[00:00:01] Speaker A: Welcome to unsigned 518's Weekend Spotlight for the weekend of February 20, 2025. Got a great show coming up for you. Have music from Dan Carr and the Cure for Asthma, TV Doctors, same old Rat, Alec Lewis group. Also the latest from A.B. the autocrat with exquisite Mr. Pigs and shiest and a band called Arcade All Stars brought to us by my friends in the Bad Music club. So without further ado, let's get started.
[00:00:36] Speaker B: Andy Scullin is such a good dude. The kind of guy that it's easy to talk to.
[00:00:42] Speaker C: He's got some cool stuff he'd like.
[00:00:43] Speaker D: To share with you. Yeah, you.
[00:00:45] Speaker C: It's the weekend.
[00:00:46] Speaker A: You know what you should do? It's the weekend.
[00:00:48] Speaker C: Spotlight the weekend.
[00:00:49] Speaker E: Alright.
[00:00:51] Speaker A: Unsight by way up first tonight, Thursday night at no Fun, we have Belle and Chain, Dan Carr and the Cure for Asthma and Brule County Bad Boys Light, which I'm assuming is just a truncated version of Brule County Bad Boys, but either way gonna be a fantastic show. Doors at 7, show is at 8 o'clock. Again, that is Belle and Chain Dan Carr and the Cure for Asthma and Brule County Bad Boys Light. That is tonight Thursday at no Fun, 275 River street in Troy. Right now what we're going to do is hear a song from Dan Carr and the Cure for Asthma. This one just seemed so appropriate on this freezing ass cold day. This one's called Cold Breeze in Albany and it's right here on unsigned 518's weekend spotlight.
[00:01:42] Speaker D: Cold breeze in Albany I wish it would be over Cold breeze in Albany that shakes the trees and clovers I think I seen this one before.
Sure you get it all the time Cold breezing over me I wish you better Cold breezing all the I should have gone sweater.
I think I seen this one before for sure you get it all the time sure I've never been this B.O.
but you don't want to hear me go breezing over me I wish it would be better Cold breezing over me I should have cold breezing over me I want it to be over Come breezing over me that chase the trees.
[00:03:38] Speaker A: That's Dan Carr and the Cure for asthma, Cold Breeze in Albany here on Untimed518's Weekend Spotlight. And again you can catch Dan Carr and the Cure for Asthma along with Bell and Chain and Rural County Bad Boys Light tonight at no Fun, doors at 7, show at 8 o'clock.
Up next Friday we have TV doctors at the 11 at Larcal starting at 8 o'clock and TV doctors last year won Jam Band of the Year at the Eddies. And something kind of cool happened that they, they called. They called my name out as like a thanks when they were up at the podium. And I thought that was like, super cool and that it really couldn't get any better than that. But this year, you know, as I said on my eddie special episode, Unsigned 518 is nominated for an Eddie for Best Arts Publication of the Year. And TV Doctors are once again up for Best Jam Band of the Year. And I don't know, it's just a cool, cool thing that can happen in the span of less than a year. I went from holy shit, they said my name to like, hey, maybe, maybe I'll be up there as well. But anyway, what we're going to do right now is play a song from TV Doctors. This one is called Drug Gutter and it's from their performance live at Argyl Brewing and it's right here on unsigned 518's weekend spotlight.
[00:08:30] Speaker D: It's SA.
[00:09:48] Speaker A: All right, that was TV Doctors right here on unsigned 518's weekend spotlights. That one's Drug Gutter recorded live at Argyll Brewing Company's now unfortunately no longer there. Well, I mean, I guess it's there, the building is there, but. But the Depot has, has been been sold and I guess something new might happen with it and you never know, maybe there'll be some cool music there, but as we know it, it's unfortunately gone. That's a total bummer. But anyway, you can can relive the times at the Depot in Cambridge by listening to TV Doctors live at Argyle Brewing Company. You can find that on Bandcamp this Saturday at Empire Live. The Erotics, Black Cat, Elliot, Same Old Rat and Jupiter Queen will be performing. Doors are at 6:00. And right now what we're gonna do is play a song from Same Old Rat. This one is called Jesus Fish. It's right here on unsigned 518's weekend.
[00:10:47] Speaker C: Spotl she got the devil inside Makes it so hard to lose Come along you walk with your soul My pain in my veins Makes it so hard to move I know you hated it.
[00:11:24] Speaker D: For phone.
[00:11:29] Speaker C: My second to my phones.
[00:11:33] Speaker D: You devil say you got they are.
