May 23, 2024


Unsigned518 - Weekend Spotlight - 5/24/24

Hosted by

Andy Scullin
Unsigned518 - Weekend Spotlight - 5/24/24
Unsigned518 - Weekend Spotlight - 5/24/24

May 23 2024 | 00:37:14


Show Notes

On this episode of Unsigned518's Weekend Spotlight, I talk with No One You Know Presents, check in with Frankie Cavone of Mirth Films, and talk with Greg of Glass Pony. This episode features music from Glass Pony, Angelina Valente and Annie in the Water.

Unsigned518 theme song written and performed by simplemachine. Outro music written and performed by ShortWave RadioBand

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Music from this episode can be found below:

Glass Pony on Spotify -

Annie in the Water on Spotify -

Angelina Valente on Spotify -

Show contributor links:

Mirth Films

No One You Know Presents

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:01] Speaker A: He was born on a Saturday in. [00:00:03] Speaker B: 73 he loves park rock music fighting the 13 cabin in the dazzle roll. [00:00:09] Speaker A: Now on the Beast guitar with the short wind radio back his motherfucking Andy. [00:00:17] Speaker B: Scolding look at motherfucker. [00:00:20] Speaker A: Cause here he comes Andy scrolling. So before we get started, I just want to kind of look back on the last couple days in the unsigned 518 world as I record this. It is Wednesday evening. So, like, it was Monday morning. My wife and I were having coffee down at Kickstart in Schuylerville. But anyway, we were having coffee. It was actually my birthday, and we were, like, discussing ideas. And she knew that I had been wanting to expand the show or, you know, create maybe a different show, just something else, you know? Like, I love what I'm doing, and I'm always wanting to do more anyway, so it was kind of her that came up with the idea. You know, I keep saying, like, I know what the show exactly is going to be, but I really don't because as I'm recording this, you know, the idea of it started, you know, 30 something hours ago and, I guess 40 something hours ago. But anyway, so, you know, it'll settle on something. But the. The general idea of it is, is it will be focused on bands outside of the 518. So, like, I'm still obviously gonna keep unsigned 518 going, and that'll be like my inside the 518 would be. You'd be on unsigned 518. And if you're outside of the 518, like, as far away as, you know, the. The tip of Alaska or Hawaii, even, I guess, like, anywhere in the US, um, that would be the unsigned unwind. And what the unsigned unwind is gonna be is maybe like a. I'm thinking, like a five or ten minute program, maybe 15 minutes tops. And it'll basically be one band that comes on and just tells a little bit about who they are. And I'm thinking maybe they'll give us, like, one, like, kind of crazy story about being a band or something that has happened to them, you know, keeping it quick, and then what they do to kind of unwind after a show. And I'm gonna be unwinding while I do the show. And that means I'll be recording at a time, but I can kick my feet up and really chill. And that's what I would hope the listeners would do. So it's a double entendre. Find out what the musicians do to unwind, but while you're listening to it, you're unwinding. And because the episodes are so short, even if you just get, like, a ten minute break from work and you just want to unwind for a little bit before you get back to it, it'll be for those people. But anyway, it'll help you to discover local music all over the world. And, you know, I find new music in the 518 all the time, but I'm sure there's, there's other music out there that we in the 518 can discover. And I think it would just help, you know, help the community as a whole. So that's my little piece on what the unsigned unwind is, is probably going to be, and I already have a showrunner, someone to help me keep everything in order. So Angela will be running everything behind the scenes. You can reach her at [email protected]. and again, that's basically only for bands outside of the five one eight. If you're inside of the five one eight, you can still just, you know, send me a, send me a DM on Instagram. And it probably, you know, it might take me a little time to get back to you. Whereas it normally wouldn't. Cause that, that fucking reel that I put out that I didn't even expect, you know, I didn't expect to get more than whatever it's like, up to, like, it was like 25,000, 27,000 views and like 500 new followers