March 21, 2024


Unsigned518 - Weekend Spotlight - 3/22/24

Hosted by

Andy Scullin
Unsigned518 - Weekend Spotlight - 3/22/24
Unsigned518 - Weekend Spotlight - 3/22/24

Mar 21 2024 | 00:21:42


Show Notes

On this episode of Unsigned518's Weekend Spotlight for 3/22/24, I pick 3 events happening in the area, including a big awards show this weekend. I also read Amy's top picks from Around Town with Amy Modesti and check in with Angelina Valente about Zan Strumfeld's Carole King show this weekend that she is invovled with, along with Caity and the Gallaghers, Hold on Honeys and Steve Hammond.

This episode features music from: Reese Fulmer and the Carriage House Band and Angelina Valente

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Visit Around Town with Amy Modesti at:

Unsigned518 theme song written and performed by simplemachine. Outro music written and performed by ShortWave RadioBand

The music from this episode can be found below:

Reese Fulmer and the Carriage House Band on Spotify -

Angelina Valente on Spotify -

ShortWave RadioBand on Spotify -

simplemachine on Spotify -

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:00] Speaker A: You was born on a Saturday in 73 in the park, right? Music on the fifth guitar with the shortwick radio. It's motherfucking Andy calling. Look at Motherfucker cup, here we come. Andy calling wearing his orange hat. [00:00:27] Speaker B: Welcome to Unsigned five one eight's weekend spotlight for March 22, 2024. And if you are new to the show, maybe this is your first episode. Hey, how's it going? What this is, is a bonus episode, I guess you could say comes out every Thursday as opposed to regular episodes that come out Tuesday and feature one band for the whole episode. It's a sit down, just loose conversation. We play a couple of songs, basically get to know the artist. We're checking out what's happening this actual weekend. And what I do is they're recorded late Wednesday evening and basically no edits, just packaged and released at midnight so that they're there fresh every Thursday morning. And it's what's happening Friday, Saturday and Sunday. I pick basically one event for each night, sometimes more, sometimes less. But it's really just a quick spotlight at a couple of events, and then I will play some music from some of the artists that are playing. But really it's kind of to encourage you to get out and do your own digging and find out what's happening. Because there's so much happening, especially as the weather is starting to get warmer. And it's funny as I'm recording this at 630 or so on a Wednesday evening, it's still light out, which is amazing. So spring and summer are coming. So the first event that I'm going to talk about is the north and South Dakotas with Reese Fulmer and the carriage house band. And that is Friday, March 22 at no fun in Troy. Show starts at 07:00 tickets are $10 in advance, $15 day of show. If you'd like more information, events, you can find everything there. And since Reese Fulmer was actually on unsigned five one eight back in September, I think it was episode 92. All the episodes are certainly available on Spotify and everywhere. I think it was episode 92, but Reese came on the show and played a couple of songs in the Dazzle den live. And what you should know is that when people come in and play live, it's literally just like two microphones in front of them. There's no bells or whistles. It's just here's a microphone for your voice, a microphone for your instrument, or sometimes it's just two mics to capture kind of the whole room, but they just play and I listen to these recordings that were recorded here, not just because they sound great, and I love the performers, but there's something about having it be done here that I really like. So I'm going to play a Reese Fulmer song, and what I'm also going to do is play just a little snippet of the conversation that I had with Reese back on episode 92, where he kind of talks a little bit about what the song is about as he plays the song. So right now, let's actually go to the clip. This is from episode 92 of unsigned five one eight with Reese Fulmer. [00:03:42] Speaker C: I won't get too much into it, but I grew up in a place called Gloucester, Massachusetts. It's right on the ocean. It's a very old. It's a historic fishing. There's. My family's not in the fishing industry, but I grew up adjacent to it. And my dad is researcher. He's a ergonomist, which is occupational health. So he works with workplace injuries and stuff like that. And he worked on the big dig in Boston. They did that whole bridge with whatever poles coming out of it. It's right next to the TD garden. So he worked on that for years, and then he worked for years with the lobster fishing industry out of Maine and Massachusetts and their workplace injuries and the chronic pain that they deal with. And a lot of that is treated with opioids, and there's not a lot of support for them after. It's just sort of chronic pain. Here's a whole bunch of pills to make it better. And a lot of time there's dependence, and it gets much worse from there. So I had assisted him, creating some videos around the work that he was doing. But I heard all these stories. Those stories were