June 20, 2024


Unsigned518 - Weekend Spotlight - 6/21/24

Hosted by

Andy Scullin
Unsigned518 - Weekend Spotlight - 6/21/24
Unsigned518 - Weekend Spotlight - 6/21/24

Jun 20 2024 | 00:33:07


Show Notes

A busy weekend in the 518. I hit on just a couple of events and have a conversation with Frankie Cavone of Mirth Films. Also, I speak with Lorraine Toth. Lorraine is the creator and host of a new podcast called Choose A Happy Day.

This episode features music from Haley Moley, Twilight Drive, and Kendra McKinley.

Please follow my upcoming new show, The Unsigned Unwind at https://the-unsigned-unwind.castos.com/ 

The Unsigned Unwind is launching July 3rd, with new episodes every other week. The Unsigned Unwind will feature interviews with local bands from all across the US and Canada. To be considered as a guest of The Unsigned Unwind, send an email to our showrunner, Angela, at: [email protected]

Unsigned518 theme song written and performed by simplemachine. Outro music written and performed by ShortWave RadioBand

Please like, rate and subscribe wherever you listen and be sure to tell a friend about Unsigned518.

If you'd like to help support the show, you can "Buy Me Coffee" (one 'coffee' = 5$) at www.buymeacoffee.com/unsigned518 

Music from this episode can be found below:

Haley Moley on Spotify - https://open.spotify.com/artist/4Hl5Xi0HG3AjIb29H9lRxx?si=ltXK-GlZRiqiciSR03DAGQ

Twilight Drive on Spotify - https://open.spotify.com/artist/6gOANECfkAreq2aHtba5x8?si=ieAkPz1aQIWpasyxIQ_nbQ

Kendra McKinley on Spotify - https://open.spotify.com/artist/7Isx4fVPiWKyIp46kghIVI?si=7tCWw1gES4KFr6rbBGec7w

ShortWave RadioBand on Spotifyhttps://open.spotify.com/artist/1jtXdnzo5F7tFTor6P8GP0?si=iKh6nBTKR_ytnn9OAMeOJw

simplemachine on Spotifyhttps://open.spotify.com/artist/0kVkCHf07WREgGhMM77SUp?si=G8vzbVTSSVGJMYPp6Waa_g