and, like, all this shit. And, like, it's great. It's like, cool. But like, it's a lot, you know, now I'm like, oh, my God. God, like, what? I literally was like, what if, what have I done? But, yeah, so it may take, it may take a minute to get back because whereas I used to not have to sift through a bunch of messages to find out the ones that weren't from, you know, some where 2000 miles away wanting to come on the show in person, which has happened about, you know, like, people, whatever. Yeah. So it might take me a little bit, but I'll certainly get back to you. But anyway, let's, let's get on with the show. All right, so a lot of stuff coming up this episode. And one of the cool things about this episode is for each event that I have to mention, I have a guest on the show associated with that event to talk about it. So you don't have to hear it from me. You get to hear it directly from those involved. So for my first event, we're talking about the emo promote, and it's going to be Friday at the hollow. And rather than me talk about it. Like I said, I have a phone in guests, so we're going to talk with no one. You know, presents. So let's go to the phone. Hey, what's up? [00:05:20] Speaker C: Hey, dude, what's going on? [00:05:22] Speaker A: Oh, just chilling. Hiding from the immense heat that is. That is outside of my climate control room. [00:05:29] Speaker C: It's so hot outside. [00:05:31] Speaker A: I've heard. I've heard tale of it. I'm not fucking with it myself, but I've heard tale. So how should on your end? [00:05:39] Speaker C: Good man. I'm just sitting in an air conditioned car trying to cool down a little bit. So, you know, it's a little busy, but no way. [00:05:45] Speaker A: Yeah, and speaking of busy, this weekend coming up, we've got the emo prom. You know, it is. It is prom season, so I guess. Tell me a little bit about what you got going on. [00:05:55] Speaker C: Yeah, no, on Friday at the hollow, we're doing emo prom, which, you know, at first might sound like, wow, we're back in high school. But it's actually for, you know, it's kind of crazy, but it's like 18 plus, but it's for adults too. We want everyone to just dress up how they want. Bring their old emo nostalgia back. If they want to wear that palm dress, they can. But they can also come in a band, teen vans, and just kind of sing and dance to old school emo classics, pop, punk, all that good stuff. [00:06:19] Speaker A: And so it's Ceas Atlantis and Sidney Worthley and DJ Crush. Crush. And it's all like throwback stuff. And when you say that, because obviously Cee's Atlantis, you know, have originally music, Sidney Worthley original music. But they're. They're doing. Both bands are doing cover sets, correct? [00:06:37] Speaker C: Yeah, it's all cover sets of emo classics. We're all coordinated ahead of time. We all have the set list, so we already know what everyone's playing. So there's no doubles. Even the DJ's playing different songs. And boy, it's a elder emo classics right there coming out to us. [00:06:49] Speaker A: That's awesome. And, you know, and I'll let. Well, I mean, you obviously would know the set list, but I. I know. Cease Atlantis setlist. I found out this afternoon. Cause. Yeah. [00:06:58] Speaker C: Oh, nice. [00:06:58] Speaker A: I'm buddies with James. I was. I was sworn to secrecy, but I know that. I know the set lists, so. And it's gonna be, oh, my God, fucking crushes. Like, every song was like, oh, and you know what was good about it is, again, no spoilers, but it's a lot of them are covers that you don't hear. A bunch of, you know, at least ones I saw. They're like. They're ones that really made me go, oh, wow. I remember. I remembered that song, you know, so. So again, that's at the hollow. And you said it was 18 plus. What? It's 15 at the door. [00:07:32] Speaker C: So it's 15 pre sales. They get them now, it's gonna be 20 at the door. [00:07:36] Speaker A: Okay. [00:07:36] Speaker C: Jessica and Godor. No one you know. NYk presents social medias. We have it on eventbrite. Get your tickets now if you want it, or pay cash at the door. [00:07:45] Speaker A: Sweet. And that's this Friday. That's tomorrow as this episode airs May 24. And that's at the hollows. No one, you know, presents. Thank you so much for taking time out of your day to shoot the shit with me. And I'm sure we'll. We'll stay in touch. I always love having you come on and see what's going on because there's always something interesting that. That I'm