September 26, 2024


Unsigned518 - Weekend Spotlight 9/27/24

Hosted by

Andy Scullin
Unsigned518 - Weekend Spotlight 9/27/24
Unsigned518 - Weekend Spotlight 9/27/24

Sep 26 2024 | 00:34:23


Show Notes

Unsigned518 theme song written and performed by simplemachine. Outro music written and performed by ShortWave RadioBand. Underscore music written and performed by Ab The Audicrat.

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Show Contributors Can Be Found Below:

Bad Music Club on Spotify -

Joseph Biss on Spotify -


Music from this episode can be found below:

Passenger Princess on Spotify -

Adequate Phil pn Spotify -

The Pine Boys on Spotify -

Lennox on Spotify -

Rabid Children on Spotify -

simplemachine on Spotify -

ShortWave RadioBand on Spotify -

Ab The Audicrat on Spotify -

Show Contributors Can Be Found Below:

Bad Music Club on Spotify -

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:02] Speaker A: Welcome to Unsigned 500 and eighteen's weekend spotlight for the weekend of September 27, 2024. Got a lot of great stuff coming up for you. Gonna talk with Rooney Ghosh of adequate fill. Also gonna check in with my new friends up north, Jake and Michael of Bad Music Club with one of their music recommendations. And I have a bunch of music for you. Gonna hear some songs from Lennox, from rabid children, adequate fill, pine boys and more. So stick around. Got a lot coming up. And without further ado, let's get started. [00:00:33] Speaker B: He was born on a Saturday in 73 loves pop rock music with Friday's guitar with a short whip radio back together, his motherfucking Andy scolding look at motherfucker cause here he comes Andy calling. [00:00:57] Speaker A: Wearing his orange hat welcome to unsigned five and eight's weekend spotlight. And I want to say, I guess that we're gonna, I don't want to say, like, the show is changing per se, but I guess it kind of is gonna a little bit. It's gonna shift, because when I, when I first started it, it was basically something where I wanted to have a spot where people could find out what's going on, you know, and pull a couple events from here and a couple events from there and then play some music. And as I've gotten going, I realized that, you know, obviously, to me, it's, it's about the music, and, and I have a lot of fun curating the songs that are on the show. I have a lot of fun reaching out to the bands and making sure that, you know, that I have their permission to play the songs, that they're cool with me playing the songs. So. And now that Metroland is back and, you know, I'm a part of it and the concert calendar is up and just getting better and better, better each week. The team is, like, really, really crushing it. Like, there is kind of a growing spot where it is that central location where you can find out what's going on. So, like, you know, I will highlight some shows coming up this weekend. You know, obviously, there's the weekend spotlight, but kind of, like always, I use it as an excuse to play music, and I'll just, you know, kind of direct you now instead of, you know, I used to say, hey, you know, do your own digging and see what, see what's happening. Because there's a lot going on. But now I'm just gonna say, like, go to and when you go to, you'll notice, you know, right on the, on the front page. It has the previews, reviews, interviews. Up in the upper right hand corner and the contact. And then down in the lower left, it says, what's happening? And that is the concert calendar. You can arrange it monthly or weekly, and things are loaded in there and getting more and more every week. Again, we're trying our best to gather all the information we can so that you have, you know, kind of one spot to find out what's going on and everything else is going to grow. There's a lot of stuff coming from Metroland that I am nothing, I am not at liberty to talk about yet in any way, shape, or form. But. But I do obviously have some inside information that I am fucking giddy to talk about, but I can't do that yet. But soon. Soon enough. Soon enough. Soon enough. But anyway, go to, go to what's happening, look at the calendar, and obviously, you know, it's gonna just, like I said, get. Get bigger and better as the word spreads and, you know, more. More venues are contributing the. The events and more bands are aware of it and whatever, it's just gonna grow. So the show is still gonna be kind of the same with as far as me talking way too much to get to, like, a point, but it's gonna be focused, I think, kind of more on the music. You know, I've been playing maybe two or three songs per episode, and I'm hoping to maybe, as I go forward, maybe up that a little bit and not necessarily wait for a band to have an upcoming show before I play the song on the episode, maybe just, you know, play. Play the songs to get their music out there. And that's really what it's all about, and that's kind of what I'm doing. So I am going to stop talking now and talk about an event, even though I just said that it's going to be more about the music. But I did pull this, this one right off of the Metroland now concert calendar, so you should do the same. But anyway, it's a super dark collective. They're