Show contibutor links -

Mirth Filmshttps://mirth-films.com/

Choose A Happy Day Podcast - https://www.chooseahappyday.com/

View Full Transcript

Episode Transcript

[00:00:01] Speaker A: He was born on a Saturday in 73 he loves park rock music. Finding the 13 cabin in the desert roll now on the beach guitar with a short wind radio back his motherfucking Andy scolding look at motherfucker cuz here he comes Andy. [00:00:26] Speaker B: All right, so welcome to unsigned 500 eighteen's weekend spotlight for the weekend of June 21, 2024. There's. This is one of those weekends where there is so much happening that, you know, picking just a couple of things is very tough, especially because a lot of the things are happening on the same day. And there's like huge events, huge, like yearly events that are happening. So again, how I always say, like, do your own digging. Like, check out other publications and find out what's going on. Cause there's so much that I'm barely, barely, barely even scratching the surface. So. But anyway, this first event is actually an after party to one of those many events that I said are happening that I don't have time to talk to. It's the make music day after party rager at no fun. We have Bear mattress, pony in the pancake, Haley Moly, and headless relatives. And that is taking place at no fun. It kicks off at 07:00. And again, that is Friday, June 21, and it is the make music day afterparty. And, you know, like I said, when you, you know, to do your own digging, I looked into the make music day and there was stuff going on in Troy all day long. There's tons of local bands, there's local music, there's exhibits, there's a bunch of stuff. So go check out make music day. Just, you know, Google make music day, Troy, New York. You'll find it and find all the events there. But make sure that you go to the after party at no fun. And right now we're gonna listen to a band that we'll be playing at the afterparty rager at no fun in Troy. One of my favorites, Hayley Moly. It is the title track off their most recent album. This one is everybody wins. And it's here on unsigned 500 eighteen's weekend spotlight. [00:02:36] Speaker A: It's all up for you. It's not up to everyone. All in all and all. [00:02:59] Speaker C: Happen something. [00:03:00] Speaker A: It's not like having it all let it go. Dedicated, concentrated. [00:05:17] Speaker B: That is Hailey Moley with everybody wins here on untime 500 eighteen's weekend spotlight. What we're going to do right now is check in with Frankie Gavone of mirth films. We've got a lot to talk about. There's lots of things to cover as the summer gets rolling. So without further ado, let's go to the phone. Frankie. [00:05:35] Speaker D: What's up, Andy? How you doing, man? [00:05:36] Speaker B: I'm good. I'm hiding out from the heat, man. Like, what the hell? Like, it is so hot. [00:05:44] Speaker D: Yeah, it's a great day for AC. [00:05:46] Speaker B: Yeah, I was just gonna say. Luckily, the, the dazzle den, not only is it windowless, but it, it is air conditioned, so it's pretty nice in here. So what do you got? What do you been up to? What do you. It's been a, been a couple weeks, so I'm sure you've got shit that you've done, shit that you're working on. I know you've had a busy summer so far. You've got a ton of irons in the fire, as it were. But I guess just what's going on in Frankie's world right now. [00:06:16] Speaker D: So right now in Frankie's world and just mirth films, it's just about watering the plants and letting them grow. And I'm not talking about cannabis plants. I'm talking about just making content, planning for content, and, and always trying to be as, uh, you know, while it's great to live in the now, uh, thinking forward is, is huge. And sometimes when you're in the now, it always can get, uh, trampled. And, and from years past, like this, this time of the year, I'm always at, like, this point where, like, we go super gung ho and the first week and two, make, do some great things, and then it's like reality, you know? And so it's been great to kind of just kick back for the day and take, take the week and reflect and see how mirth films can continue just providing quality content. And it's, it's been a great ride this summer so far. We had dad festival and city of all in Washington park with some great cover bands, and have to give a huge shout out to Lucid street, who blew my freaking mind. I knew of them and have known of some of the musicians. And to see a band play aces high by Iron Maiden with Kate Tazone on a, on a fiddle. [00:07:30] Speaker B: Holy shit, they're great. They're definitely friends of the pod. I've had them on the show. I've done a live stream with them. Yeah, they're great. Super hard, super hard workers, too. You know, like, really hard workers. [00:07:46] Speaker D: You can tell their seasons, seasoned musicians, and so it's just cool to see in that there. It was even been nice to see that they do original tunes as well. They played a couple of their original songs, one