[00:11:36] Speaker C: All the same can't be the only one there in all this place Want to see it?
You tried it all but you don't want to be it Come along your work and not embrace no Then change it all and when I'm going to.
[00:12:16] Speaker D: See.
[00:12:18] Speaker C: I know you Hate it if.
[00:12:21] Speaker D: We made it on my own.
[00:12:24] Speaker C: Let's not you in my thoughts check it to my bones.
Your devils in your God they are all the same.
Can't be the only one failing all this pain I got nothing left to say to you. You get nothing but the look in my eyes but you out of feel it's a slippery slope what if I don't buy it?
[00:13:16] Speaker D: What if I don't lie on my own?
[00:13:19] Speaker C: I got nothing left to say to you. There is nothing but to fear on my own.
Want another lesson? Fear of my own Want another less.
[00:13:34] Speaker D: Up here on my own.
[00:14:37] Speaker C: Come along.
[00:14:38] Speaker D: You want but don't so my pace no.
[00:14:43] Speaker C: You like that in my veins makes it so hard to move I.
[00:14:49] Speaker D: Know you made it. If I made it on my own.
[00:14:54] Speaker C: It'S not you in my thoughts sticking to my bones.
Your devil and your God they are all the same.
I can't be the only one living all this place.
[00:15:15] Speaker A: Same old rats. Jesus fish right here on unsigned 518's weekend spotlight and you can catch them this Saturday with the Erotics Black Cat Elliot and Jupiter Queen at Empire Underground. Show starts at 6pm so get out there and check that show out. Looks like it's going to be a killer line. Alright, so right now we're gonna check in with my friends Jake and Mike with Bad Music Club and see what band they think we should know this week.
[00:15:43] Speaker F: Arcade All Stars has less than 100 monthly listeners and it's a ska band from fucking Kitchener, man.
[00:15:48] Speaker B: High score. Enter your initials now.
[00:15:50] Speaker A: Ska.
[00:15:52] Speaker F: Dude, I've been talking about ska like it's a thing of the past, but it's alive and well and right in our backyard.
[00:15:57] Speaker A: This is ska done well by now.
[00:15:59] Speaker F: You all know how much I love the horns and these guys are so much more than that. A really well put together outfit.
[00:16:06] Speaker A: We do love our horns, don't we Jake? And I love this band.
[00:16:10] Speaker F: They are all stars. Full stop. Their latest Release is the three song EP insert coin which came out November 3rd, 2023.
[00:16:17] Speaker A: Check it out.
[00:16:22] Speaker G: You don't know the meaning of free.
You mobilize your fashion based army.
Like a violet screaming through a trans Mr. Radio. All you get is feedback. So proud of what you know but you won't believe me. Cause I'm speaking from the soul and the soul seems too religious so you mark it as unknown.
When the soldiers step into the battleground, they'll never believe the life they found.
A million opinions versus one strong minded foe.
And when I said you've got to let it go? Your defenses multiplied tenfold? A form moral cop is an crime? Yeah, you're wasting your time?
[00:17:25] Speaker C: Well, ideas have been popping in and the way I'm stopping? Save yourself and save the world? Ideas have been popping in and the way I'm stopping? And evil ways of fun?
[00:17:36] Speaker G: When the screams were heard from miles away from the victims who all died that day?
[00:17:42] Speaker D: Locked your way into a fashion sense ignorance no consequence?
[00:17:47] Speaker G: Fighting for the wrong ideas that you can't even defend?
So if you believe in unity could you love a cop? Or a breeze brought that down and your world didn't burn? And you realize now it's your turn? Tell the world what it needs to be? But it seems nobody's listening so you.
[00:18:20] Speaker C: Make haste, do it today? Try to find another way on your journey?
[00:18:26] Speaker B: What did you see?
[00:18:28] Speaker C: Another person you'd rather be?
[00:18:30] Speaker D: I had a friend who had a.
[00:18:32] Speaker G: Foe Taught me everything he knows?
[00:18:36] Speaker D: Locked away into a fashion sense ignorance no consequence?
[00:18:41] Speaker G: Fighting for the wrong ideas that you can't even demand?
So if you believe in unity?
Could you love a cop or a priest?
I had a friend who had a foe who taught me everything he knows? He said I've learned a lot in my many years? But something still bothers me I fear if you lost your friends and you lost your fears? Where do you go from here?
[00:19:22] Speaker C: Where do you go from here?