presenting rabid children, Nathan Melts in the House of tomorrow, an electric turtle that is tonight, September 26, at no fun in downtown Troy. You should definitely go check that out. Great bands, all three of them together. It's going to be a sick lineup, obviously. As you know, I talk about no fun shows on this show a lot. So, like, my love of the venue is fairly well known, so go check it out. Rabid children, Nathan Meltz in the house of tomorrow, an electric turtle. That is tonight at 07:00 at no fun in Troy. And right now let's listen to a song from rabid children. This is we should have died. And it's here on unsigned 518 weekend spotlight. [00:05:52] Speaker C: Skin. [00:05:52] Speaker B: Now it's time to get three degrees. [00:06:00] Speaker C: You live. [00:06:02] Speaker D: It's better just let it. [00:06:07] Speaker E: All be wrong. [00:06:29] Speaker B: After what we used to say. [00:07:36] Speaker A: Rabid children should have died. Playing tonight, Thursday, September 26 at no fun in Troy. Go check them out. And right now I'm gonna go to the phone and talk to my buddy Rooney Ghosh of the band adequate fill and find out what's going on with them because I know they got a lot of stuff going. So we're gonna check in with Rooney and see what's up. Rooney. Hey, so it's been a minute since we talked and, you know, I do want to thank you for your, for your patience while I get back to you. You know, we were rolling out a little thing called the Metroland. So I got distracted for a minute, but then I was like, oh, fuck, I can't leave him hanging. So here we are. I know, like, you sent me over your singles and I did add them to the official Metroland playlist. I don't know if you saw that. [00:08:28] Speaker F: But I did not write on thanks so much. [00:08:31] Speaker A: I did. But in the interim, you had an album come out, right? [00:08:38] Speaker F: Yeah. There's a lot of, lots of material and lots of things going on in the adequate fill universe as of late. Almost too much, man. Yeah. There's been the split single that we put out with the two local MC's in Troy. Actually, big lettuce and young Alfredo. That was really cool. That came out last month. And basically for that, what was really neat was because we've always dug each other's sound. The kind of theme was that one of us would make a beat, make a composition, and the other band would hop on it and vice versa. So that came together real nicely. We're kind of almost looking forward to incorporating some of their verses and their vibe for potential future projects. [00:09:29] Speaker A: And I love that doing like a split, but, like, actually having like a theme to it and, you know, like how you made the music and then they, you know, I love that. [00:09:38] Speaker F: Thanks, man. Thanks. Yeah, it was like we literally just made a makeshift studio actually in Andrew's basement. Andrew's the drummer for adequate fill. And the technical difficulties because I ended up producing like a large chunk of that. But just setting up the studio and stuff, there were some technical difficulties which actually resulted in this rant. About Bucatini Pasta, which ended up being the entire song of one of the. [00:10:07] Speaker A: That wasn't a scripted rant. [00:10:09] Speaker F: Absolutely not. But I was too good to not record and incorporate. [00:10:14] Speaker A: So I think once we wrap up here, I should play that tune for everybody so that they can see what you mean, because I had no idea. I thought it was like, wow, nice. [00:10:27] Speaker F: Oh, nope, that was all completely off the cuffs. [00:10:31] Speaker A: And then. So what else? What else do you got going on? [00:10:35] Speaker F: Yeah, so then that was last month, and this month, we finally ended up actually finishing up our debut album, which really is a compilation of all the tracks that the original kind of lineup when you saw us. [00:10:51] Speaker A: Right. [00:10:53] Speaker F: Crafted together. And we actually finished recording last year. But, um, you know, getting everything mixed together and getting the album art and everything, we ended up collaborating with local artist Emily Doar, who is. Who did, like, can't make it a hand kind of collage for the album art itself. Um, you know, in an era of, like, AI and things, or you could just generate an album art. We really wanted to make it a point to go as analog and support other artists as we could, but so that was, like, you know, she designed some great album art for that, but really, it's a compilation of seven songs that we already put out and then three new ones to kind of close out the whole thing and the whole album, like, you know, it's a kind of a concept thing, really, is the story of, like, a relationship. You know, there's relationships that just, you know, ultimately don't work out, whether it's, like, romantic professional friendships and stuff like that. It very loosely kind of tracks that arc from beginning to end. You know, a relationship that, you know, both, all parties understand is not meant to be and kind of coming to terms with that. So, yeah, another thing kind of adding to the busyness and craziness what we ended up doing to support that, too, was the current lineup, even