of them being a newer one. I couldn't get the name of the first song that they played, but I was like, if it was just like rock and roll in 2024, like almost like in a Greta Van fleet sense, without having any stigma attached to how they sound or who they sound as musicians, it was just really cool and something to offer that's different here in the capital region, but. So, yeah, Dab Fest was great. We got rock the dock music festival in Lake George, New York, coming up July 13 with a stack jam band lineup consisting of we Got Lotus, Dopapod, and Dopapod is an incredible jam band, actually, just announced yesterday that they are calling it quits, indefinite hiatus, whatever you want to call it. [00:08:42] Speaker B: You're going to be proud of me, Frankie, because I actually knew that. Like, I did know that. I actually knew that, like, as soon as you said dopa pod, like, in my head, I was like, oh, who just announced yesterday that they are going on indefinite hiatus? So look at me go in the world of jam, man, and just, do. [00:08:58] Speaker D: We got time for a quick little story? [00:09:00] Speaker B: Yeah, of course. [00:09:01] Speaker D: So in 2012, I'm 18 years old, my friend and I are going out to visit our buddy Greg, who was living in Boston at the time, and Dopapod was playing. And we've seen them once before, didn't really, you know, just like one of those times. You just see a band, you don't really, really pay attention to them. So we I. We go to Boston. Our plan is to go to see Dopapot at the Paradise Rock club in and I, which is a legendary venue in Boston. And so we get there, the show sold out. In the meantime, the past hour, we just killed a handle of whiskey, and it's freezing. It's freezing outside. And we're screwed. We're just sitting just like you would see in a movie, sitting on the curb, not knowing what we're gonna do. And this guy comes up to us, he says, hey, you want to come into the show? Just follow me. Don't stop moving and don't ask any questions. And so our drunk asses end up. This guy grabs us by the hand and tells us to grab each other by the hand, and he pulls us right through the security guards. And voila. We were in the show, 18 years old. We got 21 plus wristbands, and it was a great night. And I always go back and listen to that show, not only because of a nostalgic memory like that, but Dopa pod really jam bands get labeled in a certain way, and they're one of those guys who are always just original and stick to their guns. And I always appreciate a band like that. So it's gonna be cool to see them at rock the dock along with Waldriatic and formula five. Both bands that have kind of, like, slowed down with how much they played, but are both incredible bands have made great contributions to this Capitol region music scene. And then Neon Avenue, one of the premier Grateful Dead cover bands as well. We should definitely talk to Andy, if you haven't already. Those guys are great and they're goofy and they like Rubens as well. [00:11:05] Speaker B: Yeah, maybe I'll. Maybe I'll have them on a spotlight episode as we lead up to rock the dock. That'd be pretty fucking cool. [00:11:13] Speaker D: Absolutely. And other than that, again, just trying to keep the train chugging along. We got cake this weekend at Brewery Omagang, Saratoga Jazz Festival, July 24 and 25th, up at SPAC, a non live nation concert. And so BYOB, I'm pretty sure. Check the rules, but I'm pretty sure you can bring coolers in there, which is different back. And then, other than that, yeah, we got a bunch of content that is being currently put together. The team is healthy, having a good time, and I just want to give a shout out to all of them because six years ago now, I would not think that I would be able to share this opportunity with other people. And to be able to do that stuff is awesome. And the best advice I can give to anybody who is trying to run a company or just trying to be a small business one man. But whatever it may be, it's take care of yourself. If I, you know, you can run your bucket dry every night, but it's going to catch up and it's going to affect the quality of your work. So quality, you know, quantity. Quality over quantity, and just keep yourself in check. And if you ever need help, make sure to reach out to somebody. Not to hand it on a downbeat, but I always hit this time of the year. I'm just like, oh, my God, I have, like, nine music festivals, 10,000 shows, this, that, and the other thing, and I'm just like, it's overwhelming. And, you know, it's like, just realize you can only do what you can do. [00:12:47] Speaker B: Yeah. And it really resonates with me because, like, that's totally my philosophy. Like, I always, always carve out days like, you know, where I'm like, I don't have any responsibilities today. There's stuff that I could do you know that? But, like, you have to, like, you, like you said, the, you know, you have to recharge. And, like, especially being creative, if you run dry every single night, it will absolutely catch