February 05, 2024


Unsigned518 - Special Episode - Mathys Family Fundraiser

Hosted by

Andy Scullin
Unsigned518 - Special Episode - Mathys Family Fundraiser
Unsigned518 - Special Episode - Mathys Family Fundraiser

Feb 05 2024 | 00:14:44


Show Notes

Our friends in 518 band Twilight Drive need our help.

On this episode of Unsigned518, Twilight Drive bassist, John Prylo sits down with me and we talk about the benefit concert that he has arranged to help assist the family and other ways you can help. Please listen and help us all come together as a community to show our support for the Mathys family in this difficult time.

If you would like more information on how to help, please visit: https://www.gofundme.com/f/support-erin-and-her-family-as-she-recovers

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:00] Speaker A: It was born on a Saturday in 73 in the park. Right. Music on the pink guitar with the joke with radio. It's motherfucking Andy calling look at Motherfucker cup, here we come Andy calling wearing his orange. [00:00:27] Speaker B: Welcome to unsigned five one eight. This is a special episode. Our friend Brian in the band Twilight Drive. His wife has very recently suffered a devastating health event, and he is self employed, so he's going to need to be out of work to take care of the entire family and their homestead. So John Prilo of Twilight Drive has put together a benefit concert that will be held at Ophelia's on Broadway on March 2. And there's going to be eight local bands that are going to be playing all the bands, the venue, the sound guys, everybody is all volunteering their time, and 100% of the proceeds will go to Brian and his family to help them through this difficult time. And there's also ways that you can help. There is a GoFundMe set up, but I'm basically just going to go back to the conversation that I had with John Prilo. He came over to the Dazzle den yesterday, and we talked about what's going on and what everybody can do to help. So if everybody can check this special episode out, I would truly appreciate it. So I am here with John Prilo of Twilight Drive, and we've actually become friends in the last, I don't know, a little bit of time since we played at Speakeasy. [00:02:02] Speaker C: Yeah, was speakeasy a year and a half ago? [00:02:04] Speaker B: Year and a half ago or something like that. And it's funny because Darryl, who is the drummer for Twilight Drive, was the very first guest that I ever recorded for unsigned five one eight. I don't know if you knew that. [00:02:16] Speaker C: I did not know that. That's incredible. [00:02:17] Speaker B: The first three guests on episodes one, two and three, I recorded in reverse order. So Darryl was episode three, but he was recorded first. Chad was second, and then Mikey Bash was third, but Mikey was episode one. So, yeah, it's great. So Darryl was the very first ever guest recorded for unsimed five one eight. So we're here. This is kind of a special episode. It reminds me, like the 80s, remember, like, the very special episodes after school special. This is a very special episode of unsigned five one eight. Because there's an event that's happening that, John, you are putting together. There's been what can only be described as a tragic event that needs to be addressed, and there needs to be a little bit of community support. And I think you found that the community support came running. And I'm going to let you kind of tell the story of why we're here. [00:03:23] Speaker C: Thanks, Andy. I appreciate you having me on. It was our friend Aaron, who was the wife of our guitar player, Brian, in our band. She suffered a severe stroke two weeks ago. It was actually two severe strokes that happened, like, right back to back. And so she ended up going to the hospital. And then now she's down at Albany Med, and she's not quite in recovery yet. She's down there. She's paralyzed on one side of her body, and she can't speak, which is very tragic. If you've gotten to know Aaron, like we all, you know, Brian has been down there every single day, spending his life down there. Pretty much everything's been put on hold in their. You know, we've decided that we're going to put on a Mathis family fundraiser, and that's what we're calling the benefit concert. And we're going to be doing it down at Ophelias in Albany. It's on March 2 from two to. [00:04:24] Speaker B: 11:00 yeah, from 02:00 p.m. To 11:00 p.m. So it's a full day, eight bands. And Ophelias is Nanola's. It was going to be Nanola south. [00:04:37] Speaker C: Yes, it was going to be Nanola. [00:04:38] Speaker B: South, and then they changed it to Ophelias on Broadway. So that's going to be. When are they're opening? [00:04:46] Speaker C: They might already be opening. They might open next week, but the place is going to be like it used to be the parish public house. [00:04:53] Speaker B: Oh, right. [00:04:54] Speaker C: So