[00:00:01] Speaker A: Welcome to unsigned 518 Weekend Spotlight for the weekend of March 7, 2025. And before we get started, I just want to take a moment and, and hit upon a serious topic. Something that happened this past weekend that had me pretty upset and still has me upset on Wednesday evening as I record this. And I'm not going to get into names because it was public on social media. So, you know, if you know, you know, and if you don't, it doesn't really matter because it's just a copy and paste of the same situation that seems to be happening to women over and over and that is dudes not being able to keep their, their hands to themselves or keep their rude comments to themselves in a way that makes females uncomfortable and unsafe. Feeling unsafe in public. Like in public, you know, they, you're making, making them feel unsafe. And that happened to a friend of mine this weekend and I, you know, I was, I was there at the venue. I didn't know it happened until later, but it just got me thinking how often this shit happens. And so I'm, I'm kind of making a plea like, dudes, if any of your friends ever say crude shit or you know, feel that it's okay to put their hand on the small of the small of someone's back that they don't know or, you know, rub their fucking shoulder or whatever, first of all, find new friends. I think that would be the first thing to do. But call them out. Call them out instantly and call them out loudly. Like we should not put up, put up with it. You know what I mean? Because someone there was there with this dude or, or these dudes because it happened more than once and they didn't speak up and they probably encouraged it. But you know, all you sane human beings in the 518 scene and beyond, you know, do not let these creeps get away with it because my, my tolerance for it is absolute zero. And I hope others feel the same way and we need to call them out and make them realize that it's, it's not cool. So that is my super fun party themed speech for the day. But it we cool. Cool. Let's get started.
[00:02:45] Speaker B: And it's easy to talk to. He's got some cool stuff he'd like to share with you. Yeah, you. It's the weekend. You know what you should do? It's the weekend. Spotlight the weekend. All right.
[00:02:58] Speaker A: All right. Up first, Boss Crowley. Headless relatives in the Alec Lewis group at no Fun. Show starts at 7pm Tickets are $8 in advance $12 at the door. And it's a super dark show, so you know it's going to be fun. I can honestly say that I've never been to a super dark show at any venue that wasn't a kick ass time. So get out tonight on a Thursday night to go see Super Dark presents Boss Crowley, Headless Relatives and the Alec Lewis Group at no Fun. And right now we're going to play a song from Boss Crowley. This one is High Low Desert and It's here on unsigned 518s weekend spotlight.
[00:04:10] Speaker B: A man with no face Looking down at me from a strange and unknown place.
Climbing to the top of the mountain Looking for a stone to lay my head.
Just the night before down in the desert I was almost left for dead. Do you want to show me the way? Should I come to you?
Should I go to the high desert? Or should I go back to low?
Way down low in the desert the heat will make you cry.
Cause when you're not up high in the desert the plan with the face won't watch you back.
Climbing to the bottom of the valley looking for some purpose.
I did not find what I was looking for.
I sleep out the furthest.
Do you want to show me the way? Should I come to you?
Should I climb to the high desert? Or should I go back down to Should I go to the highest?
[00:07:24] Speaker A: That's Boss Crowley. Hi Low desert here on Unsigned 518's Weekend Spotlight. And you can catch them tonight with Headless Relatives, the Alec Lewis Group at no Fun. Show starts at 7pm so up next on Friday, that's tomorrow, we have Laura Lee and Dave Lawler. It was going to be Lucy Nelligan, but she cannot be there. So Dave Lawler is filling in and it will be Laura and Dave doing the entire show. This will be at the 11 at Lark hall starting at 7pm and what we're gonna do right now is play a song from Laura Lee. This one's called Living in Cambridge and it's right here on unsigned 518's weekend spotlight. Hello, is this the Laura Lanchan, the college graduate? Is this the Laura Land champion who needs direction in her life? Is this the Lore Land chanting who might be interested in Buddhism? Who is this? Loreland chanting?
[00:08:53] Speaker C: Living in Cambridge ain't that bad. Got the river and the trains are sad. Got your old friends on a Saturday night. Makes me feel that the world's alright. You can get born here and you can die. You can get low, you can get high, you can get married and you can leave, you can do just what you please.
You can float down the river in a big old tube. Hit the roundhouse for down at the depot. Everybody knows your name. Say you and your sister both look the same. Living in Cambridge and it ain't that bad. I got my brother, mom and dad and they always wanted what was best for me. Raised me right here in God's country.