up to you. There has to be times when you're doing nothing, you know what I mean? Where you're just like, I'm recharging, and then I'll go hit it again. Like, so I. That really, that's how I always do it when. Whenever people are like, how do you do so much of the podcast? I'm like, you know, I do it when I can, but I never let it take, like, my mental health, you know, away. [00:13:40] Speaker D: Absolutely. And having that, you know, that outlet that's different from your bread and butter or your passion, that is also your bread and butter, you know, is important. Like, for me, video games. [00:13:51] Speaker B: Yeah, me too. [00:13:52] Speaker D: Wwe. Like, come on. What about you, man? What are your outlets? [00:13:57] Speaker B: Mine is flights. I like flight simulator. Microsoft's flight simulator. I have, like, 200 hours on that shit. And, I mean, I can. I've done, like, cross country flights many times, you know, and I'll do, like, the whole flight plan and, like, yeah, yeah, flight simulator. That's my. That's, like, what I do when I have time. And especially because, like, if I'm flying a, you know, a big passenger jet 737 from Logan to LAX, you know, that's a. That's a almost five hour trip. [00:14:32] Speaker D: No way. It's a real time. [00:14:34] Speaker B: Oh, yeah. Oh, it's all, like, it's all real time. It's all, like, the landscape beneath you is all, like, google Earth style, and then they, like, render shit over it. Like, it'll blow your mind, man. Like, I'll. I'll send you a video. I have videos of me doing a flyover over Albany with, like, a fucking, like, a top gun jet doing, like, treks, like, flying in between, like, the towers and shit. And, uh, I'll send you that. I have a little clip of that, and you're like. You'll look at it and be like, oh, my God, that's. That's Albany. Like, that's for real. Like, every single. [00:15:11] Speaker D: Crazy. [00:15:11] Speaker B: Yeah, it's wild technology. [00:15:14] Speaker D: Well, folks, you have it there. [00:15:16] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:15:16] Speaker D: Play some Microsoft fight flight simulator. Go support local and live music, and. And listen to unsigned 518. [00:15:22] Speaker B: Hell, yeah. All right, cool. Well, Frankie, always good to talk to you. And, you know, maybe in another week or two, like, we'll. We'll check back in, certainly as the summer. Well, actually, fuck, rock the docks only, like, what, a month less than a month away now. [00:15:38] Speaker D: Yeah. [00:15:38] Speaker B: Okay. Yeah. So, yeah, we'll. We'll definitely keep checking in. There's a lot of shit going on. So I guess now's the time for rest because it's about to ramp up, you know? [00:15:47] Speaker D: It is. And stay cool. Stay cool out there, people. [00:15:50] Speaker B: Absolutely. All right, well, cool. Well, thanks. Thanks for Tom, Frankie. I was good to talk to you. [00:15:54] Speaker D: Hell, yeah. Thanks, Andy. [00:15:56] Speaker B: All right, so that was Frankie Cavone of mirth films. Always a pleasure to talk to him. And up next on Saturday, we have twilight drive playing at dancing grain farm Brewery in Moreau, New York. Twilight Drive, good friends of mine, I met them at the Troy speakeasy when we played a gig with them and have since been, been in contact with them. Our bands have played shows together several times and just really great guys and really talented. And one of the things, you know, they're a three piece, but they're one of those bands where each member is doing multiple things. And that's not to say that they switch instruments. I mean, like, while they're playing, they'll be playing multiple instruments. You know, Daryl on the drums will be playing drums with one hand and then playing a keyboard part with his other hand. And then John's playing bass and he's got a keyboard and I think he's even got like foot pedals in front of him. Like it's, you know, just. And Brian's voice is like, unreal. So go check out Twilight Drive. They're gonna be playing dancing grain Farm brewery in Moreau, New York. And that is Saturday, June 22. Starts at 05:00 and it is free. So right now let's listen to a song from Twilight Drive. This is glorious purpose on unsigned 500 eighteen's weekend. [00:17:28] Speaker E: On the voyage of recovery. Seeing things the same but differently. A glorious purpose is a glorious purpose on the wings of a new new day. On the voyage of whatever this means, meeting things the same but differently. A glorious purpose is a glorious purpose on the wings of a new day. [00:20:03] Speaker A: Find the way home again. Don't find today. Yeah. [00:20:41] Speaker B: All right, so that was a glorious purpose. Twilight Drive here on untimed 500 eighteen's weekend spotlight. Right now we're going to go to the phone and we're going to talk to Lorraine Toth, who has created a new podcast called Choose a happy Day. It is not music related, but it is as she describes it here on her instagram page, a podcast on energy elevating, manifesting and unlimitedness. And I