[00:00:01] Speaker A: He was born on a Saturday in 73 he loves punk rock music fighting the 13 cabin in the dazzle jazz.
[00:00:09] Speaker B: Rocking out on the bass guitar with.
[00:00:11] Speaker A: A short wind radio bass his motherfucking envy scrolling look at motherfucker cuz here he comes Andy Sculling wearing his orange.
[00:00:26] Speaker C: Hats welcome to unsigned 518. I am here alone. I am here all by myself. The last couple weekends I've had to reschedule guests, move things around due to weather it, you know, unfortunately happened two weeks in a row and I used up my, my cushion of guests and I had nothing. So this weekend while I was snowed in, I was thinking, you know, what, what can I do for an episode this week? And then, you know, with the Eddies just being announced recently and, and finding out that I am nominated this year or unsigned 518 is nominated for arts publication of the year, it's a pretty crazy world to live in. So I figured might as well do an episode on the Eddies. And I was kind of thinking, how can I approach it? How can I do it? And I was like looking through the list, there's a lot of people on the list that have been on the show and there's a lot of people on the list that I've actually created deeper connections with, you know, become friends with, worked with or just, you know, a relationship with someone that happened because of this show, I guess you could say. So what I'm going to do is I'm going to read through the list of nominees and then every once in a while I'm going to stop and, you know, tell an anecdote about someone that's been on the show and how I came to meet them and how that relationship, I guess, blossomed into what it is now. And then I'm going to play some music from the artist, but I am going to read pretty much the entire list. I think I am going to do this in two parts because I realized that there are 37 artists that are nominated this year that have been on the show and I just think it would be way too long of a show if I played 37 songs. So I'm just gonna pick and choose a couple things here and there, but I'm gonna just basically start by running down the list. So thank you for listening. Here we go. So the Eddie's nominations for the year 2025. The first category I have is Electronica Artist of the year. We have 100 psychic dreams, Armbruster, Jungle Punk, Milkshake, Godfather, Razzy K, the Raisin man and SM Inc. And then in the punk and hardcore artist of the year, which is probably one of my favorite categories, we have Girth Control, Halobite, Schenectavoids, the Snorts, Trauma School Dropouts, and Zombie Giuliani. And this is my first point where I'm going to stop and focus on an artist. I want to talk a little bit about Girth Control. They came on the show. I can't remember when it was. It was, you know, the show was already kind of off and running. It wasn't like, in the early days, and it wasn't super recent, but I had been a fan of their music when they. When they came on. And then I got to know the dudes, and I really like them. They're great guys. They're really funny, clever songs. And then also, if you listen to the Weekend Spotlight, you'll notice that Girth Control does the theme song to Weekend Spotlight. And that was a thing where I just asked. I was like, hey, how would you feel about possibly recording a theme song for Weekend Spotlight? And they were like, yeah, we'll totally do it. And then they did, and the rest is history. So Girth Control are, you know, my. Some of my favorite dudes in the 518, one of my favorite bands, and I'm really kind of pulling for them in this category, although it is pretty, pretty tight competition, including the Snorts, which I will get to later. But right now, what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna play a song from Girth Control. This one's called Hope Girth Control can pay the bills. And it's right here on Unsigned518's Special Eddies episode.
[00:04:30] Speaker A: I don't put Girth Control on my resume. Intimidate a little bit of mystery about what I do, about where I go when I'm not sitting in this fucking cubicle On Jesus Christ. How could I be so calm? Screenshot the lyrics for the man. He said O to my boss by accident.
[00:04:50] Speaker D: Oh, shame.
[00:04:50] Speaker A: I run out of my beautiful skills. A lot of courage Control can't pay the bills.
I don't put good control on my resume. You may get a little bit of dignity and I'm not playing. It's a dumb hug, man. I turn to pretend that I am vulnerable human. Oh, Jesus Christ, how could I be so dumb? Street shot stupid lyrics for the band instead. Oh, too much Buzz by acc. Oh, I hope Girth Control.
I hope Girth Control.
I hope Girth Control I hope Girth Control can't pay the bills all right.
[00:05:34] Speaker C: That was Girth Control. Hope Girth Control can pay the bills. And again, Girth Control nominated for Punk Hardcore Artist of the Year at this year's Eddies. So the next band that I wanted to focus on within the same category is the. The Snorts. And you know, I was trying to remember it at my age. I guess sometimes it gets a little tough, but I was trying to remember if I met Aaron and the Snorts when Shortwave Radio band played a gig with them at the Fuse Box or if I met him when he came on the show. And rack in my brain, I couldn't, couldn't remember. But regardless, Shortwave Radio band played a show with the Snorts and that's like kind of where I really got to know them. And then, you know, Aaron was on the show. What order those things happen, it doesn't really matter. But in those two interactions, I, you know, I really got to know Aaron Stoker of the Snorts. I really like it. He's such a great, personable guy. He really makes you feel like he's paying attention to what you're saying. And he's also very creative and motivated and a great songwriter, great performer. Really. Just can't say enough good things about Aaron and the Snorts. So I'm going to play the latest song from the Snorts, but this one, actually I think it was the very first review that I did for Metroland was the Snort's new album. And it was a really cool experience, kind of full circle to come around and be the first to hear the new songs and review it. So this is a song from the Snort's latest and this one's called Pocket Cowboys. It's here on unsigned 518 special Eddie's episode.