initially what brought me to the story that you'll hear in the song. It was fleshed out a little bit past that, into more of, like an apocalyptic setting where it's like the world is going to end, but nothing matters. That was sort of the feeling, which I felt like was reflective of the opioid dependence. Just make the pain go away or. [00:05:39] Speaker B: Not even go away. Just hide it. [00:05:40] Speaker C: Yeah, just hide it. Right. And just kind of a numb feeling. And so that was a feeling that I sort of brought to the song and tried to inhabit in the story that I told. And it ended up in a song called City of Roses, which I will play for you now. [00:06:13] Speaker D: I used to dance round a candlestick flame in the darkness and I used to scream my own freedom with hollow black skies and I grew from a seed that was soaked in the blood of my likeness to a ghost in the alleyway watching my childhood die and I fell in love with a tourniquet girl in the city. I found a rosary broken and laid at her feet and I prayed for the end of my suffering, greed and self pity until a God that lay twisted and motionless down on the street and I had a dream last night that everyone awoke at the same time with a loud, loud noise and a bright light. We thought to ourselves in the back of our mind, what a beautiful dream it is we leave behind an old child isn't it just like they told us watching the colors collide all in an instant it's over just close your tired eyes picture city of roses a blooming skyline sunrise and I grew from a waterfall put by my own inner. [00:08:47] Speaker A: Motion. [00:08:51] Speaker D: To a cliff by the harbor side cut by a pass in time and I had a dream last night that everyone awoke at the same time with a loud, loud noise and a bright light we thought to ourselves in the back of our mind, what a beautiful dream it is we leave behind what a beautiful dream it is we leave behind. [00:09:36] Speaker B: All right, that was city of roses. Reese Fulmer live in the dazzled den. And up next, we have a night of Carol King featuring Angelina Valeni, Katie and the Gallaghers, hold on, honeys, and Steve Hammond. And it's hosted by Zan Strumfeld of Zan and the winter folk. And then it's on Saturday, March 23, at Caho's music Hall. It starts at 08:00 and I'm going to read right now directly from the website says, come celebrate the music of one of America's most beloved songwriters, Carol King, with some of the region's best musicians on one stage. The evening will feature four of the Capitol region's premier musical acts together for a special tribute to one of the most celebrated and iconic female singer songwriters of all time, with performances by Angelina Valeni, Katie and the Gallaghers, hold on, Honeys, and Steve Hammond, hosted by Zan Strumfeld. So that is Saturday. And again, just check out and you can find out how you can get tickets. It's going to be an amazing show. Angelina was on an early episode of unsigned five one eight. She was on number 32 back in August of 2022, if you want to go listen to that. And that was when we had first met. And since then we've become friends, my band and her. We've played shows together. Me and Angelina were on the news together for good reasons. She was performing and I was talking about the podcast. It was on news Ten. I think it's still on their website, regardless. But anyway, I wanted to play an Angelina Valeni song, and then I got thinking, hey, why don't I just see if maybe I can give Angelina a call and she can talk a little bit about the show coming up at Caho's music hall. So we're going to check in with Angelina on the telephone right now. [00:11:28] Speaker E: Hey, Angelina, what's know, I'm just. I'm hanging out, making some soup, making some awesome. [00:11:36] Speaker B: So, you know, I wanted to talk to you about the show coming up this weekend. Very exciting. And I figured, you know, since we've become kind of buddies, I was like, maybe I can give her a call and see what's. [00:11:50] Speaker E: Yes, yes. So, Carol King show this weekend. It's going to be, in a word, I guess, just awesome. It's going to be great. So there's four different bands that we're all doing. So it'll be myself, Katie and the Gallaghers, Steve Hammond and his band, and then the. Hold on. Um, and we're each singing four songs that either, you know, well, sang herself or wrote for other people like Zan, who put it together, was like, just give me your top. Like, six Carol King songs. Could be anything she's done over the course of her. Yeah. And then she picked from there and gave us each our four songs, and I'm not allowed to say what they are, so it has to be a big surprise. [00:12:37] Speaker B: So she put the whole thing together, so she actually curated the songs and that's a really cool way of doing it. [00:12:49] Speaker E: Yeah, she's getting really into event promotion right now and did the night of Joni Mitchell last year and is doing so Carol King this year. And then I believe she has something planned for the fall as well. But that's kind of on the down low coming up. [00:13:04] Speaker B: Well, I have been in talks with her about having her come on and do a full episode of unsigned five one eight. So that's definitely in the