though that's changed. So me, Andrew, and Malone, who joined us for one season of adequate fill, though he has since left because the sugar hold, another great band you all should check out, is blown up. But we ended up recording a rooftop stripped down acoustic kind of one shot run through where we didn't, like, we hardly rehearsed, like, maybe ran through the songs of once and did it all in one shot, and then we kind of are chopping it up and slow dripping out very stripped down acoustic versions of all the tracks, which we thought was, like, a very interesting and sharp contrast to, like, the. I mean, you know, how our. I mean, if you listen to the tracks and stuff, they're pretty dense and animal collectively produced. So we figured we'd go the exact, like, opposite direction and do something and put it out there. [00:13:10] Speaker A: So, yeah, that's rad, man. I dig that. Well, cool. Well, I won't keep you too much longer. I know, I know you've got shit to do. [00:13:18] Speaker F: And, oh, yeah, I'm like, literally doing this in the middle of my, I work for this state, so this is on my smoke break. [00:13:25] Speaker A: I didn't want to say, I didn't want to blow it up. I, like, started saying it. I was like, should I say that he's at work? [00:13:30] Speaker F: No, it's all good. It's part of my union agreement to have this little 15 minutes. [00:13:35] Speaker A: You're allowed to podcast for 15 minutes. [00:13:38] Speaker F: We don't specify what's authorized and unauthorized. [00:13:41] Speaker A: But, yeah, that's awesome. Well, Rooney of adequate Phil, thank you so much. And where can everybody find your music and find you on the socials? [00:13:53] Speaker F: Sure. So, yeah, you could just probably, you know, it's all on the Spotify's and all the big streaming corporate, you know, machines. They got the tracks. And usually as far as more information about upcoming shows and different things, Instagram, you could just probably search adquetfil right in there. That, that would be the page to follow to keep, you know, they keep kind of tabs on what we got coming up next. [00:14:21] Speaker A: Sick. And we should hear bucatini, shouldn't we? [00:14:24] Speaker F: Oh, dude, that's, that's a good one. [00:14:27] Speaker A: Let's, let's listen to Bucatini. Adequate fill with big lettuce. Young Alfredo and Rooney Ghosh. Thank you again so much. [00:14:36] Speaker F: Thank you, man. Honestly, thanks for having me. [00:14:41] Speaker G: Yeah, yeah, yeah. Let's go. Let it, let it rock. Let it rock. I was thinking pocatini. I was thinking. I was thinking about Pocatini, but it was all dream. Pocatini, but it was all dream. I was thinking about bucatini, but it was all dream. Yeah, bucatini. Liquidity on the fed. [00:15:31] Speaker B: Chinny. [00:15:32] Speaker G: Say it. I can't decide. It's on my mind that I can't have it all. You try to show up, but you need a reservation up. Yeah. Not the off guard doc. This is what you want. Salt's on the side, a little wine I can't provide. Let me take you out for lunch or even brunch. [00:16:08] Speaker C: I'm on two chili dogs, extra onions, in the bullpen. My uncle pitch for the Yanks. I ever tell you about that? That was back in in the sixties and now I'm blowing down half of a 50 victim purell growing up, my packing is sticky shorty going for the splits letter tackle me quickly shorty wet and shorter think I'm battling Misty, I know the deal nah, that ain't no mystery nah, it ain't no fucking Agatha Christie going hard till the family lavish and rich even working to the bone till I'm tragic, that's fine cause it ain't so sad, it's a pity shorty let me do the dog I was patting the kitty kid grabbed a beer then I put a cap on the fizzy thanking God himself I never did an album Diddy, thank God sweater porn star, yeah, brasses afflict me and when I leave I know you bastards will miss me met her, run the app she was matching up with me show her I like her cover up her back with some hickeys Lucy wap baba loose she was watting for Ricky seduce me, I'm a stoosy, damn it, I'm tricky rolling weed on my phone in the back of the whitney then we get some bucatini fun special dinner special. No bread baskets. Get that shit. I'm on low carb right now. I'm sure the bread's great, I'm sure it's great, but I ain't gonna swap that shit up. There's gonna be no sauce left in my bowl. Like y'all motherfucker soaking up our sauce and think we ain't seen fucking meatballs. Brought your girl to Olive Garden she said, thank God someone brought me place at once she paid, I got prayed it was just to go I tipped on it I'm not savage passed on. [00:18:04] Speaker F: The side. [00:18:10] Speaker C: Good night, good night, good night. [00:18:13] Speaker A: Bootcatini, adequate fill with young Alfredo and Big lettuce here on unsigned 500 eighteen's weekend spotlight. And what we're gonna do right now is I've got my new friends up north in Ontario, Michael and Jake of Bad Club media, and they do a show, bad music club, where it's, like I said, essentially the same thing that I'm doing, which is why I think we hit it off so well. They dedicate a lot of their time just trying to elevate bands in their area by giving them a platform, playing