Episode 129

June 25, 2024


Unsigned518 - Episode 129 - Cir Red

Hosted by

Andy Scullin
Unsigned518 - Episode 129 - Cir Red
Unsigned518 - Episode 129 - Cir Red

Jun 25 2024 | 00:23:06


Show Notes

On this episode, Cir Red makes his second appearance on Unsigned518 (first appearance: Episode #75). We catch up on what he has been up to, which is a lot. From releasing singles, collaborating with artists from all over the world, and even making a country song (which you can hear on this episode), Cir Red hasn't slept in the past year and keeps churning out quality content. If you are unfamiliar with Cir Red, this may be your last chance to say "I was listening to him before he blew up."
Cir Red on Spotify - https://open.spotify.com/artist/5ECmi5QzpmC1FCqDRBNu6N?si=iUpo3lg4T-uD7Il429o2Hw
Cir Red on YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/@RealCirRed
Unsigned518 theme song written and performed by simplemachine. Outro music written and performed by ShortWave RadioBand

simplemachine on Spotify - https://open.spotify.com/artist/0kVkCHf07WREgGhMM77SUp?si=G8vzbVTSSVGJMYPp6Waa_g

ShortWave RadioBand on Spotify - https://open.spotify.com/artist/1jtXdnzo5F7tFTor6P8GP0?si=ZO5hpTlOQUyndGH1YqIbTw

