June 27, 2024


Unsigned518 - Weekend Spotlight - 6/28/24

Hosted by

Andy Scullin
Unsigned518 - Weekend Spotlight - 6/28/24
Unsigned518 - Weekend Spotlight - 6/28/24

Jun 27 2024 | 00:23:45


Show Notes

On this episode, I read Amy's top picks from Around Town With Amy Modesti, I speak with Angelina Valente about her show tonight (Thursday) at Cafe Lena, and I talk with Ben Gesek of The Greetings. Ben also plays us an unreleased The Greetings song. This episode features music from Angelina Valente, The Greetings, and the brand-new "Unsigned518's Weekend Spotlight" theme song, from Forensic Polaroids (feat. Nick Kossor of Gozer).

Please follow my upcoming new show, The Unsigned Unwind at https://the-unsigned-unwind.castos.com/ 

The Unsigned Unwind is launching July 3rd, with new episodes every other week. The Unsigned Unwind will feature interviews with local bands from all across the US and Canada. To be considered as a guest of The Unsigned Unwind, send an email to our showrunner, Angela, at: [email protected]

Unsigned518 theme song written and performed by Forensic Polaroids (feat. Nick Kossor of Gozer). Outro music written and performed by ShortWave RadioBand

Please like, rate and subscribe wherever you listen and be sure to tell a friend about Unsigned518.

If you'd like to help support the show, you can "Buy Me Coffee" (one 'coffee' = 5$) at www.buymeacoffee.com/unsigned518 

Music from this episode can be found below:

Forensic Polaroids on Spotify - https://open.spotify.com/artist/4czIjcpRksLnk1ZnUERixw?si=v7E-C-uzQKyL6YUNcB8CGg

Angelina Valente on Spotify - https://open.spotify.com/artist/40weZezEjAjXDTMKdtHRIz?si=S23tAvg7RTuWDw4bf4mO7w

The Greetings on Spotify - https://open.spotify.com/artist/0Gb8dRTwlSAVHGpjzF8oVJ?si=aj5U1s8USEO3Q1UwwVsnfQ

ShortWave RadioBand on Spotifyhttps://open.spotify.com/artist/1jtXdnzo5F7tFTor6P8GP0?si=iKh6nBTKR_ytnn9OAMeOJw

Gozer on Spotify - https://open.spotify.com/artist/7c9p0yOjZUNnDmOft2QUWe?si=iZmi5zGZShu0iYh7M--8Jw




Show contributor links:

Around Town with Amy Modestihttps://aroundtownwithamymodesti.substack.com/

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:00] Speaker A: All right, so welcome to unsigned 500 and eighteen's weekend spotlight for the weekend of June 28, 2024. I'm going to do, obviously, a little bit of a cold open here, and it's for a reason, because I actually have a bit of a surprise for you. It was a bit of a surprise for me as well. Lonnie Eaton, who many of you may know is the singer and lead guitarist in shortwave radio band, the band that I am in. And he also does a side project called Forensic Polaroids. And he got together with Nick Kosser of Gozer, and the two of them created a new theme song, I guess, like for the show, it's about technically the dazzle den, where I'm sitting now. I'm sitting directly under the neon dazzle den sign for those who've seen it, but they wrote a song and it's like spooky because obviously anybody who knows me knows that I love spooky shit. So it's like got like a spooky kind of Adams family ish vibe to it, but really great. And I'm so appreciative of it, and I think I might, for at least the time being, just roll with it as the theme song. I don't know if that's what they intended, but that's what I think I'm going to do with it. So we are going to get rolling here. But before we do, I just want to kind of introduce what I'm going to be using as the new theme song. And I'm going to use it just for the new theme song of the weekend spotlight. I'll keep the regular episodes of unsigned 508, the simple machine theme song that they wrote for me. And, you know, forensic Polaroids featuring Nick Kosser of Gozer will have the theme song for the weekend spotlight. So without further ado, let's get started. [00:01:56] Speaker B: It's motherfuckin Andy singin around with some local motherfuckers in bedazzled. And if you're in a local band and you're passing through town, stop by. [00:02:07] Speaker A: After a visit when the trains come out? [00:02:10] Speaker B: You're at the dazzle dance with those creepy mama puck? You're at the dazzle den with those creepy mama puck? You're at the Dazzle den with those creepy mama pumps? You're at the dazzle band. [00:02:23] Speaker C: Besides. [00:02:47] Speaker A: All right, that was forensic Polaroids featuring Nick Kosser of the band Gozer with a song called the Dazzle Den, which is now the theme song to weekend spotlight. And that's the fun thing about having my own show and not having anybody to answer to is that I can receive an email in the morning with a song about the dazzle then and just there on the spot. Decide. Yeah, yeah. Yep. That's now the theme song. So get used to that song, I guess. So for this first event, it's happening tonight at Cafe Lena. My good friend Angelina Valeni is playing there, and we actually are gonna go to the phone and talk to Angelina and find out a little bit about what's going down tonight. So let's go to the phone. Hi, Angelina. [00:03:37] Speaker D: Hey, Andy. [00:03:38] Speaker A: What's up? Not much. Just hanging out and excited to talk to you because I'm excited about your cafe Lena show, which is tonight. [00:03:47] Speaker D: Oh, my gosh. I know, I know. I'm freaking out. [00:03:50] Speaker A: And do you know, like, at this point, do you know if it's sold out? Are there tickets left? [00:03:57] Speaker D: We have. I know there are some tickets left, as far as I. As far as I know. So I would definitely like contact. I mean, I've been posting it all over my. The link all over my socials to get tickets, but I would also contact Kathy Lena if you're like, really? If we're getting close to the wire, I would contact them and make sure. [00:04:15] Speaker A: Nice. And what time does everything kick off? [00:04:18] Speaker D: Yeah. So we actually have an opener. So there's a band from Colorado, I think they're called the Cody Sisters. They start at seven. And then we go on. Me and my band goes. We go on around, like, 740, probably 737 40. Yeah. [00:04:35] Speaker A: And who, like. Cause I know, you know, different people play with you at different times. Like, who do you have with you for this show? [00:04:43] Speaker D: Yeah. It's literally always just dependent on, like, who's available, right. Like, send out a mass text and I'm like, are you available for this day? Like, whatever. Trying to put the band together. [00:04:56] Speaker A: Right. [00:04:57] Speaker D: But so this band is. We'll have James Kirk on base. This will be his first show with me, but we've had a couple rehearsals, so I'm stoked for everybody to hear him. He's incredible. He's so great and just a really cool dude. We live by the train, and he, like, loves the train. Yeah. And then Matt Griffin on bait on guitar, rather. Matt Griffin on guitar, which, I mean, Matt Griffin is just one of my favorite people on the planet, so I'm stoked about that. And then Paul gay on drums, this will be his second show with me. He's like, I want him to just, like, be my drummer. I'm just trying to like, make him quit his like, psychology major life and like, come and just play drums for me. But so, yeah, Paul Gandrums and then JP hubs will be playing piano, so. And everybody knows I love JP, so obviously that's an obvious one. [00:05:48] Speaker A: Yeah. That is so exciting. That is. I'm really excited for it. And, you know, like, I, unfortunately, my work schedule, I wake up at, you know, about 345 in the morning, so like a Thursday evening I'm asleep when it's still light out. [00:06:05] Speaker D: Yes. [00:06:06] Speaker A: But I wish, I wish I could come and I think everybody should come and definitely check cafe Lena to see if there's some tickets left because you might, might be able to squeeze in there and see this amazing you share. [00:06:20] Speaker D: Yeah, I'd love to see everybody there. So it's just, it's just such a special, intimate room and it's just like, I keep thinking about last year. It's almost just about a year to the date, almost probably like the same week, you know, since my show last year. And I feel just like such a different person. Like, I was just thinking about this and I was like, whoa, this show is going to be so different. But I'm so excited for it because that room just lends itself so, so well to like, telling stories and getting