Think I'll head down to the county fair. Everybody takes their cows down there. And it's nice to move back to your hometown, land you once thought was sacred ground and go for a burn cruise down at.
Drive real slow in the snow. I've seen too many friends here come and go. This town can grow a shadow on your soul.
Everybody wants their own little piece of me.
Leaves the girl they expect me to be.
I think I'll get out of Cambridge before I grow old. Streams dry up, the shops all closed. Before the heroes of my childhood all pass away. I'll never find out how to fly away. Living in Cambridge ain't that bad. I got that schwag$8 back. My friend Seth Bateman says it ain't that bad. It's the best damn weed that I ever had. Living in Cambridge ain't that.
Got the river and the trains are sad. Got your old friends on a Saturday night. Makes me feel that the world's alright. Makes me feel that the world's alright.
[00:12:15] Speaker A: That's Living in Cambridge, Laura Lee. And you can catch her on Friday with Dave Lawler at the 11 at Larcal. And right now we are gonna check in with my friends up north in the Bad Music Club with the bands you should know. And I implore you now. Implore. I implore you now more than ever to support these guys and what they're doing. Not only because what they're doing is great and they're helping local music and local musicians, but we need to show solidarity with our, our Canadian friends. Friends. I mean, we're, you know, the 518 touches the Canadian border. So like, we need to stay in touch with them and, and keep trading bands and keep supporting one another. So make sure you take two seconds and go follow Bad Club Media and, and stay in touch with, with all the bands there because there's really some great bands, like bands that have kind of entered my, my constant rotation that I've found through those guys. So give them a listen. And right now let's check in with the bands you should know for this week and see what they got for us. Her problem has 100 monthly listeners. And it's an indie rock group from Toronto. God, what is her problem anyways? Oh yeah, it's a sweet little indie band. My problem is that I want more.
Her problem is my entertainment. And honestly man, I don't even care.
This has a 90s alternative aesthetic. It's like I was a teenager all over again and I fucking love it. Really good. The latest release is the live version of Stripped Heart, which came out January 6, 2025. 10 out of 10.
[00:14:09] Speaker B: I was so in love with you I was ready to say I knew But I was a fool now whatever you we were lying to ourselves we replaced our love Instead you went to my head oh I wasn't there I strip down every lay my heart to realize I was living in a life in a I kept lying to myself I embrace the pain instead I don't.
[00:15:21] Speaker C: Want.
[00:15:25] Speaker B: More is repair.
[00:15:29] Speaker C: I.
[00:15:33] Speaker B: I straight down every lay of my heart to real I was living in a.
[00:16:17] Speaker C: I'm.
[00:16:18] Speaker B: So in love with you I was ready to say I do I did it all for you I was so in love with you I was ready to say I do I did it all for you.
[00:17:09] Speaker A: That'S her problem with Stripped Heart and and it's brought to you by my friends Jake, Mike and their their producer Quill in the Bad Music Club. And like I said, give them a follow. They're really great dudes and I think you'll love their content.
On Saturday, Kick out the Rouge Dead Internet tour makes a stop at Planet Woodstock in Kingston with special guests Ramona Lane and Jules Quinn. This is an all ages show. Doors at 5 o'clock, music at 5:30. $10 suggested at the door to go to the bands. And I did review Kick out the Rouge, their latest album, all the Tall Poppies. And you should go read that on themtroland.com. but right now let's check out a song from that album. This is Kick out the Rouge with To Manitoba With Love and It's here on unsigned 518's weekend spotlight.
[00:18:42] Speaker B: Rise. That might be good.
Down I'll take down take down Take it down down take it down Take it down take it and if it comes trouble in the sound it might be good enough to get me high Down I'll take you down I'll take you down I'll take you down Down I'll take you down I'll take you down I'll take you down Down I'll take you down I'll take you down I'll take you down Down I'll take you down I'll take you down I'll stick it down Mary Mary, quite contrary get again down Sack out the rouge.
[00:22:24] Speaker A: To Manito Boba with love here on Unsigned 518's Weekend Spotlight. And I don't know if I mentioned it in the review, but the more I listen to it, I get just huge Sonic Youth vibes from that. It's like just classic, well crafted punk rock and I really fucking dig that. Up next on Saturday, Steve Hammond and Dave McDonald along with Nathan Meltz and the House of Tomorrow and Buggy Jive at Mojo's Cafe in Troy. Music starts at 7:30 and the show is just $8. So get out and check that one out. Should be a good one. Right now. What we're gonna do is play a song from Nathan Meltz and the House of Tomorrow. This one's called Fordlandia and It's here on unsigned 518. Weekend Spotlight.