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:01] Speaker A: He was born on a Saturday in 73 he loves park rock music. Fighting the thirties cabin in the desert on the beach guitar with a short whip radio back his motherfucking Andy scolding look at motherfucker cause here he comes Andy wearing his orange hat. [00:00:27] Speaker B: Welcome to unsigned 518. I'm here with Sir Red. How's it going, man? [00:00:31] Speaker C: It's good, man. Thank you for inviting me again. [00:00:33] Speaker B: Yeah, of course. And we were just talking, you know, because I never remember shit, but we were just talking. The first time you were on is episode number 75. So if people want to go back. And I always like when people were on and then come on again. [00:00:47] Speaker C: Right. [00:00:48] Speaker B: Because that, like, fucking growth or like that, you know, the stuff that happens in between is super interesting to me. [00:00:55] Speaker C: Absolutely. [00:00:56] Speaker B: So I guess with you, I want to talk about, I guess just fucking. What have you been up to, man? [00:01:02] Speaker C: Yeah, so I just been working, you know, like writing new songs and stuff, tapping in with new producers. There's been a lot of different, like, things that have been happening lately. My personal life, I've been trying to just cope with and push through everything, you know, I got make music through all of it, you know, that's how the emotions get out into the music and the best music, it's made through just different roads that people go on, you know, and what life leads you to, you know. So I just been trying to use all that as motivation and a fire to build this music up, you know? [00:01:42] Speaker B: And you do, like, a bunch of collabs, which is always, like, super cool to me to see, like, different people that other people work with. So I guess since what, it's been a year or so, have you done. Have you released anything in that. That year? [00:02:01] Speaker C: So I know last time I was here, I think I just released Coach Carter. [00:02:05] Speaker B: Yes, correct. [00:02:06] Speaker C: That was a release in April that I did last of last year. Since then, I've probably dropped like, six or seven singles. I think they're all fire. A lot of people have given me great feedback and everything on them. I'm trying to think most of those are all just me on those, though. But I have. I have a bunch of stuff in store and a bunch of, like, people I've been talking to and trying to get intertwined and looped up with and everything like that. That's, you know, we've been talking about some stuff, and so there's some features on the way, for sure, but I dropped some pretty. There's some pretty heavy songs that I dropped, to be honest. There's some big records, and there's a lot bigger records on the way, too. Like, I. I feel like I'm finding my comfort zone in this music stuff. And, like, practice makes perfect, you know, just putting those hours in and, you. [00:03:01] Speaker B: Know, putting out that much content, you know? Cause, I mean, I know how much. [00:03:05] Speaker C: I feel like it should be more. [00:03:06] Speaker B: But no, I mean, that's. You're fucking killing it. Like, but that is something that, like you said, practice makes perfect. And I know that's like a cliche. Like, you know, everybody says that, but, like, that's could not bring more true because every. Everything you put out and every time you go through the process of doing a song, you're absorbing like that and it's gonna, you know, give you, I guess, like, more. More tools in your. In your box or I don't know what fucking, you know? [00:03:37] Speaker C: Absolutely. [00:03:37] Speaker B: And for, you know, for the record, we're sitting here smoking weed, so if I. If I stumble over. If I stumble over some words, I'm like. But, yeah, I think having that prolific of a catalog to, like, push it out and then push it more shit out, it's just gonna. Gonna build stuff up on your own, right. And then you'll have more to bring to other. So I guess talk about what you've put out, you know, as far as, like, the singles. Drop a couple of the singles that you've done. [00:04:06] Speaker C: Um, so within the past year, I've dropped one of my, couple of my favorite songs I've been holding on to for a while. I dropped Red Ruby. I dropped that in November. I dropped. I dropped bottled emotions. That's like a pretty heavy song. It's kind of like, on my rod wave flow. If you know who rod wave is. [00:04:30] Speaker B: I don't know. [00:04:31] Speaker C: He's from down south rapper. He's very talented, and he's kind of more like. He gets into that pain, you know what I mean? Tries to uplift everyone while you can still feel that pain, you know? It's like, I really like that kind of music, so I'm trying to get into more of that, too, as well. There's a couple different genres I'm kind of, like, fading into. I never was really trying to be a rapper, like hip hop. I mean, I've always. I love hip hop and everything like that, but I feel like my voice relies more around guitars and, like, more of, like, a poppy alternative to type of, type of vibe. I can still. I still got, like, the bars and everything, but, like, you know, I'm gonna intertwine that with more of different type of beats. I feel like my music just not New York rap, you know, it's more west coast, you know, like, if anything, if, like, my more hip hop songs, I feel like they're more west coast based anyway. [00:05:24] Speaker B: And you've even gone out, like, to the West coast and done shit out there. [00:05:27] Speaker C: Yeah, yeah. Like a year and a half ago, I flew out there and linked up with young desi and Taylor gang. [00:05:32] Speaker B: And then you shot. Was that where you shot that fucking dope video that you did? [00:05:35] Speaker C: Nah, we shot that. I performed this past August. I performed with him at SOB's in New York City. [00:05:42] Speaker B: Okay. [00:05:43] Speaker C: We performed down there. He was flying out here. He asked me if I wanted to perform. I said, hell yeah, man. And we fucking. We made it happen. But that shit was fire. My boy Deji's homie, I met him through Deji Sammy. He's a really good friend of mine now. Really good guy. He shot the video and everything. It came out really dope. So it kind of like just. It's like a moment in time for me, you know what I mean? Just like my first performance in New York City, and it's with bro, so it's like. It was just dope. [00:06:12] Speaker B: That is cool. Bring it. Bringing him on the kind of home turf. Absolutely, yeah. Fuck, yeah. [00:06:17] Speaker C: I've also dropped another. I always try to drop in April, so I dropped another song. That's my birthday month, so I always drop a song on my birthday. I dropped one this year called the Game that's produced by one of Wiz Khalifa's producers. His name's Quad Woofer. He's done beats for many people, many talented artists and stuff, like multiple people in Taylor gang and stuff. Young Deji 06:00 a.m. chevy Woods Wiz. You know, the list goes on. Chief Keef, baby Tron, there's a bunch of different people. So I've been tapping with him, and we've been doing good business, and, you know, he's been feeding me some good beats and stuff like that, trying to, you know, I mean, level me up. And also, at the same time, I feel like he's pushing me a little bit to be creative and stuff. So it's all love, so I appreciate him. Shout out, quad. One of my engineers in November, unfortunately passed away from different circumstances and stuff. And he was, like, a really good friend of mine, and we were supposed to have a session that same night or the next day. Actually, it was the next day we supposed to have a session. And so I booked a session, went over to my homie Bandana's house and I made a song for him and I dropped that in February on his birthday. So that was like another big song that I dropped recently. I'll play that for you later. But. But that song's really special to me and a lot of people really vibe with it and I know his family really loved it, so. And appreciated it. So that's all. I do it for you. What? I mean, just for people to appreciate and feel the music, you know, that's what we do it for. So that was special. [00:08:04] Speaker B: Cool. And then, you know, I know you're. You're working on stuff all the time and we didn't even discuss before we got rolling. But I'm assuming you've got tunes that you're gonna play today. [00:08:17] Speaker C: Absolutely. [00:08:20] Speaker B: Upcoming things. [00:08:21] Speaker C: Yeah, for sure. One of the songs is kind of like a country pop pop type of song. I throw a little bit of hip hop in there. You know, it's called dirt Road. I made that. I've been writing that for a couple months, just like trying to figure out everything. But I recorded it a couple weeks ago down in New York City with mostly everything. Shout out him. And then the second song is called what's the second? The smoke. I have another version that I'm going to release with the feature on it. The one I'm going to be playing tonight is just me. It's probably not going to be released with just me. I'm just showing you this for the podcast. But the feature is FNs Philly. He's from like the Latham, Albany area as well. He's really dope, really talented. The engineer that recorded this was Goldie, and this was my last time I recorded any songs with him. So it's a really special song. I've been holding onto it. I should release it already, but I've been holding onto it for a little bit just because. Um. But yeah, our friend that passed away is Goldie. Goldie London. Um, he was a big, influential, uh, face in this whole 518 area. I'm sure you might have heard of them before and stuff. Um, but r r p to him, that's a goat. [00:09:50] Speaker B: So we're going to hear that song now? [00:09:53] Speaker C: Yeah. All right. Yeah, we can play that right now. [00:09:55] Speaker B: And this is the smoke. [00:09:56] Speaker C: The smoke. Yep. [00:09:57] Speaker B: Alright, cool. So let's listen to the smoke, sir Red. And this is an unreleased track. And even when it does get released, it's probably not going to be this version. [00:10:06] Speaker C: Yeah, it'll have a feature on it. [00:10:07] Speaker B: So, yeah, that's sick. That's cool. I really appreciate that. So let's listen to the smoke, sir. Red, and then we'll be right back. [00:10:25] Speaker C: Chap on a fucking track. [00:10:38] Speaker A: Sit back, relax and just taste it they seen this misfit gone places from front row stepping on stages seen the look on all of their faces deeper thoughts up inside my head couldn't breathe when they found bro dad boxed in like Alvarez take my old life instead never lived a perfect life anyway double shots of yeager take the pain away, the pain away left some money in broadscast for rainy day thanking God seeing signs of life from him every day I'm just trying to get exactly where I wanna go gushing through the hard days and obstacles suddenly got the fire but I brought the smoke tell me if you're lying I just need to know I just need to know tell me if you're lying I just need to know I just need to know they said they got the fire but I brought the smoke stuck it in a lock turned the key, now it's broke snakes in the grass moving fast they might bite you popped all their money, now they dead broke I'ma get to this bag even faster sit back, relax and just taste it they seen this misfit gone places from front row stepping on stages seen a look on all of their faces deeper thoughts up inside my head couldn't breathe when they found bro dead boxed in like Alvarez take my old life instead take my old life instead they said they got the fire but I brought the smoke. [00:12:36] Speaker B: All right, so that was the smoke, sir. Red. And, you know, we were saying, as we were listening to it here, you wanted to talk a little bit about where the. Where the beats came from for that one. [00:12:46] Speaker C: Yeah. So that beat, actually, someone hit me up on Instagram, and this is about. I've had that beat for probably a year now. Recorded it probably six months ago. And someone hit me on Instagram with the beat and asked me if you could. With his number and asked me if he could send me beats. I was like, yeah, of course. And he sent me that beat. And I started. Was writing to it ever since when he sent it to me. And we ended up talking for a little bit, and he ended up telling me he's from Russia and stuff. And so, like, ever since then, I've had, like, multiple people in Russia, kakakstan, like, really all over, like, western hemisphere. Like, just, like, messing with my music. You know what I mean? Like, fucking with it and, like, reaching out and, like, putting me in their bios as they produce. They engineered for the produce for me and everything. And it's been really cool, you know? So it's. It's been. Keep giving me motivation. Like, they just send me random beats all the time, you know? Like, someone sent me, like, a ten pack of beats on my birthday, and it was like, he probably even know, you know what I mean? But it was like fire. I got to listen to some new beats and write some music on my birthday, so. [00:13:56] Speaker B: And when, like, when that happens, like, so, like, you get a beat that you like, and, you know, somebody sends it to you. Look, what's the, like, the legality of using it? Is it basically the dude makes it, gives it to you, says, no, it's cool, have it. Or is there, like, some kinda. [00:14:11] Speaker C: I always, like, end up, like, giving them, you know, I mean, my name, money, credit for songwriting credit, like it. But they'll give me the exclusive right there, you know what I mean? Like, they're all really cool. Shout, Chapo, shout. Pull on the beat. Like, they're all. There's a couple more. You know, Helsini, he just texted me right now. He's from Kakistan. Like, I got a song with him called the status dropping soon. Like. Like, we've been working, you know, I mean, all these people been tapping in. That's the quest, you know what I mean? There's always people come all over just getting together, and I love that. [00:14:44] Speaker B: Like, you know, I mean, obviously I'm all about, like, community, you know, like, working with people and everybody working together. So you achieve shit, right? I mean, like, fighting achieves fucking nothing, you know? But, like, having shit like that being, like, global work, you know, not somebody down the street, but, like, some of the other side of the world. Like, I dig your shit, and I want to, like, you know? [00:15:08] Speaker C: Right. I want to go. I want to move with it, right? It's crazy. And, like, the one, um, another russian producer that hit me up was Pulla. And pull up. He sent me this one beat, and I was like. I, like. Like, I don't know what it was, but, like, I just had it automatically, like, the words for it, you know what I mean? Like, it came automatically. And I ended up sending that out to Taylor game to get mixed by tz nine five. He. I got a couple song songs produced by him as well, but I'm having him engineers a lot of my music now and stuff like that. So it's all. It's all going as planned, you know what I mean, these beats are going from one way to another way. New York to California. You know what I mean? So it's cool to see. Or, I mean, like, I'm not where I need to be or anything yet, but, like, the groundwork, you know, the groundwork. I feel like I'm really, like, achieving a lot. Like, in the background. In the background, you know, and you're. [00:16:05] Speaker B: And you're doing the work, right. That's the thing. Like, you know, I always say to people, like, consistency is the key to everything, for sure. If you're not getting results, that doesn't mean stop or slow down. Means, like, maybe switch up tactic, but always be going, you know, always be pushing forward. And that's how shit happens for sure. You know? And I certainly see that in the amount of stuff that you're putting out. I know how long it takes to do a single. [00:16:31] Speaker C: Absolutely. [00:16:31] Speaker B: So you're saying it's not enough, but I'm like, I can't even imagine putting out fucking six singles in a year. Like, it's like. [00:16:38] Speaker C: I feel like it's kind of like. Like, analogy. Like someone just starting to fish for the first time now, knowing where the good fishing spots are. You know what I mean? And they travel all different spots and. You know what I mean? They don't get fish these days, but as they learn where the fishes are, they keep on reeling in the fish the next time. [00:16:56] Speaker B: It's just like, anything. Like, you know, you have to be a foolish beginner in order to be a pro, right? Like, nobody just starts out, like, 100%. You gotta. You gotta be willing to put yourself out there. First of all, do the work. Second of all, then continue to do that. [00:17:14] Speaker C: And this is, like, only three and a half years in. You know what I mean? Three years in. Like, real. Seriously? Like. [00:17:20] Speaker B: Yeah. And you're like, you know, been out to LA to do music and, like, you know, that's some real shit. Yeah. [00:17:26] Speaker C: Right? So I'm working. I'm trying. You know what I mean? [00:17:29] Speaker B: I'm stoked for you. [00:17:30] Speaker C: I appreciate that. [00:17:32] Speaker B: So, do we want to listen to another song? [00:17:35] Speaker C: Yeah, for sure. [00:17:36] Speaker B: And this is the first one we were talking about, right? [00:17:39] Speaker C: Yeah. This one is called dirt Road. And this is kind of like me introducing myself to that country vibe. [00:17:44] Speaker B: All right. [00:17:44] Speaker C: I know my dad likes this one, so we'll give this one a play and move back. [00:17:48] Speaker B: All right, cool. Let's listen to dirt road, and then we'll be right back to wrap it up with Surrett. [00:17:54] Speaker C: Yo. You ready? Yep. [00:18:07] Speaker A: Most times you were looking my way screaming all my words when I'm hitting that stage last day, last time now everything changed past lives can't make up any new dick runner dirt road on a care in the world pretty brown hair blowing in the wind dirk a runner, dirt road always catching I could have her on a whim now we're smoking and we're drinking at the tailgate always catch myself partying with the girl next door took her on dirt road all the smoke turned red that's we left all over worries at home took her on a dirt road not a care in the world pretty coward took her on a winter road all the smoke turned red as we left the party next door next door I said, pop it for me, baby let's get lifted let's get hear the sound as soon as we hit ignition Warner Brothers the way we reminiscent and I ain't really trippin she was born up in religion so I know she has the holy water for them sinners red, red ruby on my neck now they calling me a winner pain pictures more vivid than your mirror she gonna saddle up them bitches bring em close and bring em here to minutes getting higher, bring some more made my money walking through the rain when it's pouring bread pull in my chin now I'm soaring six speed drop tower four not four, nah I took a red dirt road on a caring pretty brown hair blowing in the wind took her on a dirt road always catch her midstair unaware I could have her on a whim now we're smoking and we're drinking at the tailgate always catch myself partying with the girl next door took her on Durham Road all the smoke turned red as we left all of our worries at home took a run, Durham roll. Not a car in the world pretty caron hair blowing in a cab took her on a winter road all the smoke turned red as we left the party next door next door. [00:20:12] Speaker B: All right, that was dirt road, sir Red and I want to thank you so much, man, for coming back out like, it was really cool, you know, when you came on the show the first time, we actually have a mutual friend who introduced us. And since then, like, I. You know, I've become not only a fan of your music, but of your work ethic. Like I said, I see what you're doing. I see the care that you put into your music, the detail that you put into it. You know what I mean? Like, it's impressive what you're doing, and I really applaud you. So before we go, though. I just want to give you a chance to say what I call your gratitude. So, microphone is all yours. [00:20:54] Speaker C: Yeah. So first, I'd like to thank you, Andy. Appreciate you for inviting me back and everything on shout. All the team, you already mean, all the people that keep me grounded and my family and everything like that. All the producers that keep tapping in. Shout out, you, you know, we locked in for life. Shout Taylor, game wiz, Deji, all them quad list goes on, you know what I mean? Shout out everyone out here, all the homies. Shout out my boy flex s three h. If you ever need any good clothes, good quality clothes, you know what I mean? We down here, 117 Central Ave, Albany, New York. Best clothes in Albany. Everything made in there, you know what's going on. But, yeah, I mean, just shout out to everyone that, you know what I mean, that stays positive with me, you know, that keeps rocking with me. All the fans, you know, I appreciate everyone that just reaches out and just says something about my music, whatever. It's smaller, you know, even if it's negative, like it's. I take everything with a grain of salt, you know, and try to put everything back into the music the way people want to hear it or the way I want to do it, you know, so it's. If people don't like it, you know what I mean? Some stuff that I think is good, you know what I mean? Maybe it's not for them, but I try to make music for everyone, so I try not to swear my music or anything like that, you know, try to be a little positive and keep this shit going, you know. But, yeah, I appreciate everyone, man. Always loved. [00:22:23] Speaker B: Alright, cool. Well, that is Sir Red. I am Andy Scullen. This is unsigned 518. I'll see you on the road, red. Unsigned 518 is produced and hosted by me, Andy Scullen. New episodes are available every week wherever you stream podcasts. If you'd like to help support the show, please like and subscribe wherever you are listening. Or you could find. Buy me a [email protected]. unsigned 518. If you would like to advertise on the show, send me an email at unsigned five one eight mail.com. and to be a guest on the show, reach out to me through Instagram. Unsigned 518, take care of one another, and I'll see you next week.

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