[00:19:50] Speaker A: That is. They don't teach that in school. Arcade All Stars brought to us by my friends Jake and Mike and their producer Quinneville from Bad Music Club. Every week bringing us bands you should know from their area or on their radar. And I'm sending them up. Andy's rap from our area or my radar and. And we kind of trade bands and it's a wonderful thing and it helps grow the community. So check out Arcade All Stars and all the other great bands at Bad Music Club. You can find them on Instagram at Bad Club Media. I know it's a little. I was confused at first, but it's the Bad Music Club from Bad Club Media.
Up next, Alec Lewis group at single cut from 4 to 7. This is on Saturday and Alec Lewis is up for, I believe it's pop artist of the Year. I know he's up for. For something. I'll have to go back and look. The list is. Is so long and I've looked at the list a lot and I still haven't have it memorized. I don't know, I don't know how, but Alec is definitely up for something. I believe it's Pop artist of the year. And he definitely deserves deserves it. Friend of the show. He's done a lot to help not only the show, but my band. He engineered Plastic when we recorded that at Jivehive. He's just a really awesome dude. And I'm happy to play an Alec Lewis Group song and encourage you to go out to my favorite place which is Single cut this Saturday from 4 to 7. Alec Lewis Group Right now it's a tune from Alec Lewis Group group. This one's called Half Empty, Half Full and it's here on unsigned 518's weekend spotlight.
[00:21:58] Speaker B: Walking through the park In a part of town that I don't know I was surprised by an older guy Coming up on my left side Nowhere to be and I wasn't feeling mean he just wanted time so I gave him some of mine and he said thanks Gotta be careful there's some freaks up in this park, you know in fact those who leave might say that it left its mark hold up, what do you mean those who leave? Then he pulled a knife, said don't scream well, that's my cue to beat I wanna trust people but people fucking suck I wanna like this life but look around it's all fucked maybe it's.
[00:22:42] Speaker C: Just me maybe I should toughen up.
[00:22:45] Speaker B: Half empty, no shit, I can't even find a cup luckily for me I got 30 years upon that guy so I book it through a thick tree line Till I get through the other side Feeling pretty shook Think I'd better stop and pet some dogs but once I walk away I feel my wallet is gone Retrace my steps but that dog walker must have got me in quick I take out my phone to call to cancel all my cards so my bank account don't slip but the card and all was lost when it hit I couldn't find my wheels this is where I parked I guess that Civic was a steal I wanna trust people but people fucking suck I wanna like this light fun look around, it's.
[00:23:38] Speaker C: All fucked maybe it's just me maybe I should toughen up Half empty no.
[00:23:45] Speaker D: Half full.
[00:23:49] Speaker B: I can't even find a.
[00:23:51] Speaker A: Cop.
[00:24:26] Speaker B: Found a bar next to the park where I can stop and think I asked to use the phone but they say not unless you buy a drink Tell them about the day I've had but no pity Diddy dole voice from behind me says I'm buying Bobby make it cold Thinking maybe Found myself a friend to help me find her out but she's staring me down with Baby browns I know that look and I am out Second guess the drink Just as my lips hit the foam and I'm thinking better luck if I just start walking home I wanna trust people People fucking suck I wanna like this life but look around it's all.
[00:25:09] Speaker C: Fucked maybe it's just me maybe I should toughen up.
[00:25:13] Speaker B: Half empty I can't even find a.
[00:25:21] Speaker A: Cop Alec Lewis group. Half empty half full. And you can catch them this Saturday at single cut from 4 to 7pm so up next, I'm gonna play a song off Metroland Now's hot singles in your area playlist. And you've heard me talk about it before. TJ Foster puts together the list. He puts it up on the Metroland now website. He sends it to me. I make the official Spotify playlist so that you can hear them all in one one playlist and stay current with the releases in the 518. So every week on this show I pull a song from the Metroland now hot singles in your area playlist of the current month, which is now January because we're in February. And this week I am choosing Way Too Long, which is a collaboration from AB the Autocrat exclusive Exquisite, Mista, Pigs and Shiest. And I'm happy to say, I know it's, it's been said, but for Andy Palooza 3 this year, which is at Single Cut, it's a fucking huge party. It's my my birthday. It's the anniversary of this podcast. It'll be the one year anniversary of me not having a drink all year. So so many things to celebrate and other local bands will be there. And I'm happy to say that Ab the Otter, Autocrat, Exquisite and Mr. Pigs will be there doing a full set of music. So it's going to be pretty kick ass. Pay attention to I guess my Instagram and whatever I say on here. But as it gets closer, more details will certainly come about. But Andy Palooza 3 is happening May 17 and I think you should definitely check it out. And right now check out the latest collaboration from AB the autocrat, Exquisite, Mr. Pigs and Shiest. This one's called Way Too Long and It's here on Unsigned 518's weekend spotlight.