[00:23:23] Speaker B: Satisfaction how to spend my time Tell me how it's going to be in for Atlanta Tap, tap, tap the rubber trees Working for the rubber trees Tap, tap the rubber trees Saving for a salary Tap, tap, tap the rubber trees oh, I want a rubber Tell me how to live Tell me how to swim my time Tell me how it's going to be sa Tap, tap rubber trees Tap, tap, tap rubber trees Tap, tap, tap rubber trees Tap, tap, tap rubber trees T T T rubber trees Tap, tap, tap rubber trees Tap, tap tap rubber trees Ta ta ta rubber trees.
[00:25:46] Speaker A: Nathan Meltz and the House of Tomorrow with Ford landia here on unsigned 518's weekend spotlights. And you can catch Nathan Meltz in the House of Tomorrow along with Buggy Jive and Steve Hammond and Dave McDonald at Mojo's Cafe on Saturday. Music is at 7:30 and the show is just $8.
So before I get out of here, I want to check in with Metroland Now's hot singles in your area playlist. The February edition, I guess you would say, is up now on the metroland.com and if you're not familiar with what it is, every month, TJ Foster roster, he goes out and finds all these singles. Keep that in mind, they're not sent to him. He. He goes out and seeks them and, and brings them back to Metroland and then, and then post them for all of you. And then I take those songs and make an official Spotify playlist so that you can listen to them and check out all the new releases that are in the 518 for each specific month. And we started it I think November. No, I think October. I think October might have been the first. First month that we did it. So they're all out on Spotify and just search Metroland now, Hot singles, and they'll all pop up. Or you can just search my name. You can search Andy Scullen, I believe. And it would pull up because technically they're a playlist created by me with my real name like a dipshit, because that's how I roll. So the band is New Monarchy and the song is called Hostage. And this is what TJ Foster had to say about it. This actually came out last month, but it was sent to me this month. And honestly, rules are just sort of guidelines. Anyway, right. Anyways, I have no idea where New Monarchy came from, but Hostage reminds me of the industrial leaning rock from the early 2000s, calling to mind bands like Deftones and even Muse. A bit good stuff right here. And I'm gonna have to agree with TJ on this one. This was the first song on the list and I listened to it and before even moving on to the second song, I was like, yeah, this is the one that I want to play on the spotlight. And I reached out to the band and like true professionals, they reached back out to me almost immediately with permission to play the song. And then, you know, we're working on maybe getting them in here to do a full episode of Unsigned518, but I just want to give a public shout out to New Monarchy for their. Their quick response when I asked for permission to. To play the song because it's really, really just makes everything easier for me. And I appreciate that. But anyway, this song rocks. Check it out on themetroland.com on hot singles. Along with a lot of other great songs, a lot of great songs this month, but check them all out. This one's called hostage, here on unsigned 518's weekend spot.
[00:28:53] Speaker B: All the money that I had, I spent it fast. And there's something I need and I want it back.
I see your face from afar.
Don't be afraid, you'll sound the alarm.
I can be your only one.
One that saves you from my gun. You look to me with those eyes. See right through my disguise.
And I love you and I love you and you love me and you love me.
Put the money in the bag, make it fast. Got something I need and I want it bad.
There's nothing you can say to me.
Do as I said and you'll be free.
I can be your only one.
One that saves you from my gun. You look to me with those eyes See right through my disguise I love you, you, you But I love you and you hate me and you hate me But I love you But I love you and you hate me and you hate me But I love you But I love you and you hate me and you hate me But I love you But I love you.
[00:32:20] Speaker A: That's New Monarchy with hostage here on unsigned 518 Weekend Spotlight. And that is it for me. I want to thank you so much for listening and I just want to reiterate, dudes, keep your hands and your pervy thoughts to yourselves. So I am Andy scutland, this is unsigned 518 and I'll see you on the road.
Unsigned 518 is produced and hosted by me, Andy Scullin. New episodes are available every week wherever you stream podcasts. If you'd like to help support the show, please please like and subscribe wherever you are listening. Or you could buy me a
[email protected] unsigned 518 if you would like to advertise on the show, send me an
[email protected] and to be a guest on the show, reach out to me through Instagram. Signed 518 take care of one another and I'll see you next week.
[00:33:16] Speaker B: Andy sky and Scullin.