[00:07:20] Speaker A: I miss you while my eyes were closed I heard you say that to someone not long ago I miss you and you didn't know Blah blah, blah blah blah. You know how this story goes oh I got to go down sooner later all this time what we should have known Our life can run out sooner or later and no one knows just how long it's going to go I'm self obsessed and best if you're looking for fame Blame game validation Fall with my sadness away and I'm shocked that you block everything Nah, nah, nah, nah, nah maybe it'll all just fade away I look up sooner or later.
[00:08:46] Speaker D: Know.
[00:08:47] Speaker A: This I wanna be shooting down I like to run out sooner or later and no one knows just how long it's going to go yeah, maybe it all go so this time whatever. Should have known all I can run out sooner Light up and no one knows just how long it's going to go. Well.
[00:09:54] Speaker C: That'S the snort with Pocket Cowboys here on unsigned 518. What I'm going to do now is just go through a couple of the non banned categories so that I can get you up to speed with what else is happening in the Eddies. So for live Production Crew of the year we have Aces Dennis Entertainment Group, Elliot Brassard, Empire Audio, High Peaks Event Production and Live Sound Incorporated. For Record Label of the Year, Albany Records, Cacophone Records, Equal Vision Records, Laurkestrial Recording Company, Tummy Rub Records and Upstate Records. And then for Music Recording Studio of the year we have Bender Studio, Don Fury Studio, Highland Recording Gem Studios, the Recording Company and White Lake Music and Post. And now for another music category we have Metal Hard Rock Artist of the Year. This year we have Black Tongue Reverend Flat Wounds, Gozer, Ice Queen, Joe Mansman and the Midnight Revival Band and the Erotics. And out of the six nominees in this category, three of them have been on the show. Black Tongue Reverend Flat Wounds and Gozer. But Black Tongue Reverend and Gozer have really become buddies of mine, like not just in the music world but like in real life as you could say, you know, I became friends with them almost immediately and have, have been in touch. Nick from Gozer has been on the last two Halloween special or the only two Halloween specials that I've done because he's a horror movie guy like myself. And then you know, Eric and the guys from Black Tongue Reverend we've played a bunch of shows with, they've been over to the house and, and we've partied with them and hung out and, and, and really great dudes. So I'm going to highlight Black Tongue and Gozer in this and I think what I'm going to do is the, the first one I'm going to play will be from Black Tongue Reverend But I just wanted to you know, to tell a little bit about like how, you know, how we met obviously was when they came on the show. And if you listen to on my two year anniversary special, Eric from Black Tongue Reverend called in and, and told how awkward it was to come out to quote some dude's house that I don't even know they were a new band. I don't think they had even played a show yet or they'd maybe played one show there. But anyway there are a new band and he was talking about how, you know, it was a pretty Awkward experience and how. How well it worked out. And like, look at them go now. Like, they're nominated for. I believe this is their second year nominated for an Eddie in Metal Hard Rock Artists of the Year. But in becoming friends with them, they invited me to be in one of their music videos, the music video for the song Relapse. And they shot that down at the Eldorado in Troy. And I was just a, you know, a bit part. An extra in the video, as it were. But George, who is from Daydreaming Camera, who shot the video, I met him there and we got talking and long story short, he offered to do a video for Shortwave Radio Band, which I, you know, after talking with the band, we. We decided to do and we did a video for so long Hopeful with George from Daydreaming Camera. And we shot that at Drivehive Live. And you can go see that on YouTube along with the Black Tongue Reverend video for Relapse. But other news is we shot another video with George from Daydreaming Camera, and that is for our upcoming single Crash Site. And the video actually will be out this coming Friday on YouTube. It'll come out a week before the song. So you can go see our second video shot with George from Daydreaming Camera. And you should definitely go check out Black Tongue Reverend's video for Relapse. And right now we're gonna hear the song Relapse. It's Black Tongue Reverend here on unsigned 518 Special Eddie's episod.