looking at going, oh, oh, yeah, yeah. Like, so you're doing. You're doing really cool shit that's getting. Getting attention. So thank you so much. [00:08:17] Speaker C: Hey, thank you so much. And congratulations on two years. It's so awesome. [00:08:20] Speaker A: Thank you. Yeah. And hopefully, hopefully many more years to come. All right, so that was a conversation with no one, you know, presents for the emo prom that'll be taking place Friday, May 24, starting at 07:00 and it's at the hollow, North Pearl street in Albany. I don't know where I was going with that one, but anyway, I'm not even gonna edit that out. I'm leaving it in. So for the next event, we are talking about Mojo's cafe. My new friends glass pony are playing for Mojo's grand opening. And I actually have Greg of glass pony on the phone who's gonna tell us a little bit about the event. So let's go check in with Greg. What's up, Greg? [00:09:00] Speaker D: Andy, what is going on, man? [00:09:03] Speaker A: You know, just dealing with. Well, actually not dealing. I realize that it's like fucking 90 degrees outside. I've been in a dark office all day and I just went out to get the mail and I thought it was. I was like, I was gonna die. I'm like, oh, my God. I didn't realize it was this apocalyptically hot. [00:09:23] Speaker D: It's. It's oppressive. I'm. I'm actually going to finish purchasing an air conditioner after I get off the phone with you. [00:09:31] Speaker A: It's a solid, solid purchase. We. We put ours in because my. My wife's a planner, you know what I mean? And she knew the heat wave was coming, like, last week, so she kept being like, hey, make sure, you know. [00:09:44] Speaker D: Yeah. [00:09:45] Speaker A: By Sunday, that air conditioner is ready to go in the bedroom. Because if not, we're gonna die. [00:09:51] Speaker D: Yeah. See, my add makes me not do anything until the thing hits. [00:09:58] Speaker A: Right. [00:09:59] Speaker D: Like, I've known that this is coming and I plan and kind of strategize in my head, but for whatever reason, my brain doesn't say, okay, go until, like, the day is here, which is. [00:10:09] Speaker A: Believe me, if I was on my own, like, I would 100% be that, like, this planning and strategizing is not coming from me in any way, shape or form. [00:10:18] Speaker D: Oh, for sure. For sure. Oh, yes. [00:10:22] Speaker A: So, anyway, reason I brought you on is, you know, obviously there's stuff, you know, summer's coming up, there's a bunch of stuff happening. And there's one venue that I've been hearing more and more about, I guess, like, over the. The last couple of weeks. It just seems to keep coming up in conversation and in instagram and it looks like it's a cool spot. And I'm talking about Mojo's cafe in Troy. And I believe you're. When is it? Saturday. That or. No, Friday that you're there, right? [00:10:57] Speaker D: Yeah, dude. [00:10:57] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:10:58] Speaker D: So, yeah, it's Mojo's cafe and gallery in Troy. It's actually owned by a buddy of mine who graduated a year ahead of me from Bethlehem. Yeah, it's Nick and his wife Alana. They own it. It's right on Fourth street between Ferry and Congress. It's super easy to get to. So they've been having their grand opening celebration. They had it run last week. They're doing another week of it this week. And we are playing there on Friday. We play from seven to nine. It's just $10 to get in, weather permitting. Will be on the back patio area. They've got everything painted and they've got, like, pastries and ciders and all kinds of cool coffees and, dude, wait till you see the artwork that they have there. Their buddy, Frenchie is this painter who does primarily, like, New Orleans themed music stuff, but he's got paintings of, like, red rocks and, like, fish and, you know, like, oteel playing with. I think the painting is, like, with some of the dudes from the meters, but, yeah, so they came from Colorado, I think last summer they moved here and they've hit the ground running hard having music just about damn near every day of the week. Even the Monday after we play there, the lead guitar player from the cure is playing there, Reeves Gabriel. He's got a trio that he does kind of, like, funky blue stuff with. But yeah, man, we are. We're doing Friday, seven to nine, starting off their second week of grand opening celebrations. [00:12:38] Speaker A: And when did they actually open? [00:12:41] Speaker D: So let's see, how