people, people just really, really listen, so it's just the best. [00:06:54] Speaker A: Yeah, that is really cool. You know, and I know we didn't talk about this beforehand, but do you want to play one of your songs before we go? [00:07:02] Speaker D: Oh, my God, I would love to. [00:07:04] Speaker A: Which one do you want to play? Or is it my choice? [00:07:07] Speaker D: I'll leave it to, you know what? I'll leave it to you. I love that. That would be great. [00:07:11] Speaker A: All right, cool. That's good, because then I can, you know, I'm here in the dazzle then now, and I'm listening to music anyway, while I'm doing some editing, I'll decide what song and then, you know, I'll, I'll edit it right in so it'll sound like I'm making the decision on the spot, you know, the magic. The magic of editing. Awesome. So, Angelina, you know, it was such a pleasure to talk to you as always. And I'm very excited for the Cafe Lena show. And I guess, is there anything you want to, want to say to the folks before you go? [00:07:44] Speaker D: You know, I was like, what do I want to say? Come to the show. Support local artists. You know, stream their music on repeat. If you can't afford to buy it or buy it, come to the shows. Keep us, keep us going. You know, it's important. We need you, so keep listening. [00:08:04] Speaker A: Absolutely. Well, thank you so much. So that is Angelina Valeni. And Angelina, always a pleasure. [00:08:10] Speaker D: Yes. Right back at you. [00:08:12] Speaker A: Offer 2023 album Sing. This is Angelina Valeni with like I've never loved before. And it's here on unsigned 500 and eighteen's weekend spotlight. [00:08:28] Speaker C: I love you in a way I've never loved nobody else. My heart is in a bottle cork didn't put upon your show and I don't mind oh my I know the deeper your capacity to love the deeper your well is duck for hurt so I'll drive a little slower take a bite less of dessert cause I've got plans for a lifetime with you I never thought I'd be the girl get lost in a summer world I never thought that I would say I like it this way and all love like I've never loved before been thinking back on this time where we were a year ago if I had any chance of loving you again? You know I had let you go. I had to let you go. I never thought I'd be lost no in the world I never thought that I would stay cause it has faith and it hurts never heard before can earth find a way to meet in the middle? Feel the wind up there feel the grass down here can we slow it down just a little and we'll feel like we never felt before I never thought I'd be without in lost in a bath that I would say twist words all the harding I never thought it would be I share my dreams, my home, my bed and wake up every morning too so we'll never love before. [00:11:46] Speaker A: All right, so up next this Saturday, the Peace March Violence awareness event. March starts at 01:00 p.m. and then at 03:00 p.m. more music, less violence is putting on a music showcase. It's also going to be a free barbecue t shirt giveaway. And if you want more information, follow DJ Hollywood on Instagram. It's djhollywood instead of O's. It's an eight. He's one of my favorites in the area. Not only is he, you know, a talented dj, obviously, but he's also someone who, like, gives back to the community and builds communities up. And he's a leader and, like, just such a cool guy. So give a follow over to DJ Hollywood and check out the Peace March Violence awareness event that is this Saturday at Swinburne park. And if you need more information, just follow DJ Hollywood, which you should just be doing anyway. So right now we're going to check in with Amy modesty of around town with Amy Modesty and find out her picks for the week. So number one, she wants to let you know that the 2024 Rockin on the river concert series is officially launching. It officially launched as I record this today, which is yesterday as this podcast airs. But there's going to be music happening every Wednesday throughout the summer, so make sure that you follow around town with Amy Modesty to find out the schedule for the summer. And the second pick is actually another event that's going to be kind of ongoing. But the first one is kicking off today as this episode airs, which is Thursday. So pop superstar and pianist Vanessa Carlton is going to be performing at Jennings Landing with opener Canela. And that is from 05:00 until 08:00. And number three, the town of Brunswick concert series at the Brunswick Community center officially kicked off June 25. And their next show is going to be on July 2 with diamond cut horns. And the free concert begins at 06:30 p.m. so for more information on these or any other events, just check around town with Amy modesty and she can be found at around town with Amy modesty dot substack.com so last week I was supposed to have Ben Gesick of the greetings on and he was going to share a special song with us and literally about, I don't know, 45 minutes to an hour or so before we were going to record. Crazy storm blew through and a tree came down in my yard and hit my house. So I had to reschedule. But I do have Ben on the phone now. So here's our rescheduled conversation. Let's go to the phone. Hey, what's up, Ben? [00:14:20] Speaker E: Hey, what's going on, Andy? [00:14:21] Speaker A: You know, just hanging out, not dealing with a fucking tree on my house. Because last week, people may or may not know a tree fell on my house during one of the storms. But it literally happened, like, I don't know, an hour before I was supposed to have been on the show and we were gonna play a greeting single. And I just, like, had to text and be like, you know, listen, man, I'm dealing with some shit right now. Can we reschedule? [00:14:52] Speaker E: So this totally understandable. [00:14:56] Speaker A: You know what, though, luckily, like, it took out, like, all it really did is it took out a gutter, which is, you know, whatever. Like, it's nothing. And it just, like, slapped the roof, hit the fence, and, like, damaged the fence a little bit, but nothing. A hammer couldn't fix. So I'm like, all things. All things considered, I made out pretty good. But anyway, enough about the fucking storm and tree on my house. We're here to talk about the greetings and this single that