beginning stages at least. Schedules are tough, but it's going to happen. [00:13:20] Speaker E: Oh, it'll happen. It'll definitely happen. But, yeah, also, just schedules are the most difficult thing. [00:13:26] Speaker B: I know. [00:13:27] Speaker E: Yeah. Being an adult. [00:13:29] Speaker B: And that's why this is nice that I could just give you a call and check in because we just have to schedule a couple of minutes here and there. This is a new tool that I'm going to utilize more certainly on the weekend spotlight episodes. Yeah. Makes it so much. [00:13:46] Speaker E: Absolutely. [00:13:47] Speaker B: So it's at Caho's music hall. It's this Saturday. What was it, 07:00 it starts. [00:13:56] Speaker E: I wish it started at seven. It starts at eight. [00:13:58] Speaker B: Oh, man. [00:14:01] Speaker E: Late start for me. [00:14:03] Speaker B: Yeah, that's good. But totally worth it. Totally worth. [00:14:08] Speaker E: Yeah. [00:14:09] Speaker B: Well, thank you so much, Angelina, for taking a couple of minutes out of your busy schedule to talk to me. And before we know, I was saying that I wanted to play an Angelina Valeni song, and that's kind of what prompted this phone call. So now that I got you on the line, I might as well let you choose. [00:14:27] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:14:28] Speaker E: So how about we listen to my song off my newish, I guess, my new album sing. We'll listen to a song called Riverside. [00:14:38] Speaker B: Okay, cool. So let's listen to riverside from Angelina Valeni, who will be performing this weekend with Katie and the Gallaghers, Steve Hammond. Hold on, honeys. All put together by Zan Strumfeld, of course. A knight of Carol King. So thank you, Angelina. [00:14:53] Speaker E: Awesome. Thank you, Andy. [00:15:00] Speaker A: You know I've been feeling heavy and I know you have to so come see right down beside me and our trouble will be few I'm gonna lay down by the riverside and listen to the water as it grow it's the sweetest kind of music just listening to those wildflowers grow what good can it do? Let in that weight bear down on me I'm going to lay down by the riverside and to the water as it grow kind of music just listening to those wildflowers what can you let in now we bear down on you I'm gonna lay down by the riverside and listen to the water through I my dark and lonely night because I know that there is truth and so I'm giving up the fight I'm gonna lay down by the riverside and listen to the water music to listen to those wildflowers what good can it do? Let in that way down on you we're gonna lay down by the riverside and listen to the water I'm gonna listen to the water. [00:18:51] Speaker B: So now it is time to check in with Amy modesty of around town with Amy Modesty for her top three picks of the week. Number one, the opening of the family exhibition at the Artist space inside the National Bottle Museum in Boston Spa is Saturday, March 23, and its opening reception will take place on April 6 from two to 04:00 p.m. The exhibit will run through April 20. Number two, on March 27, the art center of the Capital Region will be putting on an evening discussion for a call for art to be displayed in South Troy and needs free public input. The discussion will be held at Troy Prep High School from 545 to 08:00 p.m. And number three, last but not least, the 2024 listen up Music Awards will be held this upcoming Sunday, March 24 at Putnam Place starting at 02:00 p.m. The event is put on by both radio Radio X and Mirth films. For more information on these or any other events, you can check aroundtown with Amy modesty at aroundtownwithamymidesti We'll check in again with Amy next week for more top picks. And again, that's aroundtownwithamymidesti, which leads me right into our last event, which happens to be the listen up awards. The 2024 listen up awards. The first year that they had them, it was at Lar hall in Albany, and then last year was at the Caho's music hall in cahoots. And then this year is at Putnam Place in Saratoga. So in addition to all the awards, there's also going to be music from the e block, Sly Fox and the Hustlers, North Allen duo and Black Cat Elliot. So the listen up awards, brought to you by radio, Radio X and Mirth films, will be this Sunday, March 24. For more information, you can check or events. That is it for this week's weekend spotlight. If you would like to help support the show, you can, like, rate and subscribe wherever you listen. Or you could always buy me a [email protected]. Unsigned five one eight again, I'm Andy Scullen. This is unsigned five one eight's weekend spotlight and I'll see you on the road. Unsigned five one eight is produced and hosted by me, Andy Scullen. New episodes are available every week wherever you stream podcasts. If you would like to help support the show, please like and subscribe wherever you are listening. Or you could buy me a [email protected]. Unsigned 508 if you would like to advertise on the show, send me an email at unsigned 508 [email protected] and to be a guest on the show, reach out to me through Instagram at Unsigned 508. Take care of one another and I'll see you next week. Bye.

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