[00:27:15] Speaker H: I've been doing this way too long Inflate your little muscles if you say you strong Roll up on you like grape Poupon Pardon me? Roll the window down make you gone I've been doing this way too long Inflate your little muscles if you say you strong upon you like gray Poopon part of me roll the window down make you go hey yo the greenery doctor you see me breathing? I was puffing then I'm leaving Jiba jiba jiba jiba Hawker watch me easily prosper never deceitfully conquer. We use reason to pro tools create slavers even even if we ain't eating the same pasta I gotcha. Throw a nickel bag to a tree in my lock 1, 2, 3 my feet turn into fence hoppers when I see the copper seeing seduction with a beat like this I can see the oculus augment reality from your consciousness from your one bedroom flat you could be prosperous and if you ever leave that spot we could meet to eat octopus Famous last words was see what the profit is Shake it off Snake went off without a hit thought it was a bottomless pit and looking back in it it's so obvious I've been doing this way too long. Inflate your little muscles if you say you strong roll up on you like gray poopon pardon me? Roll the window down make you gone I've been doing this way too long. Inflate your little muscles if you say you strong roll up on you like gray poopon Part of me roll the window down make you go wrong person.
[00:28:44] Speaker I: I'm certain we not the enemy then get confused a bit like mistaken identity but if you feeling froggy leap then fall flat Foggy memory keep thinking you all that that Pat's a veteran Been here and I'm settled in Trying to get away from most of pitching and the pedaling and be your better friends see the bigger picture but over beach probably ain't a better mix Flickering lights go off inscribing scriptures what's got me amped up like when I'm sniffing the ripper but here's the kicker I know that my flow is sicker so flex all you want I ain't the one to sit here and bicker the quicker that you realize I don't give a accept anything but this I will never call it quits the better off you are Listen you dismiss try and flex a little muscle you ain't even on.
[00:29:25] Speaker H: The list I've been doing this way too long. Inflate your little muscles if you say you strong roll up on you like gray poo porn Pardon me? Roll the window down, make you gone I've been doing this way too long. Inflate your little muscles if you say you strong roll the one you like gray pool porn a part of me Roll the window down make you gone.
[00:29:48] Speaker E: I know bad as hood dwellers cramming jammies in their panties like hair than goodfellas what you doing substituting glutton for gluten? I punch your tooth and something up his bro in the ruckus and suing just a little bribe will get you in the Bible devil's killing your name and you ain't ever held liable you not a viable specimen I smell estrogen you feminine it shows your brethren and I would question them they suspects not rough necks they cut checks for butt sex still hearing they thought threats and they subtext they all clowns the whole circus a circus my birth is still a holiday for nurses that was working shifts pop purpose on the earth's surface to make a rapper nervous his fire the choir with verses worse Collapse churches then 518 upstate breaking through your front gate rap your pump face and duct.
[00:30:31] Speaker H: Tape.
[00:30:38] Speaker A: Let'S ab the autocrat with exquisite Mr. Pigs and Shiest that one's called Way Too long here on Unsigned 518's weekend spot Spotlight. And that is it for me. I thank you so much for listening. I will be back next week with a regular episode of Unsigned 518, obviously another weekend spotlight and then probably at some point next month or in the next couple weeks, I will drop part two of my Eddie's Special. And if you haven't listened to the Eddie special, go check that out. It's kind of cool. I run through the list of a lot of the Eddie's nominees through a bunch of the categories and then kind of highlight people that have a deeper connection to this show. Basically people that I've made friends with throughout doing this show. And then I play some music and I thought it was going to be a one part thing and then I was like, ah, maybe I'll do a two part. But turns out it's, it's definitely going to be a three part because part one was an hour and parts two and three are shaping up to be easily that long. So rather than give you one three hour episode, I will, I will break it up. But you should definitely check them out. They're. They're worth listening to for the the music alone. Maybe not so much me talking, but you know, you get it. Anyway, that is it for me. I am Andy scullin. This is unsigned 518's weekend spotlights and I'll see you on the road.
Unsigned 518 is produced and hosted by me, Andy Scullin. New episodes are available every week wherever you stream podcasts. If you'd like to help support the show. Please like and subscribe wherever you are listening. Or you could buy me a
[email protected] unsigned 518 if you would like to advertise on the show, send me an
[email protected] and to be a guest on the show, reach out to me through Instagram signed 518take care of one another and I'll see you next week.