[00:14:25] Speaker A: Tell me your story and I'll tell you mine Just entertain me for a moment Here in time Another round and I've been too deep Sickness awakens but the medicine is cheap I'm under water but I feel fine but this water tastes like wine I can't escape what's in my past so I'll make my way to the bottom of my that's chips on the table giving away no, I should leave and yet I stay Just like the last time and the time before I knew I'd end up on the bar room floor I'm underwater again but this water tastes like gin I can't escape what's in my past so I'll make my way to the bottom of my.
[00:18:00] Speaker C: That'S black tongue reverend with relapse here on unsigned 518. And so next I'm going to talk about Gozer, also up for Metal Hard Rock Artists of the Year. And again, a band that we became really good friends with almost immediately. You know, we have played A couple shows with Gozer. We've gone to see them play at shows that we weren't playing at. And Gozer is going to be playing at Andy Palooza 3, which is May 17th at single cut. And if you don't know what Andy Palooza is, it's kind of a celebration of my birthday, of the anniversary of Unsigned518, because I launched Unsigned518 about three years ago, right around my birthday. And this year it's actually going to be commemorating my first year without alcohol, basically since I was a fucking teenager.
So it's going to be a three reasons to celebrate this year. And we've got a great lineup. We have Shortwave Radio Band kicking off the show. AB the autocrat will be playing with pigsquisite, which is Mr. Pigs and Exquisite. We also have a secret guest coming that I can't tell you about quite yet, but I can tell you it's a pretty big fucking deal. And then we also have Gozer playing, and then Brother Junction is going to be headlining the show. And it's just going to be a hell of a party. We're going to be there pretty much all day. We're going to make it an event. We're going to try to get some vendors there and maybe even like a tattoo artist if you wanted to get a quick tattoo while you're there. But pay attention to socials. We'll keep you posted on that. Andy Palooza 3. Oh, fuck yeah. Andy Palooza 3. So mark your calendars now. May 17th at single cut. And right now, let's hear a Gozer song. Instead of me just talking endlessly this one is my design it's here on unsigned 518.
[00:20:19] Speaker A: My name belongs to a fight she said to Gaga Cyanide and it's all about once beside her rains Dead ass from a hook Hanging victims from a.
[00:20:40] Speaker B: Hook Watch your pleasure, watch your pain.
[00:20:44] Speaker A: Cause where we're from it's all the same and it's all I want to say under hotel that can see a shine and it's all I once design Trapped in our gentle church and victorious dust Research Scared by one here's his scene Forever chased within a dream and a dark I once desire Straight back the under.
[00:23:40] Speaker C: All right, that was Gozer My Design here on unsigned 518 Special Eddie's episode. And you know what I'm going to do is I'm going to name off a couple more of the categories. I I'm realizing that if I just name every.
Every nominee in every category, it will be A very long, boring episode of me just talking. And I don't really want to do that, but I do want to encourage you to go to the eddiesawards.com 2025 the Eddie's Awards nominations, and you can see the entire list for yourself and run down and kind of get your favorites in your head and then come out to The Eddies on April 27th. Get your tickets now. Get your tickets now. And then we'll all get dressed up fancy and go out to the Eddies and it'll be a blast. So what we're going to do is just. I'm going to name a couple of categories before we get into another music category. And these are because they're. They're kind of special to me, you know, so I'm not even going to talk anymore. I'm just going to read them. Okay. Arts publication of the Year, Metroland Now, Nippertown, New York State Music, the Spot 518, Experience Monthly, and Unsigned 518. Yeah, wouldn't you know it? Yeah, so on time 518 is nominated for an Eddie this year. And, you know, not that I plan on winning, but I am also part of Metroland now. So in this category I have a, what, about a 33% chance of being able to take the podium with this. So this is a very exciting category for me and I obviously wanted to talk a little bit about it. But yeah, with Metroland now. You know, I joined the team when we started up right in the beginning of this year, and so much has happened in this year that my head kind of spins when I think about what we've accomplished. You know, it went from. From a vague idea that Aaron had to, all right, we're doing a website and maybe we'll do like a print issue every once in a while to fuck it. We're doing print every month. Last Friday of every month, Metroland is back. So it's been a wild ride and I'm pretty stoked to be a part of it. And, you know, between you and me, I think Metroland now deserves the win over unsigned 518. But I am, am just ecstatic to be nominated. It's fucking crazy. I never thought anything like this would happen in my life. So I don't plan on taking A win for unsigned 518 puts the nomination on its own. If you only knew how important it is to me. So.
