kind of been supportive on this journey, and thanks for having us. [00:30:33] Speaker D: Appreciate it. [00:30:34] Speaker B: Absolutely. [00:30:34] Speaker C: All right. [00:30:35] Speaker B: Thanks, Andy. So they are Zeffler. I am Andy Scullen. This is unsigned 518. We'll see you on the road. Unsigned 518 is produced and hosted by me, Andy Scullen. New episodes are available every week wherever you stream podcasts. If you would like to help support the show, please like and subscribe wherever you are listening. Or you could buy me a [email protected]. unsigned 508 if you would like to advertise on the show, send me an email at Unsigned 508 mail.com. and to be a guest on the show, reach out to me through Instagram. Unsigned 518, take care of one another, and I'll see you next week. [00:31:20] Speaker A: Andy Sculler.

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