long have we been going there? What is today? Today's May. [00:12:47] Speaker A: Well, today is May. Yeah, today is May. [00:12:53] Speaker D: That's how my brain works, you know? [00:12:56] Speaker E: Let's see. [00:12:57] Speaker D: Let's think about that. They may have done their soft opening in, like, late February. Okay. [00:13:03] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:13:04] Speaker D: So it's been, like a couple to a few months, you know, where they were kind of getting their feet wet and, you know, getting their sea legs with running business. [00:13:15] Speaker A: Like I said, it's just in the last, like, couple weeks, like, it's shown up. So where I'm just like, huh? You know, and every time I'm like, hmm, look at that. Check that out. That's awesome. Like, it's. [00:13:27] Speaker D: It's incredible, man. So I've actually played there once already. I've played with Nikon Alana. They have their mojo's house band, and basically they say, you know, hey, you want to come play this Saturday? We'd love to have you. And we go up there with no rehearsal, and we just call out tunes to each other, or we teach tunes to each other on stage and then we go for it, dude. And it's. It's so much fun. So I really, really cannot wait to be there Friday with Glass pony and rock everybody's faces off for that one. [00:14:03] Speaker A: Yeah, that's going to be awesome. I got to get down there and check that out. It's such a cool. And I'm such a coffee head. [00:14:16] Speaker D: That's where Victoria and I buy our beans from now. And I. I feel like a jerk. I don't remember the brand of it. Cause it's. They source everything locally that they can. I just. I feel like I just saw something either on Instagram or somewhere where they were talking about using the bat and kill creamery for all the. All their milk and everything, and they've got shoot. Who's the brewery down the street from them in Troy? I think rare form is. Rare form in Troy? [00:14:46] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:14:47] Speaker D: Do you know? Okay, so then it's them. That's who stocks their, like, ciders and their beers and whatever it is that they have. I don't recall, but. So. So they're. They're dude, they're doing, like, a great job integrating themselves locally and building a community around all these people and all these businesses that do cool things. [00:15:07] Speaker A: Right, right. And that's what I love. And, you know, and I always say I left Troy, like, at the wrong time. Like, well, I moved out of Troy, like, twelve years ago. And, like, I remember being like, you know, when I moved there 20 something years ago, like, people were always like, oh, yeah, you know, Troy's bad. And it was like, you know, I was like, I grew up in, like, a small town in Vermont and, like, I don't know, I think Troy's pretty rad. Like, I had a lot of fun and then it, like, started getting really, really hip and cool and, like, new shit started popping up. And then unfortunately, I moved out. And then in the, you know, ten or twelve years since I moved up by Saratoga, like, Troy has become the fucking mecca. Like, there's so much cool shit happening there. [00:15:51] Speaker D: It is. It is a very happening place. And Mojo is going in there, is just going to, like, rocket launch this area. [00:15:59] Speaker A: It's. [00:15:59] Speaker D: Yeah, it's going to be a great night. We really can't wait. You know, we've got Eric coming to do sound for us. Who's with us most gigs. He's been working for Nick and Alana, you know, himself. And, yeah, we're just. We're super pumped, man. And, you know, they, they asked us to, you know, be a feature of their grand opening week and, you know, we couldn't be happier. It's going to be so much fun. [00:16:22] Speaker A: Yeah. And that is Friday at 707:00 but I'm sure. I'm sure the cafe will be open before 07:00 to get some. [00:16:29] Speaker D: Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. [00:16:31] Speaker A: Food or some coffee. Get yourself nice and jazzed up on caffeine. [00:16:35] Speaker D: Oh, my God, dude. And so, like, we've been buying these lemon bars that I forget who makes them, but, like, we buy like, four at a time and, you know, it lasts us, like two weeks because they're. They're so rich we can't eat the whole thing at once. But, you know, I see them there, I'm like, no, we gotta reserve them. You know, we want these. So, yeah, dude, it's just. It's a fantastic place. And, you know, it's