So thank you to anybody who had any little parts in getting me in there. I really appreciate it. So moving on, we have music journalist of the Year. Don Wilcox, Jim Shaheen Jr, Kirsten Ferguson, Lucas Garrett, Nick Motto, and Rory Graham. And you know, again, I'm gonna have to. Have to kind of add my personal 2 cents in this. I'm pulling for Rory Graham. I mean, all six of them are fucking fantastic. It's a tight race, but, you know, Rory is. Is on the Metroland now team and she is killing it. She does great articles, she's driven. She's a great person, too. Like, I really like her. And her. Her dad did a of my band song. Her dad is Dave Graham of Dave Graham and the Disaster Plan. What's up, Dave? He's also a great dude. So I'm pulling for you, Rory. Best of luck. Best of luck to everybody. But, you know, all right, so moving on Music photographer of the year, we have Alyssa Ebersold, Frank Gavone, Jaron Childs, Joseph Duel, Leaf Zermolin, and Stephanie Bartik. And again, this is one of those categories that is. Anybody could. Could pull it out because these are six of the. The top people in our area. And, you know, again, I'm gonna put my personal spin on it. I'm. I'm pulling for Alyssa because she's on the. On the Metroland now team. And, you know, I didn't know her before she joined the team, and I've gotten to know her and she's a great gal. She's really hilarious, really good at her job, and, you know, so I'm, I'm pulling for you, Alyssa. Everybody else, else, definitely best of luck.
[00:28:03] Speaker D: It's.
[00:28:03] Speaker C: It's going to be a tough race, but, you know, all right, getting back into a music category, we have R and B Soul artist of the Year, Buggy Jive, Doc Horton, Garland Nelson, Oobleck, the E Block, and the Nolan Knots. And again, while they're all fantastic, I've had Oobleck on the show. I've played the E Blocks music a bunch on the show, but we haven't lined schedules up yet to get them on the show. But it will happen. And then there's the Nolan Knots. And you know, Tom from the Nolan Odds. He own Jivehive Live. And I can't say enough good things about what Jivehive Live does for the music scene. And if you don't know, you really need to pay attention to them because everything they do is a service. It's a volunteer service. They allow bands to come into their space and basically do whatever they want. You know, do you want to shoot a music video? Fine. Do you want to record a live album. Fine. Do you want to record a single that's not live, that's tracked? Okay. Do you want to, you know, do a. A live video performance? Whatever you want. They make it happen. And my band has gone in there a few times. We did our single Plastic, that was recorded at Drivehive Live. We did a live EP there. We've done video stuff there, and it's all free. They're doing it out of the goodness of their heart, and they're doing it to help the music community in the518 grow. So that is. Is a very important spot. And that's why I want to highlight the Nolanots, you know, because Tom owns Jivehive, and all the Nolanots dudes are always there, always supportive. It's a great place. So, you know, pay attention to the Drive Hive. And if you're a musician and you want to get in there, reach out to them, because it's really all it takes. You reach out to them, and then you set up a date. You go over what you want to do and make it happen. So what I'm going to do right now is play a song from the Nolanots. This one is called Neutral Ground, and It's here on Unsigned 518. Eddie's special episode.
[00:30:33] Speaker B: Well, I cracked my day in the back of town Mardi Gras coming around I said, baby, what you wanna do?
Lodging charge on the avenue Sneak on up to the neutral ground Million freaks zigzagging around lit up floats in rain and beads Looking to the Beat St. Augustine party on neutral ground Squeeze the avenue Jump ball neutral ground Catch a music shoot Slide off neutral ground Marching up parade Just caught our first Go Cup Corpse revival. Filled it up.
Music shoes was bearing down Wiggle and a wobble on the neutral ground.
[00:32:10] Speaker A: Party.
[00:32:10] Speaker B: On neutral ground Squeeze the avenue Jump off neutral ground Catch a music shoe Slide up neutral ground Marching up parade.
[00:32:36] Speaker A: It.
[00:33:29] Speaker B: Flambeaus and furnace mug Chowing down on a lucky dog Basco hut Dixie.
[00:33:41] Speaker C: Cold.
[00:33:43] Speaker B: This Mardi Gras party never gets.
[00:33:46] Speaker D: Old.
[00:33:49] Speaker B: Party on mutual ground Squeezy avenue Jump off neutral ground Catch a music shoe Slide off neutral ground Marching up array Party on neutral ground Squeeze the avenue Jump off neutral ground Catch and use a shoe Slide off neutral ground Marching the parade.
[00:34:48] Speaker A: It.