you sent me, which. Well, you know, I'm just gonna let you tell the folks about what you sent me. Sure. [00:15:34] Speaker E: Yeah. So this song is called hallelujah. We had actually written it about two or three years ago and recorded it as a single, and we were gonna do, like, an a and a b side with this song, hallelujah, and another song of ours called Eagle street. And after all was said and done, the recordings were mastered, ready to go. We decided with perfect precision timing that we didn't really like the recordings at all. So we think that we can do the songs a little bit better. With that being said, I don't want to deprive the world of it. So it's not streamable or anything at this moment. It's kind of a special treat for us here. But, yeah, we're actually going to go back in the studio in a month or two this summer and do a full length album, including this song, hallelujah. So there'll be a fresh new version for the listeners, hopefully in not too long. [00:16:30] Speaker A: That's awesome. So what we're gonna hear, like, this song, like this. This version of it as it is, it's like a fully two completion song. That sounded fucking gross, but, like, you know, it's like a fully realized song, but it's not available anywhere, literally, except for this episode, is what you're. What you're telling me. [00:16:51] Speaker E: You are exactly right. Yes. For anybody who's seen us live, we play this just about every set. It's one of our favorite songs. And as you said. Yeah, this is a full, complete recording. Shout out to Dan Lefebvre for playing the beautiful piano on this that you'll hear shortly. That was great for him to sit in with us, but, yeah, just. Just for us today. [00:17:10] Speaker A: Nice. [00:17:11] Speaker E: Special treat. [00:17:12] Speaker A: Nice. That is awesome. I love that little exclusive. So, Ben, I need. You know, we had talks, like, we need to get the greetings on the show for a full episode of unsigned 518. And I've actually, like, just recently kind of upped my game in here, and I can kind of record full bands to a certain extent. So if you guys even wanted to do a song or two live in the show on your episode, that could be arranged. [00:17:41] Speaker E: Oh, man. Yeah, we would love that. We'll definitely have to talk about that. [00:17:45] Speaker A: Yeah. Cool. All right, so we'll keep in touch and we'll get you in for a full episode. I know with, with schedules, especially in the summer, it can be tough, but we'll. We'll make something happen, so that would be awesome. [00:17:57] Speaker E: Yeah. [00:17:58] Speaker A: So, Ben Gesick of the greetings, I want to thank you so much for taking time out of your day. And before we go, why don't you go ahead and introduce the song to all the listeners? [00:18:07] Speaker B: Awesome. [00:18:07] Speaker E: This is hallelujah by the greetings on unsigned 500. Eighteen's weekend spotlight. [00:18:19] Speaker B: Set me up with some cans to keep me rolling set me up with a slice peace of mind bars close to one window shopping doors lock I kept walking Nick bolt on yours won't you keep me in your thoughts? Nowhere to go when I used to know all the spots keep the tabs on the rain outside my window worrying about all the wrong things all the time change my mind like the wind keeps blowing or any port in the storm start showing no local ladies won't you keep me on your mind? I won't forget your faces all my life losing track of the things I said I'd fight for I've been settling up, not writing down talking down on my best traits while I compensating the worst ways. [00:20:33] Speaker C: I hold the line. [00:20:37] Speaker E: So. [00:20:38] Speaker B: From the top right to the letter last what you make, we can make it better? You don't know what you got you know what you want. [00:20:50] Speaker C: It'S as easy. [00:20:51] Speaker B: As hallelujah don't need a miracle seat. [00:20:54] Speaker C: Open. [00:20:58] Speaker B: If you want hometown hills motion keep me in your thoughts nowhere to go and I used to know all the spots. [00:21:16] Speaker A: That is hallelujah from the greetings here on untimed 518, weekend spotlight. And before we go, you know, like I was saying last week, how the tree fell on my house, and obviously that was quite a bit to deal with. And I just wanted to give a quick shout out to DL landscaping. They were, like, quick and attentive, like, literally within the hour of me calling them and being like, yo, I got it. Tree down in my backyard to them having it taken down. What could be used was cut up into firewood and stacked and cleaned up and out of there was like a matter of just a couple of hours from the time the tree went down till it was all cleaned up. So a shout out to DL landscaping. All right, and that is it for this week's edition of the Weekend Spotlight again. My new show, the unsigned unwind, will be dropping in less than a week. Next Wednesday will be the first episode, it is a band called the Second Inversions out of Cincinnati, Ohio. And I have several episodes already in the can. I will be releasing them twice a month, but it'll be a way so you can kind of get to know local bands in other scenes across the country, and those bands can get to know other bands. And, you know, the. The general idea is for everybody to kind of get along and network and, you know, bridge the gap between these local scenes and kind of bring everybody together. That's, you know, my. My. That's. That's my. My dream. I would. I don't know if I would say it's my goal, but, you know, I'm. I guess it's what I'm working on. So thank you for listening, as always. I'm Andy Scullen. This is unsigned 500 and eighteen's weekend spotlights, and I'll see you on the road. Unsigned 518 is produced and hosted by me, Andy Scullen. New episodes are available every week wherever you stream podcasts. If you'd like to help support the show, please like and subscribe wherever you are listening. Or you could buy me a [email protected]. unsigned 518 if you would like to advertise on the show, send me an email at unsigned five one [email protected]. and to be a guest on the show, reach out to me through Instagram at unsigned five one eight. Take care of one another, and I'll see you next week. Bye.

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