they're completely changing the inside. They're going to have food, drink, and I just really appreciate Shane Spillinger at NoLa for opening this place up and then having our benefit concert being like the first thing he's got. [00:05:08] Speaker B: And you said that when you reached out to him, he was an immediate, like, yes, absolutely. Let's do this right. [00:05:14] Speaker C: It's the quickest he's ever gotten back to me by email. Within a matter. Within a minute, he got back to me. He's like, wow, he's like, that is terrible. Anything I can do? And he offered up his place and he offered up his sound. Guy just donated his time. And it's a beautiful thing to see so many people from the five one eight get together, all these great bands, which I'm sure we're going to discuss in a little bit. [00:05:41] Speaker B: Yeah, let's actually go through. I don't have my phone. That's a flyer right there. Can I see that? Yeah, right here, man. So we have, in order of appearance, Gozer Seas Atlantis, shortwave radio band, electric turtle, dew Point man must explore sad dads and Barbie Barker. And that goes starting at 02:00 p.m. 02:00 p.m. Just goes all day. And basically you said it was going to be quick turnover stuff. So it's going to be like music, music, music. And it's $20 suggested donation at the door. Everything is going to go to the family. [00:06:22] Speaker C: Everything is going to go to the family. [00:06:24] Speaker B: And all the bands are donating their time, like you said, the sound guy, the venue. So it's like a true community, people coming together. So what was the date? I'm like, I'm playing there and I keep forgetting this. [00:06:41] Speaker C: Your band's playing 04:00 it's Saturday on March 2. [00:06:46] Speaker B: March 2, yeah. [00:06:47] Speaker C: Each band is going to get 35 to 40 minutes. Quick turnover, 20 minutes, hopefully. And we're just going to try to keep it rolling all day with some great local music and local support. And, yeah, it's going to be a great event and hope to get so many people out. [00:07:02] Speaker B: Yeah, and I think people will come out. So I guess let's go into a little bit about some of the bands. We'll start right with the headliner, the almighty. I'm going in reverse. Oh, reverse order. We'll start right with the headliner trying. [00:07:21] Speaker C: To predict your thoughts. [00:07:22] Speaker B: So Caitlin Barker, Barbie Barker of Candy Ambulance. And again, I was part of the initial group text know, hey, we want to do like, who should we reach out to? And you just reach out. And she agreed. And boom, we got a headliner. And then who else we got? [00:07:44] Speaker C: Yeah, she doesn't even know me. And she's like, yeah, sure, I'll play at 09:00 too. I was like, that's fantastic. [00:07:50] Speaker B: Wow, it was funny. I wanted to be like, oh, yeah, go ahead and drop my name. And then you're like, oh, no, she already agreed. [00:07:57] Speaker C: And I'm like, oh, shit, man, really nice person. I can't wait. [00:08:02] Speaker B: That's so right. And then sad dads who we played with Erie and sad dads at. Where was that? [00:08:13] Speaker C: Is that single? [00:08:15] Speaker B: Yeah. Yeah, it might have been. Yeah, I'm trying to see the poster. It's over there. Yeah, it was single. Getting. I'm getting to that age. I'm like, all these shows, I can't remember. I think I played something, but they're really great. I don't know if you've seen them. [00:08:31] Speaker C: I've never seen them. I've only talked with. I believe it's Andrew. I'm really looking forward to their set. And they're the first band that actually said yes. So it was really nice to see them on board. [00:08:44] Speaker B: Yeah, just jumping right on board. And then man must explore. Well, actually, according the poster is a little wrong because isn't it's man must explore before, right? Yeah, it doesn't matter because people are going to be there all day. [00:09:00] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:09:00] Speaker B: So man must explore. And Dew point. And dew point, you said were our students of yours. [00:09:06] Speaker C: Yeah, they're actually seniors at Scotia Glenville High School. It was where I teach. And they have a really awesome band that's been together for quite some time and they're going to play a bunch of covers and they rock. [00:09:18] Speaker B: I love that. And then electric turtle, you reached out to them and they're going to be on at, what's that? [00:09:24] Speaker C: 05:00 p.m. We played this really fun festival with them in April. It was actually a 420 festival. Caesar Lanis was at the same festival. So we got to meet electric Turtle and hear a little bit of their set and they're great people and great music and happy to have them on board as well. [00:09:42] Speaker B: And then right before electric Turtle, obviously is us, shortway radio band. We'll do a Set of. I think we'll probably just do