[00:35:19] Speaker C: All right, that was the Nolan Knots with Neutral Ground. And moving on. In the categories, we have DJ of the year, we have DJ Fearless, DJ Hollywood, DJ Ketchup, DJ Roomba, DJ Tall Ass Matt and DJ tgif. And Party Cover Band of The year we have Lucid street, off the Record, the Baton Killers, the Luster Kings, the Refrigerator Fighters and the Rhythm Pilots. And of course, I've had Lucid street on the show. They've done a full episode. I believe we've even had them come on for promo stuff on Weekend Spotlight. And then the Baton Killers. I mean, the Baton Killers come on. I've played Short Live Radio Band has played with the Bat and Killer several times. They're, they're really good friends of mine. They're a Killer's cover band. And you know, I'm going to be honest with you, I'm not a fan of the Killers. I know like a couple of the songs that are on the radio and that's about as deep as my knowledge of the Killers goes. But thanks to my homies and the Baton Killers, I, I know a lot more of the Killers because I've been to several Baton Killers shows and that's where all of my, all of my Killers knowledge comes from. Comes from Tiger and the Gang in, in the Baton Killers. So go check out the Baton Killers. They, they play in the area and they, they are just, I mean, spot on. They're really, really talented, talented band and put on a hell of a show.
So now we have the Hip Hop Rap Artist of the year. We have 97, Otis AB, the autocrat, Ayla, Chiar, Camtron, 5000, JB, aka Dirty Moses, and Shiloh the messenger and Mundy. Now other than, you know, I, I loved hip hop in the 80s and early 90s when it was like first kind of, you know, hitting the, the mainstream. It came on my radar pretty hard. But I, you know, admittedly had kind of haven't really paid much attention to the trends of hip hop or hip hop in general over the, the last couple of decades. And it wasn't really until this show and some of the guests that came on that my eyes have been reopened to hip hop. And not only reopened to hip hop, but just hyper local hip hop. Like, I honestly don't feel like I need to go on a national level to really get, you know, hip hop other than, you know, obviously, you know, like Kendrick is, is certainly on my radar. But the, the local hip hop is so fucking good and there's so much of it and so much diversity in the styles of it that I'm kicking myself for not having been paying attention to it even long before unsigned 518 was a thing. And the, the three artists that I'm talking about about are AB, the Autocrat, Camtron, 5000 and JB aka Dirty Moses. So I'll talk, you know, we'll go, we'll go alphabetical order. So we'll talk about AB first.
He basically introduced me to a lot of, of hip hop in the area inadvertently even before we had met. Like a lot of the stuff that was on my radar, you know, like Mr. Pigs and Exquisite and Sheist and he had done a lot of stuff with them. So like his name always came up and it was always associated with like these really great emcees in the area. So I was excited to have AB on the show and we really hit it off well. And then he actually supplied the theme song for Weekend Spotlights. Or not the theme song, the underscore music. So while I'm talking on Weekend Spotlight, you'll hear this cool fucking groove underneath me, which, you know, in radio is called bed music, but it's an underscore. And that's the instrumental version of Formative Years, which is a song that AB the Autocrat did with DJ Graffiti. And it's just the instrumental. And he just let me, you know, let me use it. He was like, yeah, go ahead, adopt it. It's, it's your, you know, use it. Just make sure you give me credit. So he's such a cool guy, very fucking prolific in his, in the music output. I mean it's, it's unreal. And you'll be able to catch AB the autocrat with pigsquisite. It's Mr. Pigs and exquisite at Andy Palooza. I was talking about that earlier. That'll be May 17th at single cut. You're going to catch a, a great hip hop show. We'll have some punk rock, we'll have some regular rock, we'll have some doom metal, we'll have a whole bunch of stuff. Multi genre lineup for Andy Palooza. But anyway, what I wanted to do is if you've listened to Weekend Spotlight, you're going to be familiar with what I'm talking about when I say the song Formative Years. It's what's playing underneath every time that I'm speaking. And I'm going to play the actual song formative years with DJ Graffiti. This is AB the autocrat on Unsigned 518, Eddie's special episode.
[00:40:15] Speaker E: Now picture that backpack with a fitted cap tilted to the side eyes why they letting nothing slide I used to rock the echo jeans with the button down headphones doubled up as him Ups to the winter now look around Checking from a spot where I can make a stand still a magnet from the fridge and try to keep quiet can I was grinding, man, but rhyme was the final plan One line is fine but I was nicer with the pen in hand Hit the circle like a pentagram I saw the cipher with the beatbox and rock with the illness clan we either had us or d us on Timberlands Fly like the uptown's white called them kilograms and slap boxing was a rite of passage and you could tell by they stance which one of them was swinging damage the 52 hand blocks meant you was more than average Careful when they keep their teeth clenched and speaking mumble language I'm out here thinking about them formative years. Hip hop is just the way of life for me and my peers. The boom box was the preacher and the block was a church I saw the rapping for the love so the culture was first. I'm out here thinking about the formative years. Hip hop was just the way of life for me and my peers. The boom box was the preacher in the block was a church. I saw the rap before the love you know the culture was first. Yeah, hit up the number, man Find out where they rolling head cracks and throw a stack to the cracking with the ripped backpack. I need a new fly watch with a matching chain Yellow tenant aviators faded with the golden frames While y'all was horning over pop stars I was bumping big Punisher in black star I used to beatbox in my headphones to make the instrumental freestyle in my room before I grab the bad and vessel stay yourself with the boss so it's so essential never know who gonna show up with a person want to test you and is they gonna impress you or is they gonna impress you? No matter what you gotta show you ain't afraid to flex too they gonna respect you or hit them with another rhyme fumble up I'll get up and fix it with double time you took that from Defiance mind and I'ma take away your focus while you rap and look you in the eye. I'm out here thinking about the formative years. Hip hop is just the way you like for me and my peers the boom box was the preacher and the block was a church I saw the rap before the love stone the culture was first. I'm out here thinking about the formative years. Hip hop was just the way of life for me and my peers. The boom box was the preacher and the block was the church I saw the rap before the love snow the culture was first.