so cool because on the show list that begins with our show Friday, you got neves, Gabriel's, you know, after us. I'm like, we're on the bill with the dude from the cure. We made it. [00:17:06] Speaker A: Yeah, that's awesome. Yeah, but like, every. [00:17:10] Speaker D: Everybody, they've been playing there, man, is just kick ass. Like, they're getting everybody around here and it's just so great to see. [00:17:18] Speaker A: That's awesome. [00:17:19] Speaker D: Yeah, dude. [00:17:20] Speaker A: Well, so that's Friday, 07:00, and, you know, Greg, I appreciate you taking time out of your day to talk to me. And before we go, I think you should probably play a glass pony song for the folks. [00:17:33] Speaker D: Yeah, sure. Well, it's really nice out and, you know, sunny, and I think. I think origami soul would be a good tune to play right now with this vibe. And, you know, we're late spring transitioning into summer. You know, everything feels good and it's green and it's blooming again. And, I mean, I don't know if my band meets ro agree, but origami soul feels like it meets that vibe. Maybe they would. [00:18:02] Speaker A: I agree with you because you sent me over a couple that I got to choose from, and this was the one that I chose. So sweet. All right, well, Greg from Glass pony, thank you so much. And right now, let's listen to origami soul on unsigned 518 weekend spotlight. Yeah. [00:18:18] Speaker D: Thanks, man. [00:18:39] Speaker B: I can't remember if it actually happened or if I saw it in a movie or went down in a tree. One thing I know is that that feeling stuck with me. The shadow puppets coming up with each sunrise. One hand pretending that the other is just lost at sea. One thing I know is that that feeling frightens me. They say your living life so can sleep until they finally see how on your phone make up that over county soul. Tell me your secret and be sure that you meet it. There's only so many colors that you and I can see. One thing I know is that that feeling comforts me. They say, oh, living life so can sleep until they finally see how all your folds make up that over county. Until they finally see how Firefo make up an opinion. [00:22:06] Speaker A: That was glass pony with origami soul. And for our last event, we're going to check in with frequent show contributor Frankie of Mirth films, and we're going to talk a little bit about the memorial meltdown that is happening this weekend up in Lake George. What's up, Frankie? [00:22:22] Speaker E: What's going on, Andy? How you doing, man? [00:22:24] Speaker A: I'm fantastic. I just got out of work like four minutes ago, and I've been in the den because I work from home today. So apparently it's hot outside. From what I've been told, I just haven't seen it. [00:22:36] Speaker E: It's hot outside and it's apparently 04:20 p.m. eastern daylight time. [00:22:40] Speaker A: I know. What a time to get out of work. That is not a coincidence that, you know. So I guess, you know, I want to talk about this weekend coming up. Obviously, the big news we got Memorial meltdown. And I figured, figured no better person to tell us what's going on than Frankie Kavone. So what's up with Memorial meltdown? [00:23:02] Speaker E: Yeah, so memorial meltdown, returning for the third year in a row is basically, memorial meltdown started as an addition to what already happens in Labor Day on Labor Day weekend, adk music fest. But, you know, you gotta start the party early. The weather is getting warmer. And what better way to do it than melting down right next to Lake George Village? And the memorial meltdown this year, just like other years, has a fantastic lineup. And this time around, while we still got those same, there is also some new additions and new ways of how the lineup has been booked. And it's super cool to see bands like Dispatch the revivalist headline this year's memorial meltdown along with Ryan Mont blue Band, the Mallet Brothers band, Rob Ballou, Mahali live band. So for those twiddle fans missing the band, this is a great time to check out Mahali, the samples. And then, of course, local heroes, Annie and the water. [00:24:04] Speaker A: Yeah, local heroes. And Michael is my neighbor. [00:24:08] Speaker E: That's too funny. [00:24:09] Speaker A: That is really funny. And he lives, I don't know, I mean, neighbor is, I guess, a bit of an overstatement about, about a mile away. He lives about a month. But, you know, out in the country where we live a mile is basically