all originals for that one. [00:09:52] Speaker C: Yeah, I've never really heard of that band before. [00:09:54] Speaker B: Yeah, they kind of suck a little bit. [00:09:58] Speaker C: I hear their bass player wears orange all the time. [00:10:02] Speaker B: It's orange as an accent, not the main color. Everybody's got to remember that you're one. [00:10:08] Speaker C: Step away from an orange leisure suit. That's a great idea. [00:10:13] Speaker B: That is a great idea. I think it was like when we were going to shoot the video, there was some point where I was, I can't remember what it was for, but I was on Amazon looking for bright orange tracksuits, like Adidas tracksuit. But then Sugar hole did. Or no, it wasn't sugar hole. Those baton killers did the tracksuits. They all wore the different colored tracksuits. And I was like, oh, well, now I can't do that. They got to it first. [00:10:42] Speaker C: Well, hey, at least you got the orange accents. [00:10:44] Speaker B: I do have the orange accents. So then Seas Atlantis and obviously season our buddies, we've both played. Have we played shows? Both of us and them? [00:10:57] Speaker C: I don't think so. I've played a bunch of shows with. [00:10:59] Speaker B: Them, though, last year. [00:11:01] Speaker C: Great guys. [00:11:02] Speaker B: They are good guys. Are they on that one. I don't know if I'm. [00:11:07] Speaker C: He's got so many shows. They're all melding together. [00:11:09] Speaker B: They are. [00:11:11] Speaker C: Those are good problems to have. [00:11:13] Speaker B: I don't know if it is because I don't think it's like, oh, I've got so many show, and luckily I've got everything in my calendar and I don't know if this good thing, this isn't a video because I'm, like, fumbling around without my phone. I don't know shit because everything's in my calendar and I always put what date it is and every band that's on the bill because without it, I forget. [00:11:35] Speaker C: Yeah, why even bother remembering when you can write it on your calendar? I do the same thing. [00:11:39] Speaker B: Yeah, but whatever. And then Gozer is kicking it off right at 02:00 p.m. And they just won at the extreme music awards. [00:11:52] Speaker C: That's right, they did. [00:11:53] Speaker B: So they're the award winning. [00:11:56] Speaker C: Opening up with the award winning almighty go hell. [00:12:00] Speaker B: Yeah. So I guess let's just kind of go through it one more time where it is, what time it is, and how people can get more information. I don't know if there's a way to get more information if they want to donate outside of the coming to a. [00:12:20] Speaker C: That's a fantastic thing to bring up. There's actually a GoFundMe that is in my bio on Twilight Drive on Instagram. So you can always go to our Twilight drive page and click on our bio, and it'll bring you right to the GoFundMe page for Aaron. [00:12:36] Speaker B: Cool. [00:12:36] Speaker C: And that's raised a bunch of money already as well. And the show details are at Ophelia's in Albany on March 2. That's a Saturday, and it's going to go from two to 11:00 p.m. $20. Suggested donation at the door. [00:12:51] Speaker B: So March 2, Ophelia is on Broadway, and again, it's eight local bands, and all the proceeds are going to go to the family. [00:13:00] Speaker C: That's right. [00:13:01] Speaker B: John, thank you for coming out and talking about this great cause. And I'm hoping everybody who's listening will not only come out, but tell a friend and let's show the five one eight how we do. [00:13:14] Speaker C: Thanks so much for having me on, Andy. [00:13:16] Speaker B: Absolutely, man. All right, so that was John Prilo of Twilight Drive. And again, if you could help out, that would be great. You can go to the GoFundMe. If you look at Twilight Drive's Instagram page, it's right on the link tree there, and you can go there, but you can also come out to Ophelias on Broadway March 2. It starts at 02:00 p.m. Gozer kicking the whole thing off. And then it goes all the way deep into the night, with Barbie Barker closing out the night. So it's going to be a good time for a great cause. And again, 100% of those proceeds will go to help the family again, I'm Andy Scullen. This is unsigned five one eight, and I'll see you on the road. [00:14:09] Speaker D: Unsigned five one eight is produced and hosted by me, Andy Scullen. New episodes are available every week wherever you stream podcasts. If you would like to help support the show, please like and subscribe wherever you are listening. Or you could buy me a [email protected]. Unsigned 508 if you would like to advertise on the show, send me an email at unsigned 508 [email protected] and to be a guest on the show, reach out to me through Instagram at unsigned five one eight. [00:14:41] Speaker B: Take care of one another, and I'll see you next week. Bye.

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