[00:42:43] Speaker C: That'S AB the autocrat with DJ graffiti formative years here on Unsigned 518 special Eddie's episode and AB the autocrat is up for Hip Hop Rap Artist of the year along with Camtron 5000. And Camtron came on the show and it was one of those dudes that we hit it off really well, but his flow is so good and his performance is unreal. Like, this dude does not miss a word. And he's one of those very articulate rappers that comes fast, but you can hear and make out everything that he's saying and it's so clever and, And I don't know, you know, it's. It's talent beyond my, my comprehension. And he's a. He's a just a fucking great dude. Like, you know, every time I've talked to him, every time I've reached out to him to play his music, he's always very polite and nice and. And so shout out Camtron 5000 and Camtron's gonna be performing. I'm slamming shit around in here, but Camtron's gonna be performing at the Eddies this year, so. So if you buy those tickets to the Eddies on April 27, you'll get to see what I'm talking about. You'll get to see Cam in front of an audience and guarantee you he's going to blow you away. So right now we're going to play a song from Camtron 5000. This one's called Trial of the Phoenix here on Unsigned 518 Special Eddie's episode.
[00:44:10] Speaker F: Your Ren is a minute I'll be the Ren a minute With a little bit of what I'm sipping Looking unforgiven I'm the living dead Watch me slip into your bed with a horse head with your horse head on my dick getting force fed get the forceps Cuz I gotta stay open to the possibility got I'm grilling me hoping that I'm not gonna succeed My abilities broken but that's not how it'll be Now I'm feeling real Trial of the Phoenix I.
[00:44:26] Speaker G: Am reborn from the ashes of my old life Whole life I've been waiting patient trying to hold tight I stay up the whole night but I'm daydreaming I would stay scheming for a way to break even Ain't leaving this cell till I break the lock and race the clock with every bit of aim I got Imma walk up to the edge and take my shot these rappers.
[00:44:40] Speaker F: Acting extra cause they got no lines they say they're out to get you don't pay them no mind I'm Feeling myself I think I might go blind and hit the fuck up out my way if you would be so kind.
[00:44:54] Speaker G: Peace of mind dark cloud hanging over me Sometimes I need some time I need a sign I believe one lies in the beats and rhymes. You'll be surprised when you see what hides in the cold recesses in my deep dark mind. We aren't kind to people like you. We'll treat you quite rude and we'll leave you like food I think need to free your mind dude, you don't believe your eyes when you see what I do I can't even lie but they can't rap, they saran rap and they fake and I'm seeing right through I got your girl soaked like a typhoon up in my room in a Sailor Moon costume she going to come soon Like a monsoon when I consume every last inch of that ass.
[00:45:23] Speaker F: Smoking like I was struck by lightning fell from the sky But I'm stuck in a pipe dream Stay high even when they try to cut my way.
[00:45:33] Speaker G: So I don't give a flying if.
[00:45:35] Speaker F: You like me I'm gonna burn out in a blinding flame of glory Inspire what comes after like the ones that came before me. My story won't be the same I already see the change as they try to talk to me but they won't even speak my language the original is.
[00:45:50] Speaker G: Not the same as the eventual they say I'm unconventional potential is unlimited I'm uninhibited so you can come and get it Imma dig a ditch then I'll put you in it I'm in this too when it Cantron got the crowd moving just like a new tenant Backstage where I blaze with merkin Front page and I'm going on into minutes it's such a shame all they do is complain and I'm new to the game but more true to the game we don't do it the same cause I do it insane and if you in my way get removed right away to the new light of day from the darkest at night I will harness the mic through your heart I will strike I can ride no handle bars on my bike I can spit nothing but bars on the mic Getting nervous Everything's looking picture perfect it's lining up just like I rehearsed it Time is coming and I have earned it but still.
[00:46:25] Speaker D: I don't know if I deserve it.
[00:46:26] Speaker G: And if I do I don't want to lose it here's the power do not abuse it yes, it all depends how you use it.