neighbors. And so I also, earlier in the episode, talked with Glass Pony. They're doing their show at Mojo's, but then you're doing something with them coming up soon, too. Yeah, that's right. [00:24:35] Speaker E: So palace sessions live will be returning in June, June 7, to be exact. And you'll be able to catch glass pony playing two sets. And it's going to be a great time. And, you know, it's just a way to get local bands into the palace theater who, you know, have those hopes and dreams to one day play that palace theater stage. And it's been so much fun over the last few months doing them, filling the pal theater lobby, and it's completely free show. So if, if you're somebody who, you know, just money's tight and you want to go see a concert or if you're, you know, unaware of the band and want to check them out or this is a great way to see what incredible local music we have here in the capital region. And Glass Pony can't see nothing but great things about, I consider them my best friends, and who knows? There might even be a special sit in. And it's great. We're really ramping up into festival season now with Memorial meltdown, kicking it off, and just to bring things back home to Lake George. What really makes Memorial meltdown amazing, aside from the music and its location, is just the crowd that comes out. There's just such a friendly crowd. Everybody's there to have a good time. Everybody's responsible, behaves, and keeps an eye on each other, and you don't really see that everywhere. And, you know, if you're there to party or dare to just kick back, it is a family friendly environment. And don't be afraid to bring that lawn chair, because, you know, a whole day of music, why not enjoy it and relax and have a good time, you know? [00:26:10] Speaker A: Yeah, absolutely. I love, you know, I love the family friendly outdoor events. Like, it's such a. Everybody does seem to, you know, behave. You know, there's a time and a place for everything, and outdoor family friendly events are usually a time to behave. [00:26:28] Speaker E: Absolutely. [00:26:29] Speaker A: And we'll talk about. I'll get you back on before the. The palace session, and we'll. We'll talk about that a little more, too, for sure. [00:26:38] Speaker E: Sounds great, Andy. And thank you, as always, for always doing what you do for the local music community. The last few episodes of unsigned 520 have been incredible, and just the quality and the conversations that are had each and every single week. And congratulations as well to launching a whole new podcast. [00:26:56] Speaker A: Yeah, yeah. I actually like, you know, literally every minute that I'm not at work, I'm pretty much thinking of. Thinking of ideas, and that one's gonna be a fun one, and I'm really looking forward to see, like, what it becomes, because, you know, it'll be. It'll be a couple weeks before I put anything out because I want to make sure I do it right. But, yeah, it'll be. It'll be fun, you know, and it'll be, you know, it'll be a quick, like, the episodes are gonna be super short, and it'll obviously all be over the phone, you know, because it'll be like, bands all over the country, so it'll just be like, you know, hey, here's this band in, you know, I don't know, wherever. Northern Alaska. Hey, check out this punk band from northern Alaska. We'll talk to them for five minutes. They'll tell a couple stories, then we'll play some songs or something. I don't know. [00:27:47] Speaker E: Sounds exciting, and I can't wait to hear it. And, yeah, and again, thank you for just, you know, it's great working with you, Andy. And for those listening to this, to this episode, again, Andy does nothing but great things, and we're just happy to have him here in the capital region music scene. [00:28:05] Speaker A: Well, I mean, 100%. The same can be said about you, man. Like, you know, nobody puts out content like you do. So. Right. [00:28:12] Speaker E: Right back at, you know, thank you very much. And for those out there going to the festival, be safe, get your tickets ahead of time. And listen to Black Sabbath on the way. [00:28:25] Speaker A: And on the way home. [00:28:26] Speaker E: Yeah, and on the way home. [00:28:28] Speaker A: All right, well, Frankie Kavone of Mirth films, obviously, he'll be out and about at the memorial meltdown, taking photos, and you're going to have the drone out. [00:28:37] Speaker E: The drone will be out, and the merchant will also be out. So come out, grab, grab