their music, and extending their reach and giving them a voice. And that's kind of what I do. So we've arranged a little bit of a band trade. So every week, I'm gonna send a 518 band on up to Canada. Not. Not physically, but you know, I'm gonna send an mp3 up to my friends in Bad club media and they're gonna play it on their show. And every week they're gonna send me one of their. They do a short segment called bands you should know. And it's so, so clever. You should really check it out. They do on the socials, on their instagram, they have these little monsters that do the talking for them. And that alone is worth the price of admission. It's what caught my attention. I really dig it. So go check them out, bad club media and watch their, their daily. And they do that daily. So that's a lot of work. You know, everybody says it's a lot of work that I put out a couple a week. Like, you know, I know they're short, but they put out a lot of, a lot of content. They work really hard and they're also really cool guys. So check out Badlanda club media and their bands, you should know. And right now I'm gonna, I'm gonna play the one that they just sent me not 15 minutes ago. And we'll check out a new band. And also be sure that once you listen to these, like go at the very least, like go to the bands, all the bands on this episode, when you hear the song, just if you can, you know, if you're in a place to do so, not like when you're driving or something, but like just simply go to Spotify, look up the artist and hit follow. Like that's it. You know, you. Even if you don't stream anything right away or whatever, just hit follow. And that's perfect. That's like doing a solid for the smaller artists by getting them some exposure. Because a bunch of follows and that's just gonna, gonna help. So if you could do that for everybody that I play and that would be great. But anyway, I'll stop talking now. Let's check in with Michael and Jake. Bag club media for bands you should know. [00:20:57] Speaker H: Passenger Princess has 385 monthly listeners. And it's Ottawa's number one anti bus punk rock. [00:21:03] Speaker A: Holy fuck. What an awesome band. [00:21:05] Speaker H: Fuck buses. [00:21:07] Speaker A: Fuck buses. Buses suck, man. [00:21:10] Speaker H: Is this ever good. [00:21:11] Speaker A: This is a great band. [00:21:12] Speaker H: They sound and I love it. [00:21:14] Speaker A: Check them out. [00:21:15] Speaker H: They're lace. Release is the PPEP, which came out June 18, 2024. [00:21:21] Speaker E: There he is down the street the fucker in a striped car how does it feel? [00:21:25] Speaker B: They get a living as a bee. [00:21:26] Speaker E: I'm a pain and all you do is cost great oh, you should spend your life locked up behind bars and I'm not too pussy to say to. [00:21:34] Speaker B: You, I'm coming up to you and. [00:21:35] Speaker E: Spit it in your face. [00:21:36] Speaker B: Yes, I'm coming up to you and spitting in your face. I'm not too pussy, spitting in your face. [00:21:46] Speaker E: I was two minutes late this fucking day. Two minutes late. Well, I hope he has a field day, goes over, buys himself a nice big steak, a nice big steak with my heart. [00:21:55] Speaker B: I got. [00:22:01] Speaker E: I gotta park in ticket. I gotta park in ticket, right down the street got a parkin ticket I gotta park in ticket, there, got me beat, got a parking ticket, I got a parking ticket and I knockin up a. Take my money and run, take my money and run I'm not gonna sit and watch what you do. You dirty hawks, you wanna be cops? I got no patience left, I got no money left, got no patience left, I got no money left, got no. [00:22:50] Speaker B: Patience left, got no money left to find your job. Got a fucking cigarette, I got a fucking cigarette, down the street got a fucking ticket, I got a fucking ticket, they got me beep. Got a fucking ticket, I got a fucking ticket, right down the street got a fucking ticket, I got a fucking ticket in it. Not gonna be get a real job. [00:23:26] Speaker A: That was passenger princess with parking ticket. Brought to you by my friends Michael and Jake of bad club media. Go. Definitely check them out. They're doing really great work and I dig those guys. Alright, right now we are gonna hear a song off the new Pine Boys Ep. But I just wanted to kind of do a little shameless self promotion. But, but I mean, it is my show, so I guess that that kind of, of makes sense. But my first album review in Metroland came out just hours ago as I'm recording this. And the first one was for Pine Boys new Ep Gleam. And when I was driving up to Canada, I had a eight plus hour drive up to Canada that I did all in one shot. So I listened to gleam on loop like five or six times and was like, you know, kind of thinking of it in my head. And then I jotted down some notes at a rest stop a couple times and kind of put together the listening party, I guess you could say for that. But anyway, go check out my review on of the Pine Boys new ep Gleam. And right now we're going to hear a great song off it. It's a part two, so you do have to go back in the Pine Boys catalog to listen to part one to fully appreciate it. But anyway, it's fang part two, Pine boys. And it's