Smoking like I was struck by lightning fell from the sky But I'm stuck in a pipe dream Stay high even when they try to cut my way so I don't give a flying fuck if you like me I'm gonna burn.
[00:46:48] Speaker F: Out In a blinding flame of glory Inspire what comes after like the ones that came before me My story won't be the same I already see the change as they try to talk to me but they won't even speak my language.
[00:48:12] Speaker C: That is Camtron 5000, trial of the Phoenix, nominated for Hip Hop Rap Artist of the Year. And he is going to be performing at the Eddies. So make sure you get your tickets. I've been, I've been the last couple years and it was a really fun time. And plus, I wasn't nominated for anything then. And now I can be like, hi, hi. Yeah, Andy. Yeah, I'm nominated, so I probably won't do that. But anyway, moving on, we're gonna talk about jb, AKA Dirty Moses. And there's. I don't even know what to say other than this dude is the fucking coolest dude on the planet. When Abby from Short Radio Band and myself, we were at, I believe it was the Listen Up Awards a couple years ago and JB performed, I remember we were both just like, holy shit, that dude is awesome. Like, he is so good. And like, we were blown away. And we could not have imagined that just a couple Years later later, JB's featuring on one of our songs. So I can tell you now because. Because it will be our next single coming out probably next month or whatever. But if you listen to the show, then you get some exclusive every once in a while that, that no one else knows. It's unannounced on anywhere other than right here. But yeah, jb, AKA Dirty Moses is going to be on a Shortwave Radio Band song we have. Our next single will be featuring JB and it's Killer. I just heard an early mix of it today. It is being produced by TJ Foster, as you know, and it'll be out hopefully sometime next month. And it's fucking killer and we can't wait for you to hear it. And it's just such a turnaround from anything that we've ever done before. And we decided, we were like, hey, let's, let's just throw a curveball in there and lay down a cool jazzy hip hop groove and let JB do his thing over it. So that's coming, coming next month from Shortwave Radio Band and jb, AKA Dirty Moses. And again, he is nominated for Hip Hop Rap Artists of the Year. And holy shit, does he fucking deserve it. And I remember back when he came on the show, it was the first time I had met him and he was out here at the Dazzle Den. And it was before the song Prosecco had come out. And I. It was, I think, the very first exclusive song that I've gotten. I've gotten a lot of exclusive songs over the years doing this. You know, I get access to them long before they're released. But it was Prosecco. It hadn't. Hadn't been released yet. And we were listening to it in here on the pa, you know, in the dazzle. Then super loud, I threw up the fog machine and the disco lights and JB and I basically turned this place into a fucking club for about three and a half minutes listening to the song. And that was kind of one of the. Still one of the highlights of the show. I was just like, it felt so fucking cool to be like, to have that access. You know, someone's giving me access to their music and allowing me to hear it before anybody else does. And it just, it felt like a thing of trust or something. I don't know, it just, it was a really cool moment. And I've hung on to that and I've been in touch, you know, stayed in touch with JB and happy to actually consider him a friend. And he'll be on our next, next single, which will be out next month. And I'm excited for everybody to hear. But right now I'm gonna actually do a double up from jb. We're gonna hear Prosecco and then I'll play another one. We'll. I'll tell you about that after. But right now it's Prosecco with Dolly and it's here on Unsigned518. Eddie's special episode.
[00:51:42] Speaker D: Pop records, rock records, of course, hip hop records. All we do is make hot records jb, Mike, Larry draw on the beat yeah this is not my typical rap so. So don't take these words literally. Slow flow so it'll last long dance off that's all for playing the wake of each so let's reconvene you bout that party life Then you need to be with me A little bit above the yes of trees and a hookah I think I need to formally introduce ya My name is JB Some call me dirty but tonight we keep it clean Good vibes, great energy no in between speak life all we want is positivity we gonna have one hell of a night you want a demon time? We on a God vibe. You should probably just come join our tribe. This one here, definitely for the archives. Let's go. Everybody grab somebody this one here is special Just move your body, tell somebody that you're standing next to yeah, we got a right to party we ain't trying to hurt nobody so we gonna keep it popping like a bottle of Prosecco yeah, there's nothing moving but the money there's nothing moving but them honeys on the dance floor yeah Giving you what you ask for but damn sure micro doses you could have more so you sweat your damn ass off or.
[00:53:15] Speaker H: You go home turned on.
[00:53:17] Speaker D: Whoa. On that note, I think I pass it off.
[00:53:19] Speaker H: Yeah, Jay, thanks for the handoff. Keep a belly like his handball this all co so we will stand tall this is liberation nothing basic so we can't fall destiny, celebrate and leave something to pass I'm having fun, it's a damn fall, you know who to blame Champagne for the campaign pain we going to do the same thing you know the name, the rap sees me just be easy, we going to do the.