some free stickers, come see what Mirth films is all about. And we just can't wait to see everybody up there in Lake George, New York. [00:28:50] Speaker A: All right, well, thanks for, thanks for checking in, and I'll talk to you again soon. All right, I guess we should probably end on a song with our friends Annie in the water. This is Honeybee, and it's here on unsigned 500 eighteen's weekend. Spotlight. [00:29:06] Speaker F: Taking flight, going off in search of nature's sweetest thing. I hear your music while you're cruising. It puts me in a blue where I am buzzing. You put it together from nothing with loyalty on wings and sugar in the heart. Matchmaker, you bring the love together. Making flowers is dark. Yay, you're a little honeybee, glad that you are next to me. [00:29:44] Speaker A: So sweet. [00:29:58] Speaker F: When I'm licking honey, the curtain lays sunny gutting through the gleaming rays of sunshine. Always on standby with loyalty on wings and flowers on your feet. Your matchmaker, you bring the love together. Hold my beautiful bee. Yay, little honeybee, glad that you are next to me. [00:30:27] Speaker A: So sweet. [00:30:28] Speaker F: Him a little honeybee. Him a little honeybee, glad that you are next to me. [00:30:38] Speaker A: J. [00:31:07] Speaker F: Honeybee, glad that you are next to me. [00:31:10] Speaker A: So sweet you. [00:31:11] Speaker F: My little honeybee. [00:31:15] Speaker A: My little honeybee. [00:31:16] Speaker F: Glad that you are next to me. Hey, a little honey bee, glad you. [00:31:26] Speaker A: Are next to me. [00:31:33] Speaker F: Honey, be glad you are next to me. My little honeybee. [00:31:59] Speaker A: Before I go, I just want to give a special shout out to my friend Angelina Valeni. She's just time and time again. Proven to be kind and friendly and sassy and strong. More than anything, I'm just, you know, truly honored to be able to call you my friend. So, Angelina, thank you. And I'm gonna leave you all with an Angelina valeni song. This is riverside, and it's here on unsigned 500 eighteen's weekend spotlight. [00:32:21] Speaker G: You know I've been feeling heavy and I know you have to so come sit right down beside me and our troubles will be few I'm gonna lay down by the riverside and listen to the water as it rolls. [00:32:48] Speaker A: It'S the. [00:32:49] Speaker G: Sweetest kind of music just listening to those wildflowers grow what good can it do? Letting that weight bear down on you I'm gonna lay down by the riverside and listen to the water gonna bathe in water fresh, healthy, gonna drop those scenes from here go gonna let my soul begin again forget those stories I've been told I'm gonna lay down by the riverside listen to the water as. [00:33:47] Speaker A: It roams. [00:33:50] Speaker G: Oh, is it sweetest kind of music just listening to those wildflowers what good can you do? Let it now we bear down on you I'm gonna lay down by the riverside and listen to the water. [00:35:08] Speaker A: A. [00:35:08] Speaker G: Little light it's shining through all my dark and lonely nights cause I know that there is truth and so I'm giving up the fight I'm gonna lay down by the riverside and listen into the water as it rolls rose, it's the sweetest kind of music just listen to those wildflowers what good can it do? Let it now we bend down on you I'm gonna lay down by the riverside and listen to the water. [00:35:56] Speaker A: I'm. [00:35:57] Speaker G: Gonna listen to the water. [00:36:10] Speaker A: All right, that was Riverside Angelina Valeni. And that is it for this week's edition of the Weekend Spotlight. I will see you next week and again, make sure you, like, rate, subscribe wherever you listen or tell a friend. And if you want to help support the show, you can always buy me a [email protected]. unsigned 518 all right, so that's it for me. I'm Andy Scullen. This is unsigned 500 eighteen's weekend spotlights, and I'll see you on the road. Unsigned 518 is produced and hosted by me, Andy Scullen. New episodes are available every week wherever you stream podcasts. If you'd like to help support the show show, please like and subscribe wherever you are listening. Or you could buy me a [email protected]. unsigned 518, if you would like to advertise on the show, send me an email at unsigned five one eight and to be a guest on the show, reach out to me through Instagram 518. Take care of one another and I'll see you next week.

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