here on unsigned 518 weekend. [00:24:51] Speaker D: Spyg run away no, no worry when all Ricky's okay he put an ad in the cassette, kept checking at the vet but no good news about our old dear Peter teared up at the toys that were his. Even paid a private doll, the best in the biz. Doesn't get easier, don't know how to cope. Just wanted to hold, holding no hope. Big old grin in the pick of the sills and we know you'll be back, buddy. We know you will spend every night peeping at the back deck the kids and I were ranked and one night air full of thick fox all four legged shadow jump over a lock but it wasn't just fag, he brought some new friends a cold cat, deer head, a bear ran, a moose and an eagle on his back. I was just so glad my old boy came back. Ken Colin at your name just like the last time Fang opened up his mouth and said, these guys help me through it. I didn't know you could talk, fang. I never knew it. So glad you came back, buddy. Glad you came through. So glad you came back. Boy, you know we love you. You kept calling out your name just like the last time. You kept calling out your name just like the last time. You can call another name just like the last time. [00:27:38] Speaker A: The Pine boys with Fang, part two of their new ep gleam. And you can read my review over at the Metroland. So the next artist I'm going to play, her name is Lennox and she just came on my radar, like literally a couple days ago. She had a conversation with my friend Chris Wink over at wext and I know she's playing the Linda for their live and local at the Linda on October 4, but I reached out to her today and just asked if it was, you know, cool if I played one of her songs. And we're talking about getting her on an episode of Unsigned 518 proper, so look for that coming soon. An episode with Lennox? I don't know. I don't know when you know, it's in the early stages now, but at some point we'll make it happen. But right now I'm going to play her latest single. And like I said before, make sure that you go on Spotify and socials and find these artists and give them a follow and do some comments and stream their music. It really helps. It really helps with engagement and the almighty algorithm, so to speak. But anyway, this is Lennox when a heart breaks and it's right here on unsigned 500 eighteen's weekend spotlight. [00:29:00] Speaker I: When your head's in the clouds, it's a lonely fall down? Wake up in peace? It's broken and bleeding? They're on the ground, they're on the ground? All the king's horses, all the king's men tried to fix me? But nothing could make me better again? Better again? What you give isn't always when you get back? You can only take so much until you cry? [00:29:36] Speaker J: When a heart breaks? Feels like you never find the body to put it back together? Cause hanging on something when I got away? Could turn your life into slow fade? Tell me what to do? Tell me what to say? Tell me it's all gonna be when I break? [00:30:12] Speaker I: I was afraid to look me in the face? Cause something inside was open? And finally, von Arrappo. Finally, von Arrow. Pick myself up, learning to lie? All of the blemishes scars? The victimization I couldn't ignore? Nobody told me before? [00:30:36] Speaker J: When I face a body to put it back together? To say to me okay, when I? [00:31:24] Speaker I: What you give isn't always when you get by? You can only take so much until you cry? [00:31:36] Speaker J: When a heart breaks? Feels like I'll never find somebody to put it back? Put it back, put it back with a hype back? Feels like you never find the body to put it back together? Cause hanging out doesn't wanna get away? Tell me what to do? Tell me what to say? Tell me it's already okay when you are. [00:32:37] Speaker A: That was Lennox with when a heart breaks here on unsigned 500 eighteen's weekend spotlight. And that is it for this episode. Make sure that you, like, rate and subscribe wherever you listen. And obviously, sharing with a friend is really great. Super helpful. Helps spread the word, helps, helps get the podcast in front of more people who then listen to it, and so on and so on. You get it. And obviously, keep checking in with take a look at the concert calendar. That's gonna grow. There's content coming every day. We've got a great team of journalists, photographers, and, you know, obviously Aaron and kiki are just kicking everybody's ass in the 518, making this shit happen. And I'm super honored to just be on the team. So is where it's all gonna happen. So we appreciate you. Anyway. I am Andy Scullen. This is unsigned 500 Eighteen's weekend spotlights. I'll see you on the road. Unsigned 518 is produced and hosted by me, Andy Scullen. New episodes are available every week wherever you stream podcasts. If you'd like to help support the show, please like and subscribe wherever you are listening. Or you could buy me a [email protected]. unsigned 518 if you would like to advertise on the show, send me an email at Unsigned 508 and to be a guest on the show, reach out to me through Instagram Unsigned 518 take care of one another other and I'll see you next week. [00:34:15] Speaker F: And sculling.

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