[00:53:40] Speaker D: Same Everybody grab somebody this one here is special Just move your body, tell somebody that you're standing next to yeah, we got our right to party and we ain't trying to hurt nobody so we going to keep it popping like a bottle of Prosecco Everybody grab somebody this one here is special Just move your body, tell somebody that you're standing next to yeah, we gotta write to Marley we ain't trying to hurt nobody so we gonna keep it popping like a bottle of Prosecco Y campaign for the campaign yeah, champagne for the campaign yeah, champagne for the campaign we gonna do the damn thing. What's my name? What's my name? That's it.
[00:54:36] Speaker C: That's Prosecco. JB, aka Dirty Moses with Dolly here on Unsigned 518, Eddie's special episode. And I'm gonna play another one from JB because I was talking to him yesterday, you know, letting him know that I was gonna play Prosecco on the song, and he had mentioned that his song Get up early was produced by AB the Autocrat. And I figured it's only fitting since they're in the Hip Hop Rap Artist of the Year category together, and they're both friends of mine, that I would play it. So I'm gonna do a double up. So this is get up early, it's JB, aka Dirty Moses, with AB the autocrat here on unsigned 500.
[00:55:19] Speaker D: So I gotta get up.
Oh, I gotta get up.
[00:55:29] Speaker C: Early.
[00:55:32] Speaker D: So I gotta get up, dirty.
Hey, yo, hey, yo, hey, yo. I rise with the sun. Another chance at greatness. My clock still ticking. I ain't worried about lateness since I work for myself so my grammy's patience still in my prime. Let's face it so my time ain't wasted. Early bird in the dirt where the worms and the roots are ten toes to the pavement. Once I put my boots on, got it out the mud. Sweat and tears mixed with blood. Childhood fears gave them up. Now it's time to live it up. Get into the bag. Papa's got a brand new now acting brand new. You looking like a dead fool. Doing the same things we did when we was youngsters. When we was dumb mother. Feed that hunger. Smart people grow up, say hold up. The wise ones mature and get older. Hunters fall by the wayside. Never escape the lies of the tunnel. Their vision was muddled in dreams. The bird can only lead to trouble Come.
So I gotta get up.
Oh, I gotta get up.
[00:56:46] Speaker C: Early.
[00:56:49] Speaker D: So I gotta get up.
[00:56:52] Speaker A: Early.
[00:56:55] Speaker D: We're striving for black excellence, black opulence, yeah, that's what my only two options is. I can't accept nothing less Or a lower vibration may lead to stagnation. I'm trying to lead a nation. I'm trying to meet the basics. Food, clothing and shelter. Teach a man to fish, teach man to soap. Teach man to build. That's keeping it real. That's how you help us. That's the foundation, proper plan and prevent poor performance. Lord, help, help us. We are not worthy. We haven't laid the groundwork. That's not how this works. You know how the story goes. When a rose grows from the concrete and iron sharpens iron and alike minds meet. You stand on your conviction. When you meet opposition. The results equals the work that you put in. We gotta reach the children. We gotta feed the baby. So we gotta get up, get up early.
So I gotta get up, up early.
Oh, I gotta get up.
[00:58:03] Speaker C: Early.
[00:58:05] Speaker D: So I gotta get up.
[00:58:29] Speaker C: That is JB AKA Dirty Moses with AB the autocrat. That one's called Get up early. You know, unsigned 518. And I want to thank you so much for listening. This is gonna wrap it up. For this, this part I didn't want to do like a two or three hour long episode. So I figured I'll break it up into parts. So this is part one of my special Eddie's episode. And I'll release part two, maybe, maybe the beginning of next month. You know, kind of roll it out slowly as it leads up to the Eddies because, like I said, this was kind of out of necessity. I didn't have a guest this weekend because of weather. I didn't have guests last weekend because of weather. And I needed to put something out. So this is what I came up with. But it was super fun. I really had a lot of fun digging into the Eddies nominations and being able to tell kind of my personal connection to some of them. It's really a buzz for me to, to be able to call all these people my friends, you know, like a couple years ago I would have never, never imagined. And a lot of it has to do with you because you listen to the show, which makes me want to make more shows, and so on and so on. So Eddie's episode part two coming soon, soon. But that's it for right now. I'm Andy Scullin, this is unsigned 518 and I'll see you at the Eddies. Unsigned 518 is produced and hosted by me, Andy Scullin. New episodes are available every week wherever you stream podcasts. If you'd like to help support the show, please like and subscribe wherever you are listening. Or you could buy me a
[email protected] unsigned 518 if you would like to advertise on the show, send me an email at unsigned518mail.com and to be a guest on the show, reach out to me through Instagram signed 518 take care of one another and I'll see you next week.