think it's a fantastic podcast. I love, positive energy and positive thinking. And so, you know, instead of me talking about a podcast that I'm just a listener of, I actually have Lorraine on the phone right now. So we're going to let her tell you a little bit about choose a happy day. So let's go to the phone and talk to Lorraine Toth. Hey, Lorraine. [00:21:27] Speaker F: Hello. [00:21:28] Speaker B: How's it going? [00:21:30] Speaker F: It's fabulous. It's a happy day. [00:21:33] Speaker B: It is a happy day, which is why we're here, you know, and it was funny because I, you know, this is my show and I can do whatever I want. Normally I do music, you know, music stuff, local music stuff. But I've actually been listening to your podcast. It just, like, came across my feed and I was like, oh, what's this? You know, I recognize her face and I know, you know, she's a photographer. And actually, you've taken my picture a couple times at the eddies. At the, at the eddies, yes. But so I've been listening to it and I really enjoy it. And I was just like, I'm just going to see if Lorraine will come on and tell my listeners about her podcast. So that's why we're here. [00:22:12] Speaker F: Of course. Why, thank you for having me. I'm so honored. [00:22:17] Speaker B: And the podcast is called Choose a happy Day. [00:22:20] Speaker F: It is, because happiness is a choice, so why not choose happy? So that's where that whole thing came from. And my favorite saying is have a happy day instead of having a good day or have a great day. Mine's always have a happy day. So that's why. [00:22:36] Speaker B: And I mean, it really, you know, because I'm, you know, people that know me personally, I'm a positive person. And, like, you know, I try to look at the bright side of things, so to speak. And as I get older, I'm like, oh, that's actually the secret to, like, secret to life is, like you say, choose a happy day. Like you, you know, it's like that old cliche, like, you can't choose what happens to you, but you can choose how you react, you know? [00:23:03] Speaker F: Yes, that is so true. Yeah. It takes just as much energy to be, you know, miserable and angry, so why not choose happy? [00:23:10] Speaker B: It actually probably takes more, you know, because, yeah, so it's a new, like, newish podcast, right? Like, it's. How many episodes in are you? [00:23:23] Speaker F: It's brand new. It just launched May 31. I am just about to do the fourth episode this Friday, which is very exciting. So, yeah, it's super new, but I'm loving the format. And the ability to interview other people in this kind of, you know, mindset space and learn. [00:23:42] Speaker B: Yeah. And that's what I like about like that. I feel like I'm, like, there in the room in the episodes, like, absorbed advice, which is like my kind of podcast, you know? Like, you know, sometimes I like something that's just like, ah, you know, you're not really. I'm not really paying much attention. But then there's those where I feel like, you know, as a listener, I feel like an active participant in the conversation and, like, I'm taking advice and, like, talking about what's on the podcast to my friends in real life. [00:24:13] Speaker D: Like, oh, that. [00:24:14] Speaker F: You know what? That's amazing to hear. Like, a huge compliment because I've never done podcasting before like that, though the very first episode was the first time I ever did anything like that. And I wanted it to be like that, just like a casual conversation between friends where you actually take away tips on how to implement these things in your own life. [00:24:34] Speaker B: And I think that's the best thing about podcasting because, like, you know, I have done radio, like, years ago, like, I did, you know, was in broadcasting or whatever, and everything's so stringent and rules and this and that. And I like doing this because I'm like, it's the same thing. I'm like, I just like talking into a microphone. And, like, podcasting has allowed people that have something to say, a platform to just say it. You know what I mean? Like, you don't have to, like, I don't know, have, like, this broadcasting background and, like, you just need to have a voice that you want other people to hear and like that. [00:25:14] Speaker F: Exactly. [00:25:15] Speaker B: It's, it's great. Like, I really dig what you're doing. [00:25:18] Speaker F: Oh, well, thank you. [00:25:20] Speaker D: Yeah. [00:25:20] Speaker F: And it's great, right. To get it out there to people that are like minded. It's. It's just so much easier now than it used to be, you know? [00:25:28] Speaker B: Yeah. It used to be nearly impossible, like, unless you were, you know, on, on radio and then you had to watch what you say and, like, you know, couldn't, you know, people might be like, people might even just be like, no, no, don't talk. You know, I don't want to talk about that. Or, like, you know, I would have bosses all the time. Nah, that's not worth it. I'd be like, but I think this is a really cool band. They'd be like, nah, not really into it. You know, where you're like, I'm my own boss. I can do whatever I want. I could talk to whoever I want. Like, yeah, and so wet. Like, from the time, like, just for my own curiosity, from the time that you were like, I want to do a podcast, to the time your first episode was being recorded, like, how long of a. A chunk of time we're talking? [00:26:14] Speaker F: It was super fast. So it was. It was like a two week period. So basically, in. In April, I decided it was the end of April, maybe May 1 even. I was like, hey, I'm going to do a podcast. And by May 31, I recorded my first podcast, which I also upload to YouTube. So it's audio and visual. So within a month, I had it launched, had a podcast manager, learned how to do all the, you know, the pod bean uploads. They get it to Spotify and everything. Like, I learned basically in one month how to get a podcast up. But the funny thing is, and that's what I'm going to be speaking about on my next episode, is this all happens after a psychic reading, so completely out of the blue. And the psychic told me, you know, like, you have the platform. This is your duty. This is your life calling. This is your purpose. You have to start this. And at the time, I was like, I have no idea what you're talking about. And it came to me right after that psychic reading. [00:27:17] Speaker B: That's awesome. Well, again, I love what you're doing. The podcast is choose a happy day. And, Lorraine, where can people find you on social and the podcast? [00:27:30] Speaker F: Yes. So they can find me on social, Instagram, and Facebook, which is, Jeff, choose a happy day. That's also the website handle chooseahappyday.com, and then on, if you're on iTunes, you know, Apple or, you know, Spotify, anything, all you have to do is type in choose a happy Day podcast, and it should come right up with, like a big pink happy face kind of logo thing. And me, and I look like Marilyn Monroe. So if you find that visual, then you hit the right one. [00:27:59] Speaker B: Perfect. All right, well, awesome. Well, Lorraine, thank you so much for taking time out of your day to come on here and talk to me, and we'll be in touch soon because I would definitely love, you know, you've got so many, so many facets that you're doing in the 518 that I think we should have you on for a full episode. [00:28:17] Speaker F: And I would absolutely love that. [00:28:19] Speaker B: Well, we'll hook that up. That's Lorraine toth of choose a happy day. [00:28:23] Speaker F: All right, bye, everyone. Have a happy day. [00:28:26] Speaker B: All right, so the last event is Sunday. It's going to be at the fuse box. My friends Anna Cortez are shooting a video and they're putting on a free show gathering a bunch of bands. So it is Sean Shafran, Anna Cortez, Gateway, and $10 till Friday and violent by design. And just come on out. Like, bring everybody you can. The bar will be open. So if you need some encouragement to get up and dance, especially in front of the states, they're shooting a music video, so you can go be in the video. It's gonna be super rad. And I'm. I'm psyched to see how the video turns out. So again, it's Sean Shafran, Gateway, $10 till Friday by them, by design, and Anna Cortez, who will be shooting their video. And it is at Fusebox 12th, Central Avenue in Albany. And it's this Sunday at 02:00 all right, so before we go, I wanted to play a song from my friend Kendra McKinley. She's not playing a gig up here this weekend, which is normally the music that I play, but I wanted to play Kendra McKinley song and it's my show. So I'm gonna play Kendra McKinley song and I implore you to go check out Kendra on Spotify and everywhere that you get your music because she is fantastic and we are lucky to have her in the area. So look her up on socials, go see her live because that's a really great experience to catch her live. So here's overcome it. Kendra McKinley here on unsigned 518 weekend spotlight. And I'll catch you next week. [00:30:19] Speaker C: About it. I saw you became a stranger I don't recognize the girl couldn't get up this morning I stayed inside I got high midnight so fit shaking inside my shelter the day is too bright I need night I need to shy away from it I need some time I try I'm trying to get so loud oh couldn't get up this morning I stayed inside I got high in the night of the sun shaking inside my shelter the day is too bright I need you I need to shine. [00:32:32] Speaker B: Is produced and hosted by me, Andy Scullen. New episodes are available every week wherever you stream podcasts. If you would like to help support the show, please like and subscribe wherever you are listening. Or you could buy me a [email protected]. unsigned 518 if you would like to advertise on the show, send me an email at unsigned five one eight mail.com. and to be a guest on the show, reach out to me through Instagram Unsigned